I can now post using keychain and ANYX settings, here is how you can post after steem chain went down. Need new API settings

Go into your keychain settings

Click preferences or 4 squares in top right

keychain is designed so weird, and should use ENGLISH not symbols lol preferences has no label But you get what you pay for, and it needs to be on scatter anyway keychain has not been updated and needs to be dirtched for something better but until e have that we are stuck with keychain which doesnt even automatically switch to working API links :) One day it could ... its open source so its our faults for not updating it. yapabmatt has done everything he was suposed to do and more, Im upset at peopel who have mnade a lot of money off steem and dont invest any back into paying for development. like @ned and @elipowell whose paycheck should 100% go back into steem dev's pockets she shouldnt be taking a single dollar, like steve jobs

Now select the settings for anyx here thanks to anyx

Now you can post!
