Rusty is doing awesome

Getting bigger

Rusty has been doing awesome these past few weeks. He has been getting his cat milk formula twice daily and has moved from being bottle fed to drinking it from a bowl. Mainly because he gets too excited and shreds the nipples to pieces while he is drinking and makes a mess all over himself. I feel really bad for the momma cats that have to feed these kittens, their nipples probably have a bunch of extra holes in them.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rusty has doubled his weight since the day we brought him in. He was so small and underweight. He is still much smaller in size than Keiichi, but he is starting to be able to hold his own when they are playing together.
Rusty is super curios when he is playing and likes to climb around on the cat tower we have and stair out the window at the birds we have in the trees. Sometimes he gets too excited when looking out there and stretches out too far and loses his balance.
Tonight my parents are coming over and bringing their two little dogs over, so it will be interesting to see how they act with the kittens. I am sure that Titus is going to be VERY protective of his new babies and not let those dogs anywhere near them. It should be pretty interesting.

Rusty and Keiichi spend a lot of their day playing together, so they have to be sure to get a lot of cat naps throughout the day. They have a whole bed to themselves and spend a lot of time cuddling together while they are sleeping. It is one of the cutest things ever.
I am going to have to take Rusty and Keiichi outside again some time soon and go on another adventure now that the weather is starting to cool off. We aren't going to be over 100 degrees this week, so that is nice. Thanks for stopping by and checking in on Rusty. He is the coolest rescue kitten on the blockchain.

Awwwww, Rusty looks exactly like my cat when we got her! All standing fur... furball that grew a plump tum tum!! :D
After Rusty drinks his morning milk, he looks like he is about to pop when he is walking away because his stomach is so full, lol. It is pretty funny.
Hahaha - I can imagine that! :D
So cute - you will be rewarded for saving them - well I think they already entertain you a lot
Ya, Rusty keeps me on my toes. Especially when I am in the kitchen and he thinks I am getting his milk ready because he thinks I am a cat tower and wants to climb up my legs to get on the counter.
Hahaha my cats still think the only reason I am in the kitchen is to feed them.
Sounds like they are both doing really well, and that's awesome to hear! Thanks for rescuing them... and yes, I know how it goes when you become a "Cat House."
I have always had cats growing up, so I have had a special love for them. They are little furry balls of love.
Rusty the little monkey how cute 🐱
Wow! Very cute cat!

Upped 💯 and resteemed
Thank you
I hope the kittens and dogs play nice :) Super cute
They have a lot of fun together. Titus and Rusty and best friends.
Rusty! So glad to hear he's doing awesome, the lil caboodle <3333
He is, undoubtedly, the cutest rescue kitten on the blockchain!!! <3333333
I am glad that you agree. He is my special little guy.
I like the kitten's cute eyes. So adorable~ meow!
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Thank you.
That cat is pretty adorable
Thanks. He is a lot of fun.