My brain is tired. But man was that a good day :)


I have so many comments to reply to and wonderful replies from people to reply back to here on Hive and yet my brain is tired! This is rare for me. I can usually think and think and think all day long. But I can tell I need to retreat and just watch some fun or funny TV (read: Netflix or YouTube videos on the big screen).

If you're one of those people I haven't got back to in the last 48 hours + I'm not ignoring you, I'm just out of brain power to say anything meaningful or consume your awesome words and translate what they mean inside my head.

Why am I so tired when I can usually think endlessly? Well, I had a fabulous session with a new client this morning. I had to get my head around her Human Design chart and challenges she's facing before our 7am call. I have a call with another fun client tomorrow morning at 7am who I've seen before and who is ready for more detail about his chart that requires me to actively study his chart. This is fun for me, it's why I actively accept clients like this, but it all takes brain juice.

In between serving today's client and studying for tomorrow's client I managed to write a post here on Hive that, I hoped, would be genuinely useful and thought provoking. I also improved my YouTube channel video descriptions and shot a YouTube short. (Am I allowed to talk about "that platform" on here? Haha. I guess it's too bad if I'm not. No censorship, right? So I guess I'll say whatever the heck I f*#&ing want!)

Often at night I would listen to another "learning" type video as my night-time entertainment. At the moment I'm on an Andrew Huberman binge. (Read: Stanford Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology who teaches the latest science, as it relates to these fields, in a mostly layperson accessible kind of way. If this interests you, know you'll be able to learn from him if you can speak fluent English and you're intellectually pretty strong. If you struggle with either of these things he's not the guy for you!). However, my brain is tired exhausted... so, no Huberman Lab for me tonight.

With TV time soon approaching it means we got a walk done. We managed, again, to sneak in a short walk between rain showers. It poured in the hour before our walk, and started to slowly rain on us in the last 200 metres. I think we did well.

And Brad did well capturing this photo, hey? Another beauty spotted by me, but captured by him.


Finally, proof. Thanks Garmin (watch) and Google Pixel (phone).


I just finished a 1.86km walking that lasted about 0hh:28mm:7ss !
Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!


Thanks for the reblog @traciyork! (BTW, does it get annoying/tiresome when I thank you? I'm grateful but maybe I should be silently grateful??) 🤔🙃😀


Who's Andrew Huberman !LOL !LUV !hivebits
