
Today I remembered something that I read and on which I want to make a reflection..

Take care of the garden of your mind. The thought you water, grows.

Although many have not understood, our brain is a machinery that does not rest, even though we sleep, it works._ Many inventions or ideas, both good and bad; they have been created, modified, built, at night, during the "rest" _. In both cases, these thoughts have been put into practice, and the results have clearly been different. In our mind live our greatest desires, thoughts, that by feeling them so ours, we dare not express for fear of mockery or negativity of those who listen to them. They also live our illusions, our want to be. Our mind is so strong, that with it we could heal a disease or on the contrary, provoke it.
In the past, many functions of the mind (brain) were attributed to the heart, and since then, we have related the heart as the place where emotions and feelings are generated, when in fact it is in our head, in our mind that this occurs . In other words, all the emotions, feelings and thoughts that we show when speaking and in our daily actions are originated, cultivated and developed in the machinery that we know as the brain through the mind.

Wow, we are amazing beings!!

Just as our body requires food for sustenance, our mind requires being well fed!

But how to feed our mind?

Our mind needs us to feed it with good thoughts. Positive thoughts that help it grow, thoughts of love, peace, joy, success; remember that the indispensable requirement to be able to do something is to want to do it, and this will only be achieved with a willing mind. We need to feed our mind with thoughts that can almost be felt by the people around us and that in a good way help us to be strong and grow inward. Let's not get caught up with conformist thoughts, that make us see the battles already lost, without even having begun to fight them. Nor can we open the way to the opinions of square-minded people, fearing challenges, who cannot see beyond their angles.
Being even clearer, if we want a positive life, let's discard negative ideas, possibilities and thoughts. Let us remember the words of the Bible that say, "Of the abundance of the heart, speak the mouth." These make reference to the fact that, everything we speak, is subject to what we have sown in our mind, what have we fed it with and it will be fruitful and beneficial, in the same measure that we have done the task well. No one can give what they don't have. Let's feed our mind correctly!


Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!


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