'Arpetic' - New Original Music - A Quick Idea from Last Night - Electronic/Instrumental

This is a quick creation from last night

which turned out pretty cool. I started with Track 1, which is technically a drum kit, though it's made up of various vocal samples, starting with the root of a scale (either major or minor, in this case minor), then each step up the scale, past the next octave. So, I had it play the line pictured to the right. Played this quickly it doesn't really sound much like vocals which I think worked well. Track 2 was recorded from a sound from the Arturia CMI V demo, which plays another scalar line; I actually recorded Track 1 to audio, then had Ableton 'Convet Melody to New Track', which resulted in a slightly varied line Track 2 plays. Track 3 adds our chords, which consist of 3 of the same chords, 6 bars per, and 3 chord change totals: C5, Ab (Ab over C), and F5 (with the F on top), before repeating.
Track 4 was recorded from a
Jup-8 demo synth sound, which has a bassy, almost kick like effect, and plays roots and fifths. Tracks 6 and 7 are the same audio clips, using a pad sound from the Jup-8 as well, and fills in some gaps between the chords in Track 3. Track 8 is the last track, a bass synth from the CMI-V, which sticks to roots and 3rds. This track runs through Return Track 5 (Letter E), which has a Spectral Resonator on it. I automated the pitch of the Spectral Resonator to follow the chord changes (C, Ab, F), and had an LFO randomly edit the decay, which made for a cool effect on the bass. There's also a Thermal distortion/effect in a Return Track, which is used by the bass as well as a few other tracks, which creates an interesting rhythmic pattern on top of those track. I really like where this idea is going, so I'll keep messing around with it and update here when I've got something I think is an improvement.

Track 3, PolyKB Keys, Chords
Listen to Arpetic here...
Hope you enjoy!
Check out my Instagram Music Page!

Sounds like a video game
In a dungeon.
hehe nice, I like that description
Sounds like that