RE: Web 3 Social Is It Really Hive?

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I think that the social aspect is only one piece to it, although a massive piece. I am starting to really see @taskmaster4450 's point about looking at it more as a decentralized database.

I agree that 3speak is trying to do too much and not getting enough really finished with any of it. Plus it is only like one or 2 devs working on stuff. Same with Hive Engine. I don't know, I wish I was a better dev and I would volunteer to help, but that is all outside of my scope. As far as their token, I don't think they need one really. Hive and HBD are just fine. One thing I do like is front ends like Ecency and Inleo adding SPK network as the backend for video uploads. I think that is where we need to get them to put more focus. They need to get with the Peakd team about adding video uploads to Peakd as well.


Wish I was a better dev as well. I'm starting to think I need to pull a team together and fund something but I seriously don't want to deal with the headache of crypto taxes that come with it lol. Biggest negative about the government. It's so damn complicated that It makes me not want to take on projects because it's so stupid complicated. It's over regulation and red tape to do anything anymore.


Yeah... Never cared, lol. I am still a firm believer that crypto is supposed to be the out from the traditional system. I will do what I need to do to cover my tracks if that's what it takes, but that is my civil disobedience or the middle finger if you will to the man. But I am okay with taking on that responsibility and will disappear if I ever have to.


I think the 3speak team is focused on SPK and Distrion now.
