Pet peeves and Yukky Food
Cheese sucks
That is pretty much my list of yukky food. "Raw" cheese is horrid and if I accidentally do eat it, then it is like a dog that got peanut butter in its mouth but with more gagging.
As with many things, there are exceptions. I like melted cheese, so yes I eat pizza. The obvious exception to that exception is, feta doesn't melt, it will forever remain icky.
So stop putting weird shit on not weird shit.
Like Avocado, that tastes the exact same as grass smells. Good for your nostrils, bad for your mouth.
Then there are things that may be allowed if mixed and or cooked properly these would include Eggplant, Kidney, and Peppers.
Those 3 come to mind because for Eggplant and Kidney specific you get the idiot who thinks they are just yummy when cooked right. As though Eggplant does not come off exactly how you imagine brains to be. Slimy and rubbery. Kidney can be ok as in oh wow it is in beef stew and I did not even notice.
I mention peppers because, there is no world where raw Green, Red or Yellow pepper should ever be in a salad and I don't care how posh your drug front of a restaurant is. Cook the shit.
At least saute it, unlike Liver, classic Liver... Never ever, no way, not smell nor touch and over my dead body will I consume that.
So, all in all, I think I have very few food dislikes, pretty common ones I would say. Oh and cream, and yoghurt, disgusting.
In that line, I only will drink fresh milk if I literally just opened it and it is ice-cold and I drink it immediately. Any other time that better be in something like coffee or milkshake.
I can't think of anything else really, and this post is anyway in the vein of "Nobody asked, but I am going to tell you anyway."

Pretty much sums up my pet peeves, or dislikes. Most people's existence is questionable at best. That is fine, I am a love and peace kinda person. Just I like to keep that to myself, as in don't come mucking about in my love and peace bubble.
That would include, phonecalls, excessive messaging (or any really) , knowing someone too long, hearing peoples voices when I do not need to (most of the time), hearing them speak when I need to (most of the time). Basically, anything I did not initiate myself will irritate me to some extent.
Again as with most things, there are exceptions and nuances. So I have a whitelist on my phone, if you are not one of those names then you will not be able to call me.
Surprisingly on that whitelist are even some customers, 1 specific. Obviously, my boss needs to be on there and some others that for whichever reason I allow. I am not completely cold you know.
My WhatsApp I have recently configured to also follow that because one of the nuances of interacting with people for me seems to be, if I know you personally as in you can come to irritate me in person. Chances are I do not care to speak to you over any other method unless I decide I need to.
Since I don't tend to need things from these people then they can just not bother me the rest of the time, but they try to cheat, and call and Whatsapp does not block calls separate from messages so then ignore mode is the last resort.
Handling customers
So with all that it would be a surprise that I do in fact work with people on a daily basis. It is unfortunate and sadly assassins are expensive and the town is big.
So like any other pleb, I just need to grit my teeth, but the rules don't really change. The only difference is customers are more persistent and they keep coming back. They speak a lot unless you shut them down quickly and sure some are just fine to deal with. Those who are ok to deal with are good for my interaction quota.
Being ok to deal with means you are in and you are out.
Anything longer than a quick small talk session while finalizing a transaction is very much overstaying.
Follow that up with inane questions or questions beyond what is pertaining to the thing I should be doing then I need to get rid of you.
As I say, "I don't need to smile to do my job."
I think my tolerance for interaction online is much higher purely because I can shut it down at any point. "Oh no I got IRL shit to do, my internet is so wonky today."
I like the exit.
Dealing with people IRL is like a claustrophobic trap, it does not matter if it is a phone call, message or in person.
They are just different degrees of the same issue.
Obviously, the biggest pain point is working with customers, fortunately, I care to not deliver a bad job but I have no qualms about not delivering anything at all. The latter means they went away and at the end of the day that is all I want. What the quickest road to that goal is can be surprising.
It can be like helping people out of kindness will almost always bite you in the ass. People are needy and if they start off by asking you to do something that you do not really need to , and you do it. You are fucked.
An example of that would be I print photos, I can type sure. Do I type CV's or some inbred child book cover? No, not really.
Can I google? Sure. Can I find some pics for your kids project and print them? Probably. Should I? NEVER.
Those people are pathetic and helpless and they will forever be so. So the best is first instruct them how to do said thing, if there is resistance and they will not be paying premium then you know.
Get rid of them or make them get rid of themselves.
It is the same thing really with a major difference.
If you do the work and they leave, that thing will come back. If you don't do it and they decide "you are not helpful" then that is best.
So I guess my pet peeve is rather simple, everyone who has that one irritant of a human in their little family group or circle need to come together and eliminate them.
