Lovely Bracelet For Myself

Warm greetings from me to you all ,in this lovely community, I hope all is going on well with each and everyone of you,and i hope you all had a great weekend. Is another beautiful week, so let's make it count.
Today am back again to share with you all,this lovely bracelet I made today for myself. I was less busy,then i had the urge of making something for myself,so i decided to make this beautiful bracelet.

Here are the materials i used,
Gold bead,
Pearl bead( 4mm )
Pearl bead (6mm)
Gold seed bead,
Bugle bead
Jump ring,
Fishing line

All my materials were ready,so I carry my fishing line,cut one long fishing line with the help of my scissors,I pick my hook and insert on my fishing,I make it was at the middle of my fishing line,then I pick one 4mm pearl bead and inserted in both my fishing line and I drew it down to were my hook was .

Now I pick one gold seed bead,one bugle bead ,one gold bead ,one 4mm pearl and lastly one gold bead,on the right side of my fishing line, while on the left side of my fishing line,I pick one gold seed bead ,one bugle bead,one gold bead ,one 4mm pearl and lastly I inserted one gold bead , I now pick up one 6mm pearl and make a cross, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and tightened it properly.

I pick up one gold bead, one 4mm pearl bead another one gold bead, follow with one gold seed bead and one bugle bead on the right side of my fishing line ,while on the left side of my fishing line,I pick up one gold bead, one 4mm pearl bead,one gold bead bead, follow with one gold seed bead and one bugle bead,so I pick up one gold bead and make a cross, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it properly.

For it to get to the length of my hand,I pick up one bugle bead,one gold seed bead, one gold bead,one 4mm pearl, another one gold bead on the right side of my fishing line,while on the left side,I also pick up one bugle bead,one gold seed bead ,one 4mm pearl bead,another 4mm pearl bead,then I pick up one 6mm pearl bead and make a cross, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it properly.

I continue the process,untill I got to the length of my hand ,then I pick up one 4mm pearl and inserted in both my fishing line,then I inserted my jump ring and tightened it properly.

Done with my lovely bracelet
It was a little bit stressful sha,but I was able to complete it.
Hope you all love the outcome of my lovely bracelet.
Thanks all for stopping by my blog and also for always supporting me.
Love you all


We love the colors you picked for this. They are bold and mature. And it suits your skin color perfectly. Well done.


Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♥️


This suits on you alot i always wander things that suits on me and my skintone your handmade bracelet is so perfect for you
