RE: Day 1976: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: pen knife


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Despite my love for pocket knife and the way I admire it when I see one, still haven't given me a reason to own one. I won't say it because I can't afford one financially or legally but honestly I don't feel threatened anywhere I find myself. I feel like having a pocket knife is like a protective means instead carrying a gun around in a country where it is legal and it's do very portable to the extend that nobody will notice it on you..

I know they use it for other things like maybe peels mango, some uses it to open wine because it has this drilling stuff, some might even use it to open beer. Every advantage of having a pocket knife is something I don't do.

Maybe if I move to a violence area or maybe a country whereby carry stuffs like this is legal I might consider having one because it's illegal in my country
