“How To” PALNet.io and PALCoin with Keychain and Steem-Engine.com


The Claim Drop is here!

Ok so let’s do a quick recap first!

What is PALNet (https://www.palnet.io)?

Is a Nitrous instance of steem kind of like a new frontend for the Steem Blockchain. This isn't a fork, we don't have a new chain, the witnesses etc. are all the same. Everything you do on PALNet will also reflect on any other frontend for steem (SteemIt/steempeak/busy etc.) That includes posting, commenting, resteeming and voting.

What is PALCoin?

PALCoin is our brand new token! It's a Steem-Engine token to be powered by scotbot and seen in a Nitrous instance through https://www.palnet.io as well as a ScotBB instance through https://palnet.tokenbb.io.

Basics of PALCoin:

  • PAL stake (PALPower) will only reward posts using the PALNet tag.
  • Author/curation rewards favor curation, they are currently set for 50/50
    Powerdown for PALCoin is 4 weeks.
  • Each user will have one free downvote a day that will not impact their PAL VP (please note that this will impact your steem VP).

How do I get PALCoin?
Currently there are a number of ways:

  • There is a claim drop to active users of steem who are in good standing, this started today!
  • Posting! You can already earn PALCoin by posting through palnet.io (which will add the tag PALNet automatically), or by adding the tag manually where you normally post (SteemIt/steempeak/busy/partiko etc.)
  • If someone holding staked PALCoin votes you, you will earn PALCoin.
  • Proof of Interaction, this one is fun, we highly value active community members so have set aside a portion of coins to reward active chatters in the PAL server. - We are currently working on setting up a faucet for claiming coins.
  • Buying tokens, tokens can be bought on https://steem-engine.com/
  • Buying a miner. We have two options available, PALM (palminer) and PALMM (palmegaminer). These tokens allow you to mine PALCoin (these are also available on https://steem-engine.com/).

What can I do with my tokens?

  • Stake them! You can stake your PALCoin and reward other users through voting, remember the curation rewards are 50/50.
  • Trade them for votes from the @minnowsupport account, this is currently in the works and is expected to be up and running shortly!
  • Buy ads, users will be able to trade PALCoin for promoted posts on the palnet.io platform
  • Sell them, the tokens can be bought and sold on https://steem-engine.com/
  • More options coming soon!

Ok! Now on to the tutorial!

Let's start with...

How to access https://www.palnet.io ?

you go to https://www.palnet.io/login.html and you will see you have 2 options.

  1. Add your key in the website directly
    Please, please only use your PRIVATE POSTING KEY if you are planning to do it this way.

login 1.png

As you can see in the image it is just like if you are logged on steemit.com. You have the option to put in you user name and your private key and then all you have to do is hit login.

  1. The Keychain (more secure)
    Keychain is an awesome Web Browser Extension that even steemit.com uses, you can get it here for Chrome and for Firefox you can also read more about KeyChain from the awesome @yabapmatt himself:

Hate putting private keys into websites? Introducing Steem Keychain! and Steem Keychain Update - Firefox Version Now Available!

KC login.png

As you can see all you have to do is check the box that says Use Keychain Extension and put in your user name the extension will do the rest (remember you need to be logged into the extension for it to work).

login 4.png

And there you are all set to use PALNet.io!

How Do I Use PALNet.io?


Have you used steemit.com? If you have, it is exactly the same. Use the drop down menu from your profile pic to view a list of links to for your Feed, Blog, Comments, Replies, Wallet, to use the Night Mode, the Settings option and to Logout.

And on the drop down menu to the right of that one you have a list of easy access links to our services. Currently you can find our discord server invite, a link to our radio station web site MSP-Waves and to our official accounts (@minnowsupport and @msp-curation), you can also find a link to steem-engine if you need to trade your tokens.


My Wallet on PALNet.io

Ok don’t go panicking wondering where all your STEEM, SBD and SP are, because all you can see on your PALNet.io wallet is PAL and PALPower (our version of SP or the amount of PAL you have staked).


This is a Nitrous instance of Steem, this means that it shows only posts with the #PALNet tag and with rewards on PALCoin so, your wallet only shows you what you have in PALCoin and PALPower. You can still see your STEEM, SBD and SP balances in any other frontend like SteemIt.

How Do I Post on PALNet.io

Just like the rest of PALNet.io, things work just like they do on Steemit. To make a new post go to the *Make a New Post Symbol on the top right of your screen (the pencil one) and click there it will take you to the editor for your posts.


And Now We Move on To The…

How to Claim your Pal Coins

Ok, we know the basics on how to use the PALNet.io thingy and now we can do the claim drop thingy!!

But first why a claim drop and not just and airdrop? Well we didn’t want any tokens to go to dead accounts and prefer to distribute more to active users!

you have only one month to claim the tokens if you were selected for the claim-drop.

