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Nothing like ignoring people to make them pester you more. Scaring them with phrases like 'My dead grandma is really hot, wanna see a picture? Or another favorite is - My imaginary friend says we should be friends.

Gets rid of people real fast and let's me get back to more important things. Like literally anything other than dealing with idiots.

0.004 PAL


Yeah definitely, it is odd how being ignored makes them come back harder. I will have to utilize your trademarked dead grandma lifehack, thank you.

As for ignoring it helps get the ball rolling with some because you expect the come back then you need to make them decide to leave themselves, if they think they were the ones shunning you then it tends to help keep them away :P I am actually quite a bit more polite in that phase but I suspect it is because I enjoy how they think it is important somehow lol.

0.000 PAL

The dead grandma has been the solution to so many problems, people asking for directions, money, emotional support. It seems to work most of the time

0.000 PAL

These fucking tokens again lemme see

0.000 PAL

Hahaha I haven't figured them out yet I have to buy some of the fucking things and stake em, at least that's how i think it works.

0.000 PAL