We are a diverse people stretched across a huge country. We are both the same and different but what unites us is -- We Are Canadian, Eh! Contact @ShadowsPub to be added
If you have earned "The Gardener Badge"; You have shown the ability to blog about gardening content with proper word count, grammer etc. As well as the ability to post without Plagiarizing. Basically this badge shows you are a legitimate gardening blogger. This badge may be used as a whitelist into Edenbuxx projects. Anyone can apply for this badge by tagging @a1-shroom-spores @ecoinstant or @taintedblood. Simply ask for the badge and we will review your profile.
How then am I so different from the first men through this way?
Like them, I left a settled life, I threw it all away.
To seek a Northwest Passage at the call of many men
To find there but the road back home again.