Step by steps on how I made a beautiful bracelet for myself.

Greetings everyone

A big warm greetings to all my colleagues in the #Jewelry community, I wish you all a happy and blessed new week, hope you all are doing pretty well today, nice to meet again this week, On this beautiful day I want to equally share to you all the step by step on how I made this beautiful bracelet for myself, please follow my steps.

During last week i didn't had chance to attend our chirch choir practice because of some work i have been passing through and i was having a very serious headache that i couldn't raised my voice too loud, the only excuse that i fixed in my abasence was having a serious headache and i will not be able to raised my voice loud, even though that i was having an headache it didn't stopped me from doing the house choice because of my baby, well according to the rules in the choir that any of the choir member that dose not attend to chior practice should not come close to the choir sit or even wear choir uniform on sunday, except you had a reasonable excuses to give, i know i had a reasonable excuse to give but i didn't want to be in the choir group on sunday because i didn't know that they will present, so i have to wear mofty to church, so i wanted a bracelet to match my dress then i remember i had a remaining big pearls of beads to combine with a dark blue that i had, so i brought them out with some other materials that i needed.

I even bought them out without knowing the style to make, I sat for like 30 minutes without still knowing the style, as we know that big beads need a beautiful style so that it will work out properly, I now picked up the phone and started searching on YouTube bit I couldn't found the style it took me so long to searched for the style, then my friend send me this same style through wattup that she bought it from one of her choir members.

Seeing this bracelet style I was so happy because it was so beautiful and looked expensive also simple to make well since o took so long to search for the style and it was getting late and i didn't have much time I had to make the bracelet so fast, i cut out my fishing line and inserted the bracelet hug, and inserted one dark blue seed bead and i interlocked it.

After setting the first seed bead, i passed two bog pearls through the left and right fishing line and imterlocked ot with one seed dark blue.

After finishing the first step, i passed in another two big pearls and inlocked by one dark blue seed bead.

I continue inserting the two big pearls with onw dark blue seed bead interlocking, till the half of the bracelet.

After passing the last steps i interlocked with one dark blue and fixed the hug ring and tightened it very strong.

Then i now passed the edge of the fishing line through the last eadg of the pearls, then i fixed one dark blue in the middle of the pearls.

I keep on fixing the one dark blue till the last step.

After finishing the one side, i turned to the other side and i started fixing the one dark blue step by step till the last step.

After passing fixing the last dark blue, i passed the fishing line through the last pearls beads to outside then i tightened it very strongly.

Here is the outcome of the bracelet

The outcome comes out so beautiful and nice, i love it and i hope you love it too.

Thank you so much for reading through my post.


It is good we have some bead material at home because a time like this will come when it will be useful


This looks so special, I love the outcome of the bracelet, the colors are very cool, well-done dear


your bracelet looks nice and simple. Nice that you were able to make a matching piece of jewelry.


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