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That transaction set your profile_image and cover_image to empty.
0.018 PAL
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That transaction set your profile_image and cover_image to empty.
How do I do that?
I see that they are literally empty at the moment, but I can't seem to edit anything on that screen (probably for good reason).
I just noticed that all my profile details are gone too... what is going on? How did that happen?
Well, you have to recollect what were you doing on
2024-02-21 06:45:42 (UTC)
. My guess is that one of the three things happened:posting_json_metadata
, it requires just posting key - any of the myriad of accounts you've allowed to sign in your name could do that (or someone those accounts allowed to sign in their name)The last possibility could be checked if we managed to decode public key from signature - it is possible, but I don't have the tool at hand at the moment.
Edit: ah, there is also possibility that you've leaked your private key :o)
Edit2: the key that signed it is the private key associated with
which is your own key.No, I don't think so... unless someone actually hacked in and got it. I do remember being in my profile details recently and maybe deleted all of it. I'm trying to rectify that stuff now.
But I haven't been able to see my Favorites feed since day one... and my Check Daily list hasn't been accessible for weeks. So I'm still a bit perplexed about that. You don't have any issues like that?
I have neither Favorites nor Check Daily in Ecency Desktop that I'm using, so I guess it is something specific to the wallet/front end you are using.
Yes, I think it was me who did it somehow.