You Wipe Your Butt With Their Soul...
You Wipe Your Butt With Their Soul...
hey there friends,
Look at this --> :)
<-- what is it? it's a smiling face right? it probably a happy little emoji sitting there giggling about something unto itself… But then it's also just a colon and parenthesis... it's our minds that then assign these emotions to it.
This assigning human characteristics and feelings to nonhuman things, is in a way Anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism, is almost like when you look at that emoji, and you know it's just a colon and parenthe, but yet you assign a feeling and emotions thaIt a human would have. You then start diving deeper into these feelings and emotions, you encourage stories and backstories about what it's about, and what is happening.
I suffer from this a lot, I see faces in a lot of things, I see stories when looking at the stucco on the wall. It's sometimes fun but also at other times it's quite horrifying. Take for example the next series of photos.
I'm going to share them with you because I find them quite horrifying, but yet in some ways, also exciting? ... I don't know what that says about me, but let's discover together.
Today I am talking about these things.
They are moist toilet wipes, you would use to dry your bum after using the bumm gun, or perhaps clean a babies butt... We've all seen moist towelettes, and that's not the thing we are here to talk about... take a look at the face on the outside of it.
This is some sort of duck, a anamorphic creature of some sort that looks happy.... but then you rip open its face.
WHAT THE FUCK... The once happy, little duck person is now crying and very sad. You then, further have to rip the beak off their face, in order to access the sweet sweet moist towelettes below...
So now we have successfully, open the animal's face, ripped off its beak, and now, and NOW, we have to start pulling out its sole. one strip of moist towelette at a time.
We pull and pull these toilets, out of the ducks mouth. It's like we are slowly draining their soul, pulling the very essence of there being, out of them.
We pulled the souls out of this creature, just to clean our own ass. If that's not the height of some demonic deranged, derailed form of human life I don't know what is.
Eventually all that is left is a hollowed shell of once was a plump happy duck creature, a creature that was once happily laughing and playing with his other friends before being abducted by deities, and having its light ripped out of its mouth one fabric cloth the time.
I don't mean to bring down your mood today, I'm just saying that the moral quandaries I have when I use this product is pretty great, I'm just saying that what I'm doing my business, and I reach to get a moist towelette, and I have to again, rip open the face of this creature, jamm my fingers into his mouth and dig around, then yank out of bit of its sole, just so I can feel clean and refreshed... It's just too much to put on somebody... For real it's just too much.
Or is it... Or is this bit of sacrifice, something that this creature enjoys? perhaps it's part of their reproductive cycle? Perhaps I'm doing it a favor by removing it soul?
Perhaps I spend too much time thinking about the anamorphic characteristics of sanitation napkins, and how their plight might affect my mood during the day. Hrmmmm...
Anyways what you think?
You think they enjoy this or not?
Should they be set free, should I liberate them from the store shelves and set them free to run again the wild? I think that's what might have to happen...
Viva la revolución!!
Thanks for joining me today and I hope your butts are clean!

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I got to say that duck looks like it will only truly be happy once you have depleted its soul and the souls of all of its friends, distant relatives and children. Its a classic example of being created to fulfil a higher purpose.
I would like to start a petition to get the brand of moist towelettes installed and served at every Toilet, Festival, Rave, Political Convention, and Orgy in the land.
Who's with me?
Seriously though, Fuck a Duck. Those poor bastards drew the short straw.
"fulfill a higher purpose"
honestly - what sick mind designed that container - hahahaha i must meet them LOL
I believe they may be my long lost brother or sister...
can i please come to Thanksgiving dinner to meet all of you?? LOL
oops - that was me answering on my other account hahahahaa
CAN I PLEASE come.. hahahaha
Of course you're both welcome, We Always keep room at the table.
Can I join too?
Let me answer for you....yes! Lol
damn right its an open table.
You have two accounts? LOL. You know, dreemport sounds like a destination for me to focus on. Love both your account names. It makes me feel like dreaming of good things.
Hahahahaha I actually have .. 7 accounts 😂😂😂😂😂
But they all had/have a purpose.
I only actively use 3 now.
Dreemsteem, DreemPort and my secret account that I write fiction with lol
When I write with dreemsteem, it's feels too exposed sometimes. It's nice to just write without anyone knowing who you are.
But DreemPort is....wait...
Let me tag you in a comment where I explain it hahaha
I explained it today :)
Seven accounts??? My head just spun. I'm lucky to manage one.
I can see why two, but will look for DreemPort and your tag now.
well i dont use them all hahahaha
i had them for a purpose LOL but this one is my main account hehehe
I can see why people have more than one account for different purposes and reasons. I just know that one is all I can handle. I'm new to social media, so that's probably why my brain boggles at the idea of more than one. LOLOL
I'm imagining images of other, um, specific things instead of a harmless duck. I'm imagining that those things, would sell like hotwipes hot off the press, so to speak.
