Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #9

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Something my grandmother taught me by @sirenahippie

Today I return to participate in another great prompt from this beautiful community of my friend @wesphilbin. I invite @mercmarg to participate in this nice activity. Here I share this week's invitation, which corresponds to This week's question is: What is a piece of wisdom that you have been gifted by an elder? How did this gem help you along on your path in life? I shared little time with my paternal grandmother, and I practically did not know my maternal grandmother

Mi Diario: 14 julio 2024 // My Diary: July 14 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. El pasado miércoles alcancé un hito importante para mí en esta aventura llamada Hive: 10000 HP acumulados en mi cartera. Después de alcanzar el estado de delfín era la siguiente meta por ser una cifra redonda, además de pasar de cuatro a cinco dígitos. Llegar a este punto me llena de satisfacción. La euforia no dura mucho, pues ya tengo mi próximo objetivo en la mente para seguir motivada a avanzar

Adventures In Homesteading (Day 43-44) by @jacobpeacock

Hello Everyone! Guest take priority, Bob Backwords passes on & Quite the short entry! Alright, I am running rather far behind on my writing routine schedule and even though I could have written yesterday I wanted to spend time with my guest. That adventure in and of itself deserves its own novel and yup it is that same friend that doing that once or twice a year for all these years now. It was a really enjoyable visit and they totally saw just how challenging that both the terrain and the heat actually is here on the side of this hill where I am establishing a farm

Missing My Happy Place by @coinjoe

Last night I was going through some pictures on my phone and came across the one above. It is one of me on my cousin Matt's antique Allis Chalmers tractor mowing some grass. The location I was mowing was where we called the "Farm". The Farm is about 13 acres of land that my aunt and uncle once lived on and owned. They have passed on and now one of my other cousins owns the property and Matt and I used to take care of it for our use of it

Rough Times? It's surely not some evil forces milking me. by @kenechukwu97

This day's experience and the wild adventure it came with gave me flashes of the tedious lifestyle that I usually have to adopt in my attempt to build my finances while maintaining my work life balance. I've seen so much about this world to know that a man's life usually starts to crumble the moment his finances go through a recurring dip. Mine haven't been looking good for the most part of the year and I've never raised too many complaints about that. It's not the world turning its back on me or some evil forces milking me. Instead, life was hitting me hard and I knew best to step up, review the situation I'm in, and identify how to create a lasting solution to my problem

𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 by @amiegeoffrey

Surrounding ourselves with positivity requires intentionality, even the holy book says the one walking with the wise will become wise and the one walking with the foolish will fair badly, this goes a long way to prove that our growth sometimes depends on the company we keep. Ever noticed how most times we become what we read and who we mingle with? Ever heard Show Me Your Friend and I Will Tell You Who You Are? Growing up, my parents did a fine job raising me to be very picky with my friends, in my mom's words, pick your friends just as you pick beans, and whenever they sensed a friend of mine who was no good for me, they alert me to discard such friendship, at first I didn't understand that all they were doing was to groom me to become a better person, I felt like they were strict, restrictive and even anti social until when I grew older, I knew better. Some circles of friends are good for nothing, imagine having friends who wouldn't say positive things whenever you're around them, or the ones who would rather gossip about others instead of focusing on their life, or the ones has no better plan for their future, and the list of those good for nothing friends are endless

The best advice I received by @madilyn02

Advice is like a guiding light that helps us face life's challenges, it is a treasure trove of wisdom and experiences shared by others to help one learn and grow. Everyone needs advice some time in their life and a it takes a person who loves you to give you good advice for life! My advice often comes from my mom, and the people I consider my friends. I have received a lot of advice from my older friends and they've kept me going in the right direction. I'll share with you one of the best advice I've ever received from an elder

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #5 [EngEsp] by @mercmarg

Greetings to the ThoughtfulDailyPost community. Weekly Question. What wisdom has an elder gifted you with? How has this gem helped you on your life's journey? From childhood at home we are taught by example to value the elderly

Casimiro, wisdom at the bedside of the sick || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt # 5 [ENG-ESP] by @marilour

Casimiro, wisdom at the bedside of the sick If there is one thing I am grateful for in this exquisite and nourishing journey called life, it is my faithful and close companion, my complex and enigmatic secretary, my brain. Yes, as you read it, he has zealously safeguarded the records of what has been lived and what has been experienced through the senses. With portentous efficiency, he has worked hard and with little rest, generating a distinguished order, keeping the desired evocations at my disposal, preserving with zeal and as far as possible, the greatest ostentation in detail. Nevertheless, he remains suspicious and crafty, for it holds arcane secrets that I have not yet been able to elucidate. You may be wondering what connection my prelude has with this week's question, I will tell you that it has a lot to do with it

Daring To Be Different - My Choice by @ngwinndave

Welcome Back! Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to my space. I am always excited to see you here visiting my blog and I would love you to know that I appreciate your engagement on my posts. Thank you so much

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


Thank you very much for presenting us with excellent curation. Also everyone's amazing skills and the magnificence of the story makes this promo even smoother. It's a joy to share some of the hidden stories of everyone's life, family ties. But I will continue my efforts, maybe in the future I can be one like them.


Thank you for the mention and support. It’s always a big honour for me. ❤️


Thank you so much, it's an honor to be featured here.


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