Please read! Important from @animal-shelter
This is the link I went to. It was VERY STUPID! I've never done this before...
This is very sad to read. More and more Hive accounts are getting hacked. And seeing that spam comment from that community account with a 56 reputation score is also very sad. That account is probably also stolen. People should be more careful where they click, where they enter their passwords.
I'm sorry to hear that! It's a pity that you didn't change your recovery account from steem. Please do so with any other accounts that you are going to use
To be honest, I'm shocked. This account has been a huge support for my shelter. I'm trying to restore access, but there are no guarantees.
Sorry for your loss. I wish you all the best with your new account.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you recover the account t.t
😥😡 I'm so sorry! This is messed up!!
I don't know how to help other than at least share this post. keep us informed
ой ой ой как обидно 😥 и ничего нельзя сделать?
Sorry to hear that 😔. I cross my fingers for you, and I hope the community will support you, no matter what happens with you stolen account.
Maybe you can still recover the account with your owner key and the recovery account:
In general don't click on any giveaway that sounds to good to be true and does not come from a well known account.
The problem is my recovery account is still steem... And they even don't want to reply to me... But thank you, I'll try again
AH man this is shocking, is there anyway to get it back. This is what scares me on here, I don't want to power up for this vey reason. Anything I can do just ask..
powering up is actually the thing that is saving your Hive if your keys get exposed. Who ever gets the keys can't get any of the Hive that is powered up for at least 7 days.
Of course changing the recovery account to someone you trust and can help you is important.
Thank you for the advice 😊
Karen, your recover account is set to 'hive'. Do you actually know the owner of that account? If not, you should set it to someone you can trust to recover or it will be permanently lost should it be phished.
Hi. Thank you 😊 How do I do that? Is it someone you know on here?
No, I don't know who owns that account. Its not an 'official' account. Follow the instructions in this post:
Thank you will do.
My dear Karen, I understand you so well. My hands are shaking... On Wednesday I was going