Where Do I Claim them?

  1. Go to https://steem-engine.com/ and using Keychain to login, go to your wallet. There you will see an icon on the top left corner of the screen, you need to click on it claim your tokens! (see picture below to know what the icon looks like…)

claim botton.png

  1. After your click on said icon you will get a notification of a Custom Transaction by your KeyChain Extension, you need to click on “Confirm”

claim se.png

  1. You are all done, if you want you can refresh the wallet at https://steem-engine.com/ and you will see the tokens from the claim drop are already in your balance. You can also go to your wallet on PALNet.io and you will see the tokens there too.


Now that I have my PAL Coins what should I do with them?

Well they are yours to do what you want with them, we suggest you STAKE them or as we are used to call it Power them Up, make your PALs into PAL Power.

This will help you do voting on any post that has the #PALNet tag and since rewards in palnet.io are 50/50 you will get gain by curating.

How do I Stake or Power Up?

There are 2 options on how to and where to do it from.

Option 1. https://steem-engine.com/ well you already are in there after you claim them so why not…


You see the little lock at the end of your PAL coin balance? As you put your pointer there it clearly says STAKE and well yes if you click on it you will be staking your tokens.

How much will you want to stake? Is up to you, you can stake them all or just a portion of them, remember unstacking or powering down is 4 weeks in this case.


Just put the number of tokens you want to stake or power up and click “Stake PAL”

stake 2.png

You will receive a notification from Keychain on a Custom Transaction as before and you have to click “Confirm” for it to go through.


you can refresh the wallet at https://steem-engine.com/ and you will see the tokens Staked and all done!

Option 2. Do it from your wallet on www.palnet.io

wallet stake.png

As you can see next to your PALs tokens in the wallet there is a down arrow. Clicking on it will open a menu of options on what to do with your tokens and all you have to do is click on Stake.

wallet stake 2.png

It will ask you the number of tokens you want to stake or power up and it will give you the option to select your full balance of tokens. Do as you please and click on “Stake”

wallet stake  3.png

Keychain as always will ask for you to confirm the operation of the Custom Transaction as by clicking “confirm”.

wallet stake 4.png

And you are all done!! You now have PALPower!!!

wallet 2.png

As you can see on your wallet, you will have PALPower and PAL tokens left if you didn’t stake all your balance.

And we are all done for this long tutorial on how to do all the things PALNet.io and PALCoin!! If you have any more questions please reach out to us, we are happy to help!

Thank you very much for reading! Minnow Support Moderation Team!

We will be answering any questions you have about the whole process so please ask away in the comments or reach out to us in the channel #MinnowSupport-Help of our Discord Server*

If you are not yet in the community what are you waiting for?? CLICK below!!!

banner created by @justcallmemyth



Useful description. I have favorited it. I was wondering how this all worked and now I’ve got a good reference.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Need to come back and read this when I'm not tired!


I agree. Been busy with other stuff and held this to the end. I finally collected my share. Hope you did the same.


Any further advice for those not seeing the claim button? Thanks.


you need to log in with key chain must then you will be able to see the blue claim button on the top left corner i just did it its working


Using steem engine from mobile, there's no claim function?


I still have 100s of questions which I can't locate any answer for. Some top Qs are:

  1. All rewards i see are multiple integers of PAL. Never seen smth like 1.45 PAL, always x.00. Why is this?
  2. Can comments collect PAL rewards too? Never seen any with PAL (even I have been upvoting many comments myself)
  3. How long it takes rewards to mature? 7 days, like for steem ?
  4. How much PAL power staked I should have to give 1.00 PAL reward for one 100% upvote ?
  5. Is each sequential upvote reducing my PAL voting power, like on steem ? How long it takes to recover? 20% per day?
  6. Does PAL upvote's rewards depend of the RC i have at that moment ?
  7. Is the any place to see how profitable my upvotes are PAL wise ?
  8. Can PAL voting power be delegated? If not, are such plans on the roadmap ?
  9. Can I purchase just 0.5 PAL, or 1.65 PAL on steem-engine ? No luck so far in this. Whole units only? Always to be so ?

There are many more questions, but those came right from the top of my head

  1. This will happen starting on Tuesday 8pm, after Steem-Engine hardforks to allow increasing of decimal precision.
  2. Yes, you just haven't been upvoted by someone with a stake high enough to collect at least 1 PAL. That shouldn't be a problem after the fractional payouts (see above).
  3. Yes, 7 days.
  4. About 3,300 PAL at some point, but maybe numbers have changed a bit in between.
  5. Yes, same as on Steem about the VP recovery rate. But it is likely you will vote more Steem posts in general than Palnet posts, which will make your VP on Steem drop at a higher rate than on PalNet. That will be fixed in the future. Additionally, Palnet has a separate downvote pool which allows anyone to give 1 free downvote every day. Any subsequent downvote costs VP. All these downvotes cost VP on Steem for now, but after HF21 there will probably be a separate downvote pool on Steem too.
  6. No, rewards on Steem or on PalNet have no relation to RCs. You do need RCs to cast a vote though.
  7. Not yet, there will be a PalWorld (the SteemWorld for PalNet) soon, I read.
  8. It's not VP which is delegated, it's the stake. Which, it's true, affects the VP. This will be available after the hardfork on Tuesday.
  9. This will again be 'fixed' in next week's hardfork, I believe.

