The Humanist Journey: Embracing Rationality, Kindness, and the Beauty of Being Human


It was astonishing to discover that humanism, a philosophical stance with deep roots, bubbled up during the Renaissance period, celebrates the essence of being human. As it emphasizes rationality, dignity, and value and is said by American Humanist Association to have been informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion.
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I don't know what attracted me to learn more, maybe, it was the fact that I found something I could hold until that doesn't rely on religious beliefs. These days, even the mere thoughts of people who worship in churches yet engage in the most hideous things in secret or amongst themselves makes me puke. So, I guess finding humanism gave me a sense of identity, as though, I have found myself. For, I have come to not take churches seriously because of the different things those folks lie about to their congregation while they indulge in activities that are clearly the opposite of what they preach.

Apart from this, I love the fact that the humanists who started this movement in the past placed emphasis on being human. By being human one can seek knowledge, preserve his past and value the relationship he shares with other people. In a truer sense, they wouldn't have to rely on religious laws but on their conscience to do the right thing. These humanists have taught us to embrace diversity so no one gets to judge others for being who they are or who they want to be. If someone decides to embrace humanism or religion, society should accept their differences, foster connections, practice kindness, and coexist in harmony.
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A lot of people go down in history as Humanist. The likes of Petrarch and Boccaccio defied the expectations of society and stayed on the course of recovering and collecting lost books and manuscripts. They clearly lived by example as they embroidered one of the key characteristics of a humanist... Seeking Knowledge. They both seek to preserve the past and contribute to the growth of knowledge and art through their actions and their works.

A humanist character in the aspect of exuding kindness was advocated by Desiderius Erasmus. He encouraged every individual to explore their unique self and discover their innate abilities. And at the same time build diverse connections with other people. By being kind, humans would be able to appreciate the diverse perspective other individuals have on life. Therefore, an open-minded and inquisitive approach to living is something a core humanist should have, this way, life can be celebrated and lived with love and true humanity.

Today, those who embrace the essence of humanism understand what it means to build connections, embrace diversity, seek knowledge, and practice kindness. And if these traits are found in more humans on Earth, then, we would be able to build a better world.


Definition of Humanism

Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio

Desiderius Erasmus


And if these traits are found in more humans on Earth, then, we would be able to build a better world.

I'd say that these traits are there in most humans if you look for them, and we are building a better world. But it takes a long time to reverse centuries of religious and sovereign enslavement.

In any case, it's wonderful to see some humanism here, so I hope you'll write more soon.


I agree, we have those traits but it might take time to reverse the enslavement of religion and sovereignty.

In any case, it's wonderful to see some humanism here, so I hope you'll write more soon.

I'll do my best.

Thank you so much reading and leaving your thoughts.
