MUSIC (Live Video) - A new Music Showcase in Cape Town? Grab the guitar and get on the card!!


I'm still buzzing from a lovely day on Saturday!

I managed to have a dawn surf session with just one friend in windless conditions, which is the dream if you're into surfing! I've also been ill lately, but was starting to feel a bit better...

And that evening, we got to attend and play our original songs at the very first show-case that my old friend Matt Roux and his son have organized.

Who are we? By we, I mean myself and fellow Hive blogger @clairemobey. I would also like to state up-front that all the photos and the video in this post were taken by @zakludick, who is Claire's super supportive boyfriend, and the person who got us both on Hive in the first place.

I've been playing songs together with Claire for about a year now. We both write songs, and it has basically rejuvenated my passion for music to hear the ideas we come up with to help each other and collaborate.

I hadn't seen Matt Roux for years. The concept also sounded crazy - Ten acts playing three songs each, with an introductory set by Matt Roux and his son as well... so 11 different acts in one night? How long was this all going to take, wasn't it going to be a bit too manic?

In fact, the only reason I signed us up for this is because Claire and Zak live in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa - and I have been making her come all the way to venues I know in the Southern Suburbs every other little gig we have had so far. I don't know the Northern Suburbs scene and venues very well!

Our most recent gig together (on my side of town) before this was actually a bit of a milestone for me, where we actually made a nice bit of money playing almost entirely original music. Luckily my friends were very supportive, and so were the local community around that venue and so we had a full house and a great time. It was very encouraging! You can read more here:

So was the evening a complete mess? No it was a complete pleasure!

Our hosts for the evening! The last time I saw little Dan Roux he was probably 5 years old - now he's 15, taller than old Dad - and basically Dad is now just hanging back and letting his super talented son have some structure to play amazing lead guitar over. Amazing to see someone so young who loves the blues and plays it well! It made me all emotional, as I have a baby daughter who turns one year old soon and I am watching her learn to shake a rattle and blow on a tin-whistle with anticipation! She seems to understand how to strum a guitar I'm holding or plink at a keyboard already as well which seems a bit advanced for a baby! - Will my daughter surpass my musical talents one day?

Claire, Zak and myself supporting the music while we wait for our turn - oh hey, I suppose I did take this one picture with Zak's phone?

The food was great as well! Zak had an amazing burger, but I get too nervous to eat well before a gig so I asked for a chicken salad and received this beautiful creation!

I'm going to leave it to @clairemobey to explain the evening in detail, but I will just say it was delightful to watch various musicians with various styles and levels of experience. One music teacher brought his students who blew us away, some people seemed less prepared than others, but the audience stayed supportive and vibey throughout!

With only 3 songs to prepare, we put extra effort into how to spice them up. I made poor Claire play shaker and tambourine in public for the first time, and I got to try my new stompbox, which sounded great!

We started vibey, went soft, and then got vibey again! Claire has shared the first video, one of my songs, on Youtube already, but please give her a follow as I'm sure she will post the others and describe the evening in much better detail soon!

My song describing how it felt to come home to beautiful Cape Town, after being stuck in an ugly factory town for my first job, should appear below



I can tell you had a great time among friends, music and flavors, thanks for sharing this experience here and not just the song. I would only recommend that you keep the camera steady, it would be great if you could have a small tripod because I'm sure these musical moments will be repeated in your life.

Keep the music playing!


Thank you so much! Yes, we always spring video duty on poor Zak at the last minute and we should plan better for next time. I think we know in advance where we want to play again next!


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Hola amigos,me enganchó la intro la guitarra sonó espectacular ♥️ lo siguiente me cautivó aún más, WoW vaya que la pasaron genial, Muy buena la segunda voz de tu amiga,la enamornia en conjunto fabuloso! y la pandereta no? Le da un toque especial, Estos eventos así en vivo se disfrutan demasiado, qué privilegio 🤗 Me encantó esta presentación gracias por compartir, espero poder escucharlos nuevamente!


Her comment according to Google Translate:
"Hello friends, I was hooked by the intro, the guitar sounded spectacular ♥️ the following captivated me even more, WOW, you had a great time, your friend's second voice was very good, the fabulous ensemble fell in love! and the tambourine no? It gives it a special touch, these live events are enjoyed too much, what a privilege 🤗 I loved this presentation thanks for sharing, I hope to hear you again!"

My response: Thank you so much! I am really honoured that you watched the music even despite English not being your language. The song is about knowing you are finally coming home! My friend @clairemobey will be so happy with your compliments and will also be posting about the evening with other songs... please follow her?

Mi respuesta: ¡Muchas gracias! Me siento realmente honrado de que hayas visto la música incluso a pesar de que el inglés no es tu idioma. ¡La canción se trata de saber que finalmente regresarás a casa! Mi amiga @clairemobey estará muy feliz con tus elogios y también publicará sobre la velada con otras canciones... ¿síguela?


Oh thanks for your answer! I do not speak English, one of the things I want to do is study the language to be able to communicate better! Thank you for your music, it's wonderful! @jasperdick

Oh Gracias por tu respuesta! No domino el ingles , una de las cosas que deseo hacer es estudiar el idioma para poder cominicarme mejor! Gracias por tu musica es maravillosa! @jasperdick


@lisbeth26 thank you SO much for your incredible feedback. We were so proud of this performance. We're still growing and experimenting but we're finding our wings and comments like this mean so much. @JasperDick, thanks for translating this!


Aaah es genial! Tuviste una noche llena de música, con buenas personas y con un buen ambiente! Esa amistad que tienes con los muchachos me parece especial!

Su música es espectacular 🌌✨✨✨


The comment according to Google Translate:

"Aaah it's great! You had a night full of music, with good people and a good atmosphere! That friendship you have with the boys seems special to me!
his music is amazing"

My response:
Thank you so much for watching the video even though it is in English! The song is an original song of mine about coming home to beautiful Cape Town! The man in white playing guitar is me. The lady in red singing with me is @clairemobey who will be posting about the evening with videos we played of the songs she has written instead. Please follow her!

Mi respuesta:
¡Muchas gracias por ver el video, aunque está en inglés! ¡La canción es una canción original mía sobre volver a casa en la hermosa Ciudad del Cabo! El hombre de blanco que toca la guitarra soy yo. La dama de rojo que canta conmigo es @clairemobey, quien publicará sobre la noche con videos que tocamos de las canciones que ella ha escrito. ¡Síguela!


Oh sí! Pude notar que eras tú el hombre vestido de blanco! Tu canción se escucha realmente bien, y los arreglos de segunda voz y percusiones que agregó tu amiga son geniales 😸✨✨


Her response:
"Oh yeah! I could see that you were the man dressed in white! Your song sounds really good, and the backing vocals and percussion arrangements your friend added are great."

My response:
"You are very kind! She is new to playing music in public so will very happy to hear that!"

Mi respuesta:
"¡Eres muy amable! Ella es nueva en tocar música en público, ¡así que estará muy feliz de escuchar eso!"


Wow @elisonr13 Thank you for your awesome comment! Yes, @JasperDick and I have been friends since we were just 4 years old! I feel so lucky that we've connected through music in our 30's and we're rocking it out together. Thank you for your support and your encouragement! It means so much!


ooh it's the percussion girl!! You do it so beautiful... 🌻✨ I hope to continue hearing more from you! Join the Hive Openmic guys! It would be great to see you there. And so, nice to greet you! 😸✨


Totally! I have joined the community but I'm yet to post a video there ☺️❤️


aah then cheer up my dear percussionist! I hope you are having a nice weekend 😊✨


I am so proud of us!! And yes, you guys can expect a post from me shortly🤘🤘😊😊


@clairemobey - you should be proud. Look what people are saying!


I absolutely love this platform. The support here is just phenomenal. Really. What a pleasure to share here <3
