#Hive and the expectation of facing a new challenge in old age.|ENG| / #Hive y la expectativa de afrontar un nuevo desafío en la tercera edad.|ESP|


Entering old age often means a drastic change in our lives. It means moving from an active stage, in which we never have enough time, to a (relatively) passive stage, in which we have plenty of time. The commitments we had in our previous stage are no longer the same. Many of them have disappeared. Others have lost importance. And others, the least, have come to occupy a smaller space in our lives.

Discovering a platform like #HIVE where I can express what I do in this new stage of my life is something curious and at the same time comforting.

Because it allows me to be "busy" again but without the frenzy of my past years. When between the daily traffic, work and family (I was never one of those who lose Sunday to go to see a soccer game nor one of those who -invariably- must go out on Friday nights to eat pizza with friends) all my time was gone.

I'm not saying it's wrong or right, I just preferred to spend the little time I had left with my family, my wife and my two children, who at this point in my life have turned me into a grandfather.

A grandfather who writes in #HIVE? Sounds strange, doesn't it? I don't think there are many, although I don't think I'm the only one.

I see many of my friends and work colleagues in despair because they don't know what to do: the bar, playing cards, wasting hours in shopping malls or in public offices in small towns where everyone knows each other is not something for me.

Politics, economics and sports, to name just a few, have been - for me - aspects of everyday life that have become less important as time has gone by, although I have not become totally disinterested in them.

Reading, listening to good music and, above all, devoting myself to my garden and my small orchard. I will talk about these things in my posts.

Maybe I will find in this community some "expert" with whom I can exchange opinions and learn something new every day.

Gardening and vegetable gardening are in my blood because of my Italian-Hispanic origins on my parents' side. And I have learned to take care of plants because I have seen my father do it since I was a child in the small village where we lived and to which I have returned after half a century.

Life has taken me through different paths, always with my family in tow, fortunately, but at the end of the road I have returned to my place of origin.

At the moment I am doing maintenance work during the winter, especially on some fruit plants that have been literally "invaded" by the pest known as "white cochineal" that sticks to the leaves and then attacks the fruit, especially on citrus trees.

A vigorous pruning, the first of its kind that I practice in fruit trees. And the use of organic fertilizers (I use only organic materials such as potassium soap, neem oil and copper sulfate, no agrochemicals or pesticides) keeps me busy on days when the outside temperature is not too low and the sun is warm enough not to get too cold.

Eh... Eh... I'm not a dinosaur... I'm just a retiree. Someone who has found in #HIVE the way to continue to write on the computer the experiences of life and work (because it is too even if it is not subject to a precise schedule) in my small but well-kept garden-garden.

The advantage of not living in an apartment is exactly this: having free spaces in which to test our creativity in one way or another. In my case it is the plants, in my wife's case the (wonderful) crafts she does.

I don't know how often I will post. I've been learning for a few days now everything about Markdown, a language unknown to me until today, although I've always worked with the PC. But with other text editors. I haven't defined the Communities in which I will publish, but they will surely be those related to the hobbies I mention to you. This introductory post will be published in the general feed of the platform, although I have seen a specific community called @HiveGarden with whose members I will try to interact to exchange opinions and knowledge.

I was (and practiced) as an Accountant for many years and I have ended up quite tired of numbers, tax and salary settlements, and similar topics, it is a profession that has stressed me a lot and I try to talk as little as possible about it. I still seem to hear the litany of clients who always wanted to pay less but not take risks with the tax authorities. It was like going out on a rainy day without an umbrella and pretending not to get wet.

But, anyway, it's past history and I think that at the end of our journey we all find satisfaction in doing, at least once in our lives, what we really want to do.

I have regained my fondness for stamp collections and numismatics - paper and coins - which were my passion until I started college (always working) and had to put them aside.

Unfortunately the automation of postal services in recent decades have eliminated much of the franking, but fortunately I see that postal administrations in many countries continue with a section dedicated to Philately. Let's see if I manage to recover contact with some of my correspondents. Some of them will have forgotten, others will no longer be present, but I think I will contact some of them again to restart that beautiful epistolary exchange.

I have a lot of stamps and FDC envelopes from many European, Asian and Latin American countries. I think it will take me a long time to put it all in order. I won't have time to get bored, between souvenirs, collections, orchard and garden.

On the other hand, looking at the amount of banknotes and coins of Latin American countries that I have collected, I realize the tremendous inflation that this part of the world has suffered in the last decades (and that in some countries still suffers). Non-stop issues one after another. Ideal for collectors. Very bad for the economy in general.

On days when the temperature allows it I am outside with my plants. When the weather is inclement I spend it with my souvenirs and collections indoors. Everything I can I am storing in the PC: photos, articles.

There is a lot of material that I am scanning, because believe it or not the Internet and social networks are something relatively new, although many young people do not believe it. There will come a time when I will have to change the computer. It is already showing signs of "suffering". You have to know how to adapt to this new life and not fall into depression or lack of stimuli.

What better than #HIVE to start with enthusiasm this our (my) third age?