I believe in your sentiment as well, that if the duck was in a position in society that did not like to be in, ergo with it's soul being used for personal sanitation reasons, then it is upon the duck himself or herself, to rise up and seek a higher status in life. However being that the duck does not rise up, to claim a higher echelon, we are left then to assume they are happy. Furthermore that is in the ducks best interests, for us to continue the systematic soul harvesting, to which makes our ducks, and bums happy.
I have not been to a "Festival, Rave, Political Convention, and Orgy", in quite a while... I do say that I do miss all of these. However I am also in agreement with your petition to add most towelettes to these acts.
All in favor raise your hand. 👍
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Thanks for that and writing the article in the first place 👍 that was a claiic.
This post is just ducky! 😁 What a fun foray into anthropomorphism and clean bums! Kudos!
😂😂😂😂 That is one of the best comment I've ever gotten. ❤️
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@thekittygirl, you've been given LUV from @jacuzzi.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/4)
You notice that it is not the image of a cat, then it would be only 9 wipes, that would be some expensive sheit @jacuzzi!!!
You know they wouldn't discount it!
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I forgot to mention it as well @jacuzzi, that it was elevated into the flight path by @dreemsteem on PYPT (hosted by @shadowspub on Thursday at 4 UTC in the DreemPort server on Discord).
Oh, and I also forgot to mention that the 2nd cousin of this Duck Clean- your-bum Wipes, in my DuckDuckGo browser, got mad at me because we made fun of the DuckDuckWipes and took away my dark browser, now I just have blinding light!!! Hahahahahaha!!! What a sheithead it is!
Clean-up on Aisle 3 in the Quacker section!!!
hahahahahaha i saw a video today that showed a little monkey that went around your neck - and out of his bum, came wipes! LOL
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Unreal @dreemsteem!!! No wonder I see them picking their bums all the time, they're trying to get the wipes out!!!
ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLllll oh my gosh ahahahahahahaha
Hilarious story 😂 and creepy product packaging. How many souls do you get out of one duck? (hmmmm. that sounds like the first line of a bad joke, lol)
That's your best funny duck impression?
After a bad first line like that I thought Quack was perfect.
Which first line?
OMG, can you word it better? He did say multiple souls, so I was curious.
Everything you'll ever need to wipe your soul and hole clean, New patented Pope Wipes.
The difference that sentence would've read had there not been an L in hole says a lot for one letter.
One L has remarkable capabilities doesn't it?!? Dayum!
I tagged you in this one I don't think you saw it. You might as well take a look too @rubido. I've seen VR art studios before but that's the first time I've seen someone make a VR photography gallery of other authors photos. Dope!
Damn man that's nuts just had a look. jethro in 3D and some other people I gotta check out now. It even works on my laptop with no problems. Im not allowed to get a headset cause apparently Id just use it to watch Porn.
Dope right?? I'm so impressed.
I'm also so disappointed I didn't think of a headset til now.
Pretty damn awesome, I wanna play with that app now.
Headsets on my Christmas list along with a few other choice items.
I missed the tag, but I went and looked, totally wild. I know he's been working on this project for a while.
True but I guess in the Vatican anything goes, They could be used for that too.
Dammit. Sorry man it seems as though I've written a whole article here
Have you been there, Vatican City? My man there's homeless people begging on the church steps at the Vatican.
Everyone steps over them to enter the Vatican and Peter's Basilica. They stare intently at the ground to make sure they don't step directly on the homeless people as they enter like a game of hopscotch with their cameras in hand to photograph "the worlds finest art collection" and things like the $55 million dollar ceiling. The ceiling! (ceiling) It's between 60-120 feet in the air, no one will ever touch it or be close to it and it's solid fucking gold.
Homeless people beg for food on the steps. It's the worst contrast I saw in all of our travels. I shook their hands dude, I did not step over them. I stopped and shook their hands and said God bless you or 'something' and you know what?!? More than half of them didn't have hands! If there was a produce cart nearby or 'something,' I'd run over and grab them some apples or bananas, etc.
One time 2 nuns tried to stop me from giving a homeless woman without hands a banana. That was not the Vatican but it was New Years Day 2020—different church in Rome. They were telling her she couldn't stay on the steps and urging me not to feed her so she'd leave. So I sat down next to her, shook her stub wrist thing and peeled the banana for her. Those nuns were assholes.
Yeah in My experience nuns are generally assholes, guess its hard to break the habit of a lifetime.