I hope I answered your questions. If not let me know.


Yes, you did a very good job indeed answering them. Thank you very much. My upvote +tip


Thanks for this tutorial. I was worried that I had missed the claim drop.

Posted using Partiko Android


It is ongoing for an entire month. We want to give people time to settle in and grab them, without leaving a bunch of tokens to languish forever. No rush or panic now, and we'll make sure to spread the word and remind people as the month goes on~


I can't see to see the claim drop on my steem engine wallet?


Hey there! I can see there are about 97 waiting for you~ please try fully clearing your cache and then following the steps in this post. If you still have trouble, let me know here or find me at the discord and we'll get you sorted out.


This is a great tutorial and gives us all the knowledge we need at the moment.

At first when I claimed the tokens I didn't even know what palnet.io was so I just sold most of the token for like 60 steem and tought that I was the luckiest man ever to recieve such an airdrop.

But then I started looking into it, and I decided to buy myself many palcoins back, and I also staked all of my pal tokens.

now I have over 200 PalPower and I am using palnet.io instead of steemit.com :)

I am hoping this project will become a big success


Is the claim drop still going on?

And this is now much better with the step by step tutorials! now I’m Enlightened. Thanks!


the "use Keychain extension" option is not working for me. (tried both in Chrome and Firefox).

the login button is just greyed out.

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 1.24.47 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 1.28.51 AM.png

Is this temporary?

Please advise on how to get this working, thanks...


Excellent tutorial. Thank you. If we decide to buy PALM or PALMM, how do we use that to start mining PAL? Will that be obvious on Steem-engine? Is it as simple as staking it? Curious minds would like to know!


just staking will work!


Awesome!! Thank you! Do you happen to know the mining rate of PALM and PALMM? Or is there a post that describes them somewhere?


The mining rate really depends on how many miners are bought and staked and are mining at the same time, so this early on, things really are in flux as people all climb on board~


Cool. Thank you! One last question! (I am full of them). Do partial miners work, day 0.53 PALM, or do only whole number miners work?


That's a really good question! I don't know the answer, I'm not hip on the miners or using them myself, but I will ask and find out for you because it's good info to know!


Hello @minnowsupport! We are interested in your project and would like to claim the tokens..I went inside steem-engine > wallet but found no icon for the claim. Is it possible that we're too late, or maybe we've not been selected for the claim-drop? Thanks - f3nix


@minnowsupport Team, After watching Pal Airdrop on Steemengine definitely it was a surprise and genuinely speaking first time it gave a picture why holding Steem Power is important. Keep up and keep growing team.

Posted using Partiko Android


Claimed and staked! Thanks MSP! Went ahead and made my first PALNET tagged post on some sweet modular synth live jams. All about using a supplemental token for a good vibe boost on posts that require a few days of sweat equity. Any tips besides simply tagging #palnet for visibility to token holders would be appreciated!

Want to get more staked, proto.


I am excited to hear this great news but my question is, is it compulsory to use Keychain to login to steem-engine before the claim? What about people that login to steem-engine without using keychain on mobile?
Also since one can use other Steem front ends to make posts using palnet as tag, is it also possible to reward people's post with palcoin by voting them from other Steem front ends if one hold a PALcoin staked?


is it compulsory to use Keychain to login to steem-engine before the claim?

You can use steemconnect to log into steem-engine as well, so Keychain is not necessary, just recommended.

is it also possible to reward people's post with palcoin by voting them from other Steem front ends if one hold a PALcoin staked?

Yes it is, but only if they used the palnet tag.


Really helped. Thanks for the tutorials


I'm very pleased to see this development, and reconsidering returning to steem.


Easy, concise well done! Missed the first time when PAL originated sure not to miss on this one now. Thank You @minnowsupport


Thank you for the walk through
It cleared up some questions

And thank you for the PalCoins 💗


Woop, that's a good tutorial for the "newbies" like me :)

Keep up the good work with the project!


Great post and great initiative! I keep getting this error when i try and claim pals though:
Any idea on how to fix?


Good. You must use the active key that is in your moderator, you are sure using the publication code. Greetings!


Hey @minnowsupport,

You have been gifted an upvote and a resteem by the Mysteemversary bot in celebration of your steem account's birthday.

