RE: Week #218: The Reason Why I Misbehaved!

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I share your view, in every institution favouritism is unfortunately in force.
That is very depressing because I should value your efficiency and human quality at all times.
But there are situations that get out of hand, and we must try to ensure that these issues do not affect our being.
Being confident in our abilities makes a difference.
What people will say will be broad and mostly negative because it is very common for people to judge by the cover without knowing the background.
But everything that is done with love will be rewarded at the least expected moment.


Thank you so much for this wonderful message of yours. Favoritism really sucks because it's really affected me before; it was so demotivating and led me to so much unproductive lifestyle. But then I realized that there are still people who believe in me, and I have nothing to prove to this kind of people; I am working for the dream I prayed for before, so no matter what, I promise to do my best now.
Thank you for dropping by 😇
