Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #6

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Mi Diario: 30 junio 2024 // My Diary: June 30 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. En lo personal, conforme avanzaba la semana hemos mejorado de la gripe/Covid que tenemos. Los cambios han sido inapreciables de un día para otro, pero considerando la situación que el proceso de recuperación es evidente. Vamos más despacio de lo que nos gustaría y de lo que suelen tardar estos episodios, pero saldremos de esta, jeje. La gripe ha provocado que perdiera mi racha de días seguidos haciendo meditación

Having To Walk Away, Is Not An Easy Thing To Do by @trucklife-family

I have been blessed with meeting some pretty amazing people down through the years. Some of them, have become close friends, some like family, chosen family. Living away from my homeland, it's important to have a supportive network around you, especially as a solo parent. I'm lucky that my girls have quite a few 'Aunts and Uncles',around them. People that have stepped up when I needed extra support or help

Mindful Productivity by @olujay

I wonder if it's just me, but there was once a time as a child when I often felt that I was more capable than my body was telling me. I didn't quite understand the importance of sleep (or rest at all), and so I thought it was a waste of time when the 24 hours in a day didn't even feel enough. I was only a kid, though, and the extra time I wanted was always going to be spent watching cartoons. I still think like that, though. I tend to feel that I can do more than I am handling without considering that I am just in a human body after all, and it doesn't have unlimited capabilities

Alright if I Leave? by @honeydue

I've always had a bit of a difficult relationship with people. I remember asking in a post I wrote last year, Is it alright if I walk away? I have a habit of walking away when I recognize the cause to be lost. And it often creates moral quandaries because it's not always easy, and sometimes the people you're trying to walk away from tend to follow you. Ask why

Loss of a loved one and the complicated mess it results in by @jerrytsuseer

I started filling this out as you can see, but I was afraid I wasn't doing something right, AND this hinky software was being hinky. The probate judge STRONGLY suggested I contact a lawyer, and there was one right there who handled these types of cases on a (more or less) routine basis. He gave me the number of "Glee Smith" attorney at law. (Her standard fee is $1500.00) I called, got some sort of legal secretary who proceeded to give me a disturbing 'interrogation'. Keep in mind that: A. I was being called upon to deal with the death of my brother B. I had just signed the documents authorizing his cremation C. I WAS DEALING WITH THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER, and most pertinent D. I have PTSD/Anger management issues, which manifest very quickly the longer I am on the phone with someone

To be grateful and to let go is to live || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #4 [ENG-ESP] by @marilour

To be grateful and to let go is to live I flow in dynamism and transformation, along this path called life, I accommodate myself to the coming and going of the symbology of social relations, with encounters, but also of misunderstandings, in the inquiry of glimpsing and cultivating my essence in connection. I am an accumulation of meanings in construction and perennial reconstruction, flashes of my human ecosystem, nourished by my behaviors, values, and beliefs, exchanged in an infinite framework of facts that impregnate and permeate my doing, in order to be. This is how I present myself to the otherness, with the others, spruced up with representations and emotions, in need of collectivity, to access and feed myself in the symbology of different ways of thinking and acting, but also to contribute in the interaction. I am not the exception, I have also had to distance myself from some friends at some point, to preserve my physical and mental health. I will talk to you in context

Adventures In Homesteading (Day 33) by @jacobpeacock

Hello Everyone! On time at last, Swimming in a day use area, A fire found unattended, Another water run, A felled poplar & A wee bit of terraforming is in order! Alright, I am actually more or less on time today with my writing routine... which (considering my very long day) is a good feeling given how hit or miss that I have been with that particular task. It is kind of funny that during all this time that I have kept missing my mark with the writing

Have you had to walk away from a friendship?. by @ijebest

Waoh this week's Thoughtful Thursday prompt 4 is important into our lives and livelihood. This guarantees deeper personal reflections on how far one has been dealt with. Either having been well received, treated or rejected by friends. This transcends even in the relationships between relatives within our families. I'm that kind of a person that has been caring for others, carrying everyone along, wanting and walking for the very best results to make better the situations i find others both friends and relatives without even thinking of what i can benefit or the results i can get

A NEW LEAP by @nonsowrites

PHOTO BY ME It just dawned on me that I have barely two months before my RELOCATION. My wife is started her Master's degree program in October and we need to find a job and settle in a new country. I am excited about the idea of migrating but the reality is a need a lot of money to get us over there, and right now I don't know to get it without doing something extreme, and by extreme I mean selling all I have. It is worth it? It been five years since I graduated from college

Walking away.. by @drhakam

Hi. The prompt of the week includes a very interesting question. It is about walking away to sustain our mental health. Have I done that? I think yes

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


Great work everyone and thanks for the mention ☺️


Congratulations 👏🎉👏 to all of us, thank you community for this mention to me, it makes me feel very great 😃👍.
Thank you dear @wes for your continued concern for the growth of this community. God bless you 😇.
