Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #7

By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

Mi Diario: 7 julio 2024 // My Diary: July 7 2024 by @palomap3

Hola, querido hiver. En estos días el precio del Hive está lo más bajo que he visto hasta ahora. Sé que es difícil mantener la motivación mientras tú acumulas HP pero ves que tu cuenta vale cada día menos. El ánimo general decae. Hay una bajada pronunciada de las publicaciones y las interacciones

Merry Xmas Everyone! by @tranquil3

Photo by cottonbro studio: This is in response to a question posed by @ericvancewalton. Check it out When you were a child, what did you look forward to most? My answer: Christmases were the highlight of my childhood and remain my fondest memories! I looked forward to celebrating it every year, for that reason, December was my favourite month. Christmas in the 80's and early 90's was super fun and I think everyone felt the Christmas frenzy, that even the cold harmattan wind couldn't dampen the excitement in the air

Disenchantment by @jhymi

I heard this word for the first time from my father. Big words are thrown around him a lot and I picked up on all of them. But one time, I got embarrassed because I used one of the words I heard my Dad throw around in public. But it was in the wrong context. I promised to always ask my Dad the meaning of words before I uttered them for anyone to hear

Fingers Crossed by @olujay

"Rather than just feeling frustrated and keeping on complaining, how about you do something about it"? I thought to myself in one of those times I sat feeling really exasperated. I have grown really weary of feeling helpless about the electricity problems I face every now and then and also talking about them. So I decided to do the unthinkable. I have been job hunting for a while, ever since I completed my national service year

Ser positiva en medio de la negatividad cuesta|Being positive in the midst of negativity costs by @lisfabian

¡Hola usuarios! Hace algunos días me pasó algo particular, no sé si en los otros estados de Venezuela, tienen la misma problemática del gas así como lo tenemos aquí. Yo colaboro con la jornada de gas en mi sector cada vez que llega, pero lamentablemente, de un tiempo para acá, la intolerancia entre las personas se va haciendo más fuerte, sobre todo entre vecinos. Para el momento de hacer la lista de las personas que pidieron el gas, se me olvidó por completo anotar a un vecino muy cercano, de verdad, suelo tener mucho cuidado con eso, de hecho, lo hago solo para colaborar con el equipo de beneficios, no estoy metida en ese equipo pero me llevé tremendo lío ese día. Hello users!

Everything returns by @intishar

It says that whatever we do to others will return to us in various ways. If one person does good for others, then good things will return to him, and if one does something bad for others, then bad things will return to him. I don't know how it happens, but it's real, although there is no logical explanation for it. I don't know if you have noticed that kind of incident or not, but I have seen several incidents that have made me believe that it actually happens. Maybe it's hard to notice the return of a good deed, but in the case of a bad we can easily notice it

Nothingness. by @balikis95

The dreadful feeling. How did it come to be? You may ask, and the more you question yourself, the more pain you get, your worry gets multiplied, and then nothingness. That void that seems never to be filled no matter how much love you pour in it. It can drive one crazy especially when you keep experiencing it over and over again when you thought you had taken care of it


If there is one thing that you should always wish against in this life, it is for you not to have anything to do with dream killers. This is a very important thing one should wish against. If possible, make it a daily prayer point, it is that serious. You may wonder why I'm saying this. Well it's because some people are living in regrets today because they listened to the suggestions, contributions or advice of dream killers and as such couldn't pursue their dreams

Alone in my Thoughts. by @kenechukwu97

They say "Be careful of what you wish for" and I believe that statement to be true. We can't possibly be sure of what the future holds and that's why I try to appreciate the journey I've had and the things I'm going through even when I know that I have some other things that momentarily hit my mind. I have really wild thoughts about things and there are moments when I start thinking about weird things which could make for an interesting discussion. Just this morning, I was wondering what life could be like if we were spending time without our phones. This is something I've experienced back when I haven't started using solar energy as my primary source of electricity supply

A different bullet by @becca-mac

Sometimes a girl just needs a bullet to make her feel good, feminine and ready for action. I needed one last week, and ended up with three, it just seemed like good value and I knew I'd use them all, but not at the same time; I'd put them to my lips, which one would depend on my mood and, because I've done it before, knew just how I'd feel... I wanted to feel that way so made the purchase. It's not the sort of bullet that requires a gun, in truth it's not a bullet at all but it sort of looks like one; hmm, not really although the shape is a little similar. It's lipstick, and when I was out last week I came across one of those too good to be true bargains and I simply could not resist

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!


Thank you for the support.

Hey! We appreciate your posting in our community! Goodness knows, there's a LOT of community's!




Congratulations to those supported, thank you for supporting them

Hello! Appreciate your stopping by... I have not seen your words in our community. As for the congratulations; these fine people have worked for their mentions. We also need to remember the real meaning of "Support". SO many associate "support" with "upvotes"; this is the farthest from the truth! Having someone stop by your post that you spend hours on... making sure it's 'just right', has proper sources... original content... correct community/guidelines. Then having someone leave you a meaningful reply? Priceless... and "real" support.

It's when we do all we can for our blockchain... Power Up those rewards... Provide positive and meaningful content. Stay clear of the situations, that may slap a target on our back (AKA: Hivewathcers)... THIS is what we need on our blockchain, and what these fine people are trying to convey. Perhaps we will see your words in our community!



Support goes beyond upvote, meaningful comments encourages the creator to continue doing more better, I always love it when people stop by my post and am also working hard to do same in other to motivate original and quality content creators.
