I enjoy playing Splinterland every day.
I would like to blog about how the game is being played, as well as what is happening in my daily life from time to time.
Amo mi casa maestra psicopedagoga vendedora reparadora acuariana madre de tres. Y que la vida los trate amablemente a todos.that life treats them kindly to all
Wayfinder | Member & Kroni Holder - Gaming Chronicles | Splinterlands - Leader of Forbidden Summoners | Manager of New Bot Order and New Bot Order 2 | Gamer, Foodie, Anime, K-drama, Music
Welcome! I'm japanese.Please enjoy my mandalas. My work is cleaning up family and playing gardeners. And painter. カレイドラインズパターンアート&曼荼羅アーティスト・ガーデナー・クラフター
I am a businessman who enjoys the Web 3.0 world. I have been in Splinterlands since April 2021 and am a member of the guild Samurai Soul🗻LLAC. I write about my daily life and raising my 3 year old son on my Hive blog!
Translator, Japanese teacher, artist. I share bilingual articles with my artwork, photos, food and garden. 翻訳家・日本語講師・アーティスト。写真、アート、食べ物や庭のバイリンガル記事を書いています。