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movie clips are the only truth there is..who would know better than jews in hollywood and i trust them

" looses it!.... noooo i know the truth my truth is the only truth!.. crying ......

i know better than everybody else!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.005 PAL

Wow that video has aged so well I'm so glad I actually listened to it again.

The first time I listened to it I had no idea how much of a scam HEX was.
So listening to him shill HEX is hilarious.

No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.


No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.
No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.
No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.

@edicted is an evil rich person.
@edicted is an evil rich person.
@edicted is an evil rich person.

No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.
@edicted is an evil rich person.
No one is ever going to pump your Hive bags; they are just going to dump on you forever.
@edicted is deep state pedophile.
I'm secretly super racist.
We have to stop the Jews from taking over the world.
Hitler was right.



0.000 PAL

wow hex is ranked number 5 https://coinranking.com/

i was in on day 1 so i actually made enough hex to pay off my mortgage on a 7 acre ranch i'm now free and clear.

Seems like people got a variety of different ideas about hive. like bad pr and market sentiment hmm.. i have millions of coins in hex newest projects as well pulse and pulsex...i'm going to use that to back bbd coin i'm sure it will do very very well. bringing the first certificate of deposit to the hive blockchain.

idk if it's a scam or not but most cryptos sound scammy to me.. bitcoin 87% of the network owned by 1%

idk what the numbers on hive are but the opinions not doing so well it would seem

@edicted is an evil rich person.

my advice go find a neutral person who's observed your behavior and ask them what they think about you?

@edicted is deep state pedophile.

well you did say i was powerless yesterday and to deal with it.. that's the same thing records say jeffrey epstein said to those kids before he did what he did.

I'm secretly super racist.

i got a way to test this.. when nobody is around ask your girlfriend in all honesty no lies all truth.. ask her just to tell you if you're racist and you'll have your answer. If she doesn't answer right away hell nah.. if she beats around the bush or has to think.. then you may have your answer

We have to stop the Jews from taking over the world.
Hitler was right.

well they say the victors write history and hitler was no victor. take from that what you will

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

my advice go find a neutral person who's observed your behavior and ask them what they think about you?

Terrible and stupid advice.
How would I find a neutral person?
How would I then convince you that this person is neutral?
What behavior are you babbling about?
Legit no one on this platform has a problem with me but you and maybe one or two others.
Just kidding it's just you.

i got a way to test this

No, you don't.

Hex isn't a scam because I made money off the Ponzi by getting in early.

Yeah, amazing logic.
I've seen the HEX community, and they seem cool, so I'll just leave them to it.

Social media and downvotes are toxic!

No shit, ya don't say?


0.000 PAL

wow hive coverage at minute 26.. good job guys

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Have you not noticed that Bernie isn't even around anymore?
Such a clown.
Guess who was buying when he was dumping?

0.000 PAL

bernie was my blood brother. he's a good man one of the best men in crypto. See i never said i was against downvoting. i said i was against marky mark downvotes.. marky mark downvotes anybody not in his criminal club to extort us out of our money and hive power.

I said we should have downvotes but only by an elected committee the community entrust to do the right thing afterwards they serve a term and get the hell out of the way.

downvotes a tax on the rich as it should be.. people like you. history shows we'll win edicted remember the people really for me and against you... you do well to remember that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

You'd do well to remember how full of absolutly shit you are.

Say I'm the problem because I'm rich, and then admit you bought a house with HEX gains?
How fucking high are you?

Also, Bernie was a thin-skinned fear-mongering little bitch boy narcissist.
You fucking kidding me right now with this shit?
Just when I think you've said the stupidest thing possible, you outdo yourself.
It's incredible, truly.

downvotes a tax on the rich as it should be.. people like you

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
All of the data is on chain, dipshit.
I've pumped exponentially more value into this network than I have extracted.
Pull your head out of your ass.


Curation reward 29,434.256
Posting rewards 42,142.160

Welcome to basic math 101.

Where I've only earned 71,576 Hive total in the 4 years I've been here.
Oh, what's that?
How much do I have powered up?

Fucking clown.

0.000 PAL

Say I'm the problem because I'm rich, and then admit you bought a house with HEX gains?
How fucking high are you?

No no i didn't buy a home.. i paid off my mortgage.
The difference is like robin hood i take money from the scammers to give back to the people. i used my resources to build history and mankinds greatest idea.. the citizens dividend..i created an autocuration system with an intuitive ai to reward posts. i built my own blockchain to set men free with my resources.

yes sir

Thankyou, Richard Heart and Hex Coin!
can you say the same? i'd never succumb to crony capitalism and corporatism like you

Also, Bernie was a thin-skinned fear-mongering little bitch boy narcissist.
You fucking kidding me right now with this shit?
Just when I think you've said the stupidest thing possible, you outdo yourself.

Men of integrity must always speak truth. You're right bernie was a thin skinned fear-mongering little bitch who did punk ass shit.... but so was che guevara.. he supplied his armies with like 12 year old kids and was a murderer and brutal.. however his imagery and what he stands for .. has went far beyond that. the effect is still more powerful than the negativity.. if you compare joe rogan to che guevara what are people going to say? they will say che was a man who stood for much more important ideas than joe rogan.

just like they'd say bernie a beacon of freedom and oppression would be a better man than you. that's just how it works

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
All of the data is on chain, dipshit.
I've pumped exponentially more value into this network than I have extracted.

i must disagree with this sir the return on you guys investments should be no more than about 38% per anum in my opinion. you all pull from our resources here far more than you give. you all should be bonded to that percentile and the rest of the value should flow back into the network in my opinion.

Then they'll flash images of the greatest men in history... Nikolas Tesla, Issac Newton, Bishop Tutu.. MLK, Milton Friedman...then they'll show my picture and Bernie's.. i don't even know what bernie looks like.. he probably looks like some 25 year old liberal kid someplace with acne.. either way his picture would be up there.

The sphinx speaks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL
Your delusions of persecution and grandeur are truly a sight to behold.

Next you'll be arguing with me that 2 + 2 = 5, while acting superior doing it.

you all pull from our resources here

Yeah, you don't have any resources on Hive.
Try again. Try not being delusional and thinking rationally.
You can thank me later.

If you build something of value, that's great.

That's the great thing about crypto; anyone can build anything.

Here: let me share a secret with you:

I'm not your enemy, and your insistence on the 'fact' that I am is ridiculous.
Especially when we get this far into an argument and it's still 100% unclear what your problem is with me.
Spit it out: what's the problem?
Stop babble-talking and throwing out vague generic bullshit.
Obviously it has something to do with downvotes?
Except I don't downvote anyone. So... what the fuck?

0.000 PAL