Slowly we can get to a world where anything we want is a button click and we never have to listen to what someone wants.
People and food. Good topics.
I hate, absolutely hate pineapple on a pizza. (But I love cheese.)
I hate cheesy people though. And I hate people who complain other people doing the exact same things to them what they do to other people.
And that's just two examples because now I all of a sudden decided that I don't want to be rude and write a really long comment. Usually I'm rude.
Haha how is a long comment rude? It is quite polite, if you mention everything I can just nod and agree which saves me effort. I don't mind the pineapple pizza thing , add some tobacco and it quite nice. Then again I smother almost everything I eat in chilly so I can't trust my taste.
Yeah the needy babies are very irritating, I wish there was a service that one could hire to go around slapping them.
I don't know, I thought that a long comment could be rude because usually people don't write long comments and if they do, they apologize that they did it. Or if it's like talking and talking and talking and talking without giving the listener any chance to say something too, that's rude, but then again a written comment never is something you can force people to read when you want it to be read, but yeah, I don't know, I'm a twat, I don't make the rules of life or social interaction, I just wonder about most of them.
Tobacco pizza. That's new.
Exactly. Not a service to help them, a service to slap them.
Nothing like ignoring people to make them pester you more. Scaring them with phrases like 'My dead grandma is really hot, wanna see a picture? Or another favorite is - My imaginary friend says we should be friends.
Gets rid of people real fast and let's me get back to more important things. Like literally anything other than dealing with idiots.
Yeah definitely, it is odd how being ignored makes them come back harder. I will have to utilize your trademarked dead grandma lifehack, thank you.
As for ignoring it helps get the ball rolling with some because you expect the come back then you need to make them decide to leave themselves, if they think they were the ones shunning you then it tends to help keep them away :P I am actually quite a bit more polite in that phase but I suspect it is because I enjoy how they think it is important somehow lol.
The dead grandma has been the solution to so many problems, people asking for directions, money, emotional support. It seems to work most of the time
These fucking tokens again lemme see
@penderis(1/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
but I’ve quit smoking loads of times.
Credit: marshmellowman
@rubido, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @penderis
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)
Hahaha I haven't figured them out yet I have to buy some of the fucking things and stake em, at least that's how i think it works.
There's just one problem with that method... Customers who leave never pay :( ... And we all like money 😂
It balances out ok, I keep the good and get rid of the bad. It is a pretty big town and you will have a better time just helping the good once than wasting time for a few pennies helping assholes who clearly should have been beaten more. Saying no to work can often be the best thing to do.
As long as there are enough good ones, definitely 🙌! You just have to get enough of them to keep eating, and you are good to go!
I always forget these damn tokens I wish they were more passive or something. !PIZZA !ALIVE !LOLZ
@penderis, sorry! You need more $ALIVE to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 1000.0 ALIVE staked.
More $ALIVE is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
Because they know how to multiply.
Credit: theabsolute
@wrestlingdesires, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @penderis
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)
Thanks :)
I'm not sure how they can be, as we can only call them a limited number of times? Maybe a frontend could feature buttons though, like the upvote.
Title: A Cheat sheet on how to reduce human interaction
Author: Super Bot. Haha
You've got all these figured out already.
My WhatsApp is FROZEN. I do check it once in a while to know who to knock off and co. As for phone calls, hehe...better don't bing more than twice 🤷.
Everyone have their way and what works for them. Knowing this always helps each person to maintain his/her sanity.
Yeah I guess avoiding people is a universal thing we do , some more aggressive than others lol
@penderis(2/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
You are out of jokes for the day!
@penderis you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 2 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!
Before I married her my girlfriend and myself were out for a meal and she asked me if I wanted a piece of chicken. Of course I said yes and she pushed it into my mouth. It was a massive lump of goats cheese. Never forget it. don't know how I married her.
On your last point. You would love the Irish CEO of Ryanair. Michael O Leary. He pretty much hates people with all their shit so he charges them extra if they forget something like a boarding pass. You are talking 40 quid so the fuckers won't forget it the next time. It's hilarious the complaints and he just tells them to fuck off. I love them. Here he is going on radio challenging a whingy customer.
Something in this post seems like it was verrrrrry specifically written for me lol
Don't worry. It will all work out 😂
Maybe it is just the diddy you wanted to read, maybe the diddy rings a bit different for someone else.
@penderis(3/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
did you just send me pizza and love?
who is this, and what have you done with my friend Penjamin?
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@penderis(4/5) tipped @dreemsteem (x1)
penderis tipped rubido (x1)
penderis tipped wrestlingdesires (x1)
penderis tipped kenechukwu97 (x1)
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I hear you❣️ but no dead grandma tricks, ok? 😜💖