Your account is now 2 years old!

🎂 🎂 Happy Steemversary  🎂 🎂

Thanks for sticking around this long and believing in the future of this community.

My Steemversary is a smart bot that rewards active steemians on their account's anniversary. We use a bunch of tools to filter out inactive/blacklisted users and bots. Our goal is to gift these users a decent upvote. Please consider helping us grow by delegating to our bot [5SP10SP25SP50SP100SP500SP1000SPCustom Amount] or by simply upvoting this comment.


I was surprised how easy it was to get going. The Steem Keychain makes it so streamlined easy and even feels secure! Great job all around; this is what a great interface experience should look like and help adoption!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Awesome.... got my 665 PAL... staked and all Powered up.


by adding the tag manually where you normally post (SteemIt/steempeak/busy/partiko etc.)

If I understand the above clearly, it means users don't need to access the pal platform to start earning palcoin right? Any user with staked palcoin can reward a post via any of the steem front-end right?

Since it rewards based on ones staked palcoin, would have been great if the steempower depletion was separated from the pal platform using the resource credit (am not too technical about how the resource credit works but would have been great if it functions somewhat like the above 😅)

Also, what determines the amount of palcoin a steemian gets. Like most airdrop distributed before now, they were based on steemians steempower (steemhunt), reputation (Obyte) and followers count (snax).

How does pal hopes to distribute the palcoin airdrop

Glad to see Pal platform and a big welcome from Nigeria ❤️🇳🇬😊


Everything you do on PALnet will be reflected on Steem interfaces as well; if you hold PALcoin staked, it's like powering up your Steem into SP. It will allow you to allocate rewards in both tokens while voting on content all over the PALnet front end, and all Steem front ends if the palnet tag is used. Overall, we're just really excited to try to get people excited about engaging, sharing, and being social again. It's a big experiment that we're pretty stoked to be be a part of, so thanks for jumping on board! If you want to keep using the dapps or interfaces you already are, that's alright too. Using the tag will have your content included on the filtered front end and will allow PALholders to allocate PAL to you while they do their curation.

The claimdrop is live now. We do explain it in much more detail in the whitepaper post, but it is largely a snapshot of all active accounts on the chain, compared against holdings, with known farming rings removed, and with a cap on current Steem whale stake.


@minnowsupport A humble thank you for this and I have bookmarked this post.
Should have joined you guys from the beginning instead of only now, 2 years later.
It could have alleviated much of my plodding along!
All blessings to your work!


Clear answers to most of the basic questions. One missing as far as I'm concerned: how does mining work? You buy a minercoin, and then what? It just works, or you need to do something? I have not yet been able to figure this out.


A chunk of the PALcoin emissions (10%) are allocated to the miners. Depending on how many miners are staked, that 10% is divvied up between them. So, if you have one, you can simply stake it, and depending on how many participants are mining at any given time will determine what is mined by each. You can read more about this in the whitepaper post if you like! We're happy to distribute the claimdrop first, so before jumping into mining, be sure to decide what you want to do with what you're gifted for free!


Am I just incompetent (granted, quite likely), or is steem-engine.com incompatible with iOS mobile devices? I use an iPhone and an iPad, had no luck doing anything more than logging in using either Safari or Chrome. My wallet looks like this:

If I hold my finger down by SWEET and DRAMA and pull down, I can see the MY TOKEN WALLET area, but as soon as I let go it rolls back up. Anyone else having this problem?

Edited to add: Duh, I figured it out. Clicking that grey box with the horizontal lines minimizes the black area.


I know that getting a mobile app for steem-engine is a top priority, but afaik it hasn't happened yet. You may fare better by either using a different browser or using the "request desktop site" function.


using the "request desktop site" function.

From iPhone/iPad, I don’t even see that option. 😅

I’ve got an antique Windows 7 laptop collecting dust that I haven’t used for ages. Might have to see if it’ll still boot up and try that way.


I'm not familiar with Safari, so it may not have the option, but I know both Firefox and Chrome have it on my Android phone.


I think it’s probably an iOS issue rather than a browser issue since neither Safari nor Chrome worked for me. Haven’t tried Firefox yet though.


When you stake PAL it shows up as such in your palnet wallet but staked PALM only displays as staked at Steem-engine and not in your palnet wallet. The same for PALLM? Also, is there any way to see how much staked PALM/PALMM exists overall?


I can't see the claim button?


I can't see the claim button too!

Maybe this is the reason: "but first why a claim drop and not just and airdrop? Well we didn’t want any tokens to go to dead accounts and prefer to distribute more to active users!"


Just got mine working, you have to do it on desktop with key chain installed.


Thanks for the tutorial as it really helped me to walk thru the project and the process.


thanks for the tutorial i understand now how to use palnet.io. hope i will receive few airdrops lol
