Hera puppy :)
Here's the mandatory occasional video of my dog Hera, this time from when she was still a puppy 😍 We only had her for a month back then
In case you wonder she is barking at the neighbors chickens. Savage dog!
I hope it makes your day @empoderat!
▶️ 3Speak
Impressive, what a beast! 😂
Can I rent it?
No 😯
❤️ What a cute puppy she was!
Like you!
I love dogs and used to have 3 Caucasian Shepherd but not anymore. My work doesn't give me any chance to keep them again. Regards
what happens? you send dog and chicken videos to each other, and I don't know about it? I join that game!!! Video follows!
you made almost $25 for a 18 second video, that's quality shitposting right there :D