Drone Aerial Photography - Capture the dynamics of vehicle traffic on the highway from the air


Hello, fellow members of the Drone community! Today, I'm once again going to show you some of the photos I took with my DJI Mavic Air 2 drone camera

Today, I will share my photography content with all of you in a special community that displays photos taken with a drone camera. I know, in this community there are many photographers who have extraordinary photography works.

Hari ini, aku kembali akan membagikan konten fotografiku kepada kalian semua di komunitas khusus yang menampilkan foto-foto yang di ambil dengan kamera drone. Aku tahu, dikomunitas ini sangat banyak fotografer yang memiliki karya fotografinya yang sangat luar biasa.

On this occasion, I want to share some of the latest experiments with drones. This time, I tried to capture the dynamics of city traffic from above. There are some unique challenges that I have to overcome, such as arranging the composition so that the vehicle looks like it is moving without blur, and choosing the right time to get interesting light

Pada kesempatan kali ini, aku ingin berbagi beberapa eksperimen terbaru dengan drone. Kali ini, aku mencoba menangkap dinamika lalu lintas kota dari atas. Ada beberapa tantangan unik yang harus kuatasi, seperti mengatur komposisi agar kendaraan terlihat bergerak tanpa blur, dan memilih waktu yang tepat untuk mendapatkan cahaya yang menarik.

There are many things that I have learned in this community. I still need knowledge about it. However, I also try to share the results of my photography work in this community. Although there are still many shortcomings. However, I continue to learn to be a photographer who has works like my friends.

Banyak hal yang telah aku pelajari di komunitas ini. Aku yang masih perlu ilmu tentang hal itu. Meskipun demikian, aku juga mencoba membagikan hasil karya fotografi saya di komunitas ini. Meskipun masih banyak kekurangannya. Namun, aku terus belajar untuk bisa menjadi fotografer yang memiliki karya seperti teman-teman.

Well, on this occasion, I share some photos about the busyness of motorized vehicles on the highway in my place. Okay, here are some photos that I share on this occasion with all of you.

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, saya membagikan beberapa foto tentang kesibukan kenderaan bermotor dijalan raya di tempat saya. Baiklah, inilah beberapa foto yang saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini kepada kalian semua.

All Picture Taken With Drone DJI MAVIC AIR 2 Camera


Those streets and traffic look like they would be great for some timelapse or hyperlapse videos!