Entrar en la tercera edad significa muchas veces un cambio drástico en nuestras vidas. Significa pasar de una etapa activa, en la que no nos alcanza nunca el tiempo, a una etapa (relativamente) pasiva, en la cuál nos sobra el tiempo. Ya que los empeños que teníamos en nuestra etapa anterior no son los mismos. Muchos de ellos han desaparecido. Otros han perdido importancia. Y otros, los menos, han pasado a ocupar un espacio menor en nuestras vidas.

Descubrir una plataforma como #HIVE en la cuál poder expresar lo que hago en esta nueva etapa de mi vida es algo curioso y a la vez reconfortante.

Porque me permite estar de nuevo "ocupado" aunque sin la frenesía de mis años pasados. Cuando entre el tráfico cotidiano, el trabajo y la familia (nunca fui uno de esos que pierden el día domingo para ir a ver un partido de fútbol ni tampoco de los que -invariablemente- deben salir los viernes por la noche a comer la pizza a los amigos) se me iba todo el tiempo.

No digo que esté mal ni bien, simplemente preferí siempre pasar ese poco tiempo que me quedaba con mi familia, mi esposa y mis dos hijos que ya a esta altura de mi vida me han transformado en abuelo.

¿Un abuelo que escribe en #HIVE? ¿Suena raro, verdad? No creo que haya muchos aunque tampoco creo de ser el único.

Veo muchos de mis amigos y colegas de trabajo desesperados por no saber qué hacer: el bar, jugar a las cartas, perder horas en los centros comerciales o en las oficinas públicas de los pequeños pueblos donde todos se conocen no es algo para mí.

La política, la economía y los deportes, por citar solo algunos, han sido -para mí- aspectos de la vida cotidiana que han ido perdiendo importancia con el pasar del tiempo, aunque no me haya desinteresado totalmente de ellos.

Leer, escuchar buena música y por sobre todas las cosas dedicarme a mi jardín y a mi pequeña huerta. De estas cosas les hablaré en mis posts.

Tal vez encuentre en esta comunidad algún "experto" con el cuál pueda intercambiar opiniones y aprender todos los días algo nuevo.

Lo de la jardinería y la huerta lo llevo en la sangre por vía de mis orígenes ítalo-hispanos por parte de mis padres. Y he aprendido a cuidar las plantas porque lo he visto hacer desde pequeño a mi padre en el pequeño pueblo en el que vivíamos al cuál he regresado después de medio siglo.

La vida me ha llevado por distintos caminos, siempre con mi familia a cuestas, por fortuna, pero al final del camino he vuelto a mi lugar de origen.

En estos momentos me estoy dedicando a las tareas de mantención durante el invierno, especialmente en algunas plantas de frutales que han sido literalmente "invadidas" por la plaga conocida como "cochinilla blanca" que se pega en las hojas y luego ataca el fruto especialmente en los cítricos.

Una poda enérgica, la primera de este tipo que practico en los frutales. Y el uso de fertilizantes orgánicos (uso solo materiales orgánicos como jabón potásico, aceite de neem y sulfato de cobre, nada de agroquímicos o agrotóxicos) me tiene ocupado los días en los cuáles la temperatura externa no es demasiado baja y el sol calienta lo necesario como para no pasar demasiado frío.

Eh... Eh... No soy un dinosaurio... Soy simplemente un jubilado. Alguien que ha encontrado en #HIVE el modo de seguir escribiendo en la computadora las experiencias de vida y trabajo (porque también lo es aunque no esté sujeto a un horario preciso) en mi pequeño pero cuidado jardín-huerta.

La ventaja de no vivir en un departamento es exactamente esta: disponer de espacios libres en los cuáles poner a prueba nuestra creatividad de un modo u otro. En mi caso son las plantas, en el caso de mi esposa las manualidades (estupendas) que hace.

No sé con qué frecuencia publicaré. Estoy aprendiendo desde hace algunos días todo lo que se refiere al Markdown, un lenguaje hasta hoy desconocido para mí, aunque siempre trabajé con el PC. Pero con otros editores de textos. Tampoco he definido las Comunidades en las que publicaré, pero seguramente serán las relativas a los pasatiempos que les menciono. Este post de introducción lo publicaré en el feed general de la plataforma aunque he visto una comunidad específica que se llama @HiveGarden con cuyos integrantes trataré de interactuar para ir cambiando opiniones y conocimientos.

Fui (y ejercí) como Contador durante muchos años y he terminado bastante cansado de números, liquidaciones de impuestos y sueldos, y temas similares, es una profesión que me ha estresado mucho y trato de hablar lo menos posible de ello. Me parece todavía escuchar la letanía de los clientes que siempre querían pagar menos pero no correr riesgos con el fisco. Era como salir un día de lluvia a la calle sin paraguas y pretender no mojarse.

Pero, en fin, es historia pasada y creo que todos al final de nuestro camino encontramos satisfacción en hacer, al menos una vez en nuestra vida, lo que realmente queremos.

He vuelto a recuperar mi afición por las colecciones de sellos postales y numismática -papel y monedas- que fueron mi pasión hasta que comencé la universidad (siempre trabajando) y tuve que dejarlas de lado.

Lamentablemente la automatización de los servicios postales en las últimas décadas han eliminado gran parte de los franqueos, pero por suerte veo que las administraciones postales de muchos países continúan con una sección dedicada a la Filatelia. Veremos si logro recuperar el contacto con algunos de mis corresponsales. Algunos se habrán olvidado, otros no estarán ya presentes, pero pienso que alguno voy a volver a contactar para reiniciar ese hermoso intercambio epistolar.

Tengo muchísimos sellos y sobres FDC de muchos países europeos, asiáticos y latinoamericanos. Creo que poner todo eso en orden me va a llevar bastante tiempo. No tendré tiempo para aburrirme, entre recuerdos, colecciones, huerta y jardín.

Por otro lado mirando la cantidad de billetes y monedas de los países latinoamericanos que he coleccionado me doy cuenta de las tremendas inflaciones que esta parte del mundo ha sufrido en las últimas décadas (y que en algunos países sigue sufriendo). Emisiones sin parar una detrás de otra. Ideal para coleccionistas. Muy malo para la economía en general.

Los días que la temperatura lo permite estoy afuera con mis plantas. Cuando el tiempo es inclemente lo paso con mis recuerdos y colecciones dentro casa. Todo lo que puedo lo voy almacenando en el PC: fotos, artículos.

Hay mucho material que lo estoy escaneando, ya que aunque parezca mentira Internet y las redes sociales son algo relativamente nuevo, aunque muchos jóvenes no lo crean. Va a llegar un momento en el que voy a tener que cambiar el ordenador. Ya está dando señales de "sufrimiento". Hay que saber adaptarse a esta nueva vida y no caer en la depresión o la falta de estímulos.

¿Qué mejor que #HIVE para iniciar con entusiasmo está nuestra (mía) tercera edad?

Although the images are our own, the same is not true for the separator and the final banner. For this reason I think it is fair to thank its creators:

Si bien las imágenes son propias no ocurre lo mismo con el separador y el banner final. Por ese motivo creo justo agradecer a sus creadores:

Divider source /Fuente separador: ThePeakStudio

The farewell banner has been developed by / El banner de despedida ha sido desarrollado por @ikasumanera.


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

The Hive community is in mourning. Farewell @erikasue!
Level up your NFTs and continue supporting the victims of war
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Very nice @hivebuzz team badges and the ranking to see our position. I have supported your proposal which i find interesting. I hope i have done things right. Regards.


You are welcome @goisal! It is great to see you are doing your first steps! Great work!


Hello @goisal! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

You might want to share how you discovered hive or tag who invited you here. This will help with your credibility as a hiver.

Awesome introduction! It's also best to subscribe to Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.


Thank you very much @lovesniper for the support and suggestions. Everything is new to me. I will continue studying the platform. Cheers.


Hello @goisal

I enjoyed your post, I too am just getting started and I'm enjoying it so far. Those bugs on your plants look so annoying, I'm assuming they do damage the plant so that's why you use organic pesticides to deal with them.

I'll keep a look out for when you post as I'm sure I'll learn a lot of gardening things from you. I don't have a garden at the moment, but I enjoy getting out into nature.

Have a good day and wishing you luck with those pesky bugs.


Than you @emma-h maybe frpm the reciprocal reading for our posts we will learn to care for and protect nature. Cheers.


Absolutely, every day that we have is a great opportunity to learn things.

Have a lovely day, I look forward to reading more of your posts and discussing them with you.


Welcome to Hive @goisal! 😃 May you be successful in the fight against the pests that's plaguing your plants! 😊 Hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here, have you ever tried short form posting too? 😉 Warm greetings from @dbuzz, cheers! 🍾
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝


@goisal es una buena actitud, y eso es clave para cualquier reto en la vida. Se que en HIVE lograras superar tus propias espectativas.
Un saludo fraterno.


Te agradezco los buenos deseos @pedroerami. Creo que los retos nacen para ser realizados y espero que, en mi caso, lo pueda cumplir.


I love this stance:

"A grandfather who writes in #HIVE? Sounds strange, doesn't it? I don't think there are many, although I don't think I'm the only one."

It's me whenever I'm writing a niche in a place that doesn't have many people in it. This line also reminds me of the gaming grandma... By the way, I believe @ojak is also a grandfather who writes on #hive.



So there are two of us togheter with @ojak. I think little by little these barriers ate beinh overcome and #Hive is an excellent tool for that.
Regards and thanks for commenting @ahmadmanga.


Speaking about Stamps, my mother used to have Stamp Collecting as Hobby. When she married my father she gave all of her collection to my uncle, and we don't know what he did with them...

These days, I think stamp collecting was just replaced with retrogames collecting as hobby... I wonder what will it be like 10-20 years from now. Will people start collecting old NFTs?



Nice memorirs. Do you know what subjects were the stamps or was the collection by country?
I think that the stamping machines of the post officr and internet have ruined this type of collecting.
It would not be a bad idea NFTs of postage stamps, maybe you are a forerunner. Cheers.


I don't know for sure, but I think they're country-based stamps, she had a few pen friends from various countries. (She doesn't know what happened to them though.)