Good on you for helping the lady out. I've been moved on or at least they've attempted to move me on outside plenty of public places and churches. Most people are good at ignoring homeless people. I like to bring some food and drink and chat with em, you know the things I would want people to do with me if I was having a really bad patch.
Cant think of a much rougher patch to hit than having to beg for food and sleep outside.
When I'm flush I drop some cash. If nothing else I'm good for some conversation and a bite to eat.
As for hitting the Vatican, Got no desire to ever go. Id check out some of the old empire historical sites If I was in the area but otherwise, fuck em and their gold ceilings and diamond encrusted books.
You'd be amazed how many homeless people seem to have missing limbs, apparently most common cause is infection and frostbite in colder climates.
Shit thats my turn to start an article.
Hey dude I did several articles while we were in Italy. I won't bore you with them but this was the final chapter. I called it Unveiling Rome.
damn man nice one, past the upvote stage but that's what I prefer to see. Reality
maybe each wipe represents a soul... lol
That's what I was thinking.
i love how jacuzzi is just like... i'll wait til you are all finished here. LOL
LOLOLOLOL, that's too funny!
I think it's the same as how much would a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
And of course that answer is, a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
But with that with ducks and souls.
A soul filled duck has as much soul as a soul filled duck would have if a duck had a soul filled soul.
Simple 👍 ❤️
Dropping you some hot !PIZZA and !LUV on this post!
😂I forgot all about that woodchuck chucking. Thanks for the Pizza & Luv!
I hope everything came out alright. Open a window or something, geez!
Go bidet or go home.
Ahhhhh. I came toilet you know that your comment made me giggle.
tee hee hee
Forget the match I brought a blowtorch.
LOLOLOL i'm shaking the bed laughign at this
Always happy to provide a giggle :D
well I didn't type this post while the restroom, 😆😆 however yes, my diet includes a lot of fiber, so everything came out all right 😉 ❤️🙏
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ok - i have to share this with people who will appreciate your sick humor hahahahahahaha
@dandays @galenkp @nineclaws @krazzytrucker @rubido LOL i'm dying laughing and i thought you would too hehehehe
donkeyshines 😁
Thank you. I'll cross
virtually meet someone while they're poopingoff the list.😂
Well Urine luck! You can also cross
being a potty pooperoff the list. whew. I can't come up with any more bathroom puns. I'm flushed.Better than being an eight, could you imagine urinate? I'd be all kinda of backed up. Yeah, it's a wash.
Check and check, LOLOL!
I would not say it's a sick bit of humor, but rather clean humor. After all we are talking about sanitary napkins... Sure, there is that messy bit of soul harvesting, but the Grim Reaper has been doing this for a number of years, and I would say that they are close to celebrity status. 😉
but seriously, I am filled with gratitude for your support and comments. When I get tired I am channeling @dreemsteem as my spirit animal!
Dropping you some hot !PIZZA and !LUV on this post!
yes - clean humor!!!!!!!! of course - what was I thinking hhahahahahaha
ahhh i'm happy to do it jacuzzi. please keep me smiling - i raved about your work on the PYPT show - and hoped that people would really come to enjoy more of your posts. They are well supported financially - but I always hope that comments would be the way that people will really connect!
so - that's my desire - to get more people interacting on hive in more ways :)
thank you for pizza and luv hehehehe
i'm definitely sharing this one on PYPT too hahahahahahaha
Thank you and namaste 🙏 ❤️
hehehe i think people had fun with you! your comment section is filled with lots of silliness and joy :)
thank you for creating a place for us to laugh!
Fantastic Tim...!!! You're very creative 🤣
@trangbaby, I may write some silly things, but you have the milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard, and by milkshake I mean awesome content, and by all the boys, I mean all the upvotes. I inspired to write like you. ❤️
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Have you drunk Tim? My poor my boy Kooza haha
Wow I love it and I won't lie to you I haven't even seen such before. This is my first time thanks for updating on stuffs like this
my friend Dare I say you are young, well actually I don't know, you might be very old, so, maybe we'll never see something like this again, but I think you have a strong chance of seeing more things like this... Soon. 😳
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Ok duckface just got a new meaning. Goodmorning from the bed with this duckface blog to the jacuzzi! As a mum I have to wonder A. Do the kids start happy and than became sad and forget to wipe because the crying is more important?
B. Is a duckbutt comparable or compatible to a duckface
C. Do you get frounded upon when you make pictures on the toilet and blog about asswipes?
Cause I have that because of my toilettag
This blog is so good for my #toiletthursday tag! So next time when a wipe gives you a face think tags 😉 have a smiley Saturday
Note to me #smileysaturday is kinda cool
Wipe teaching in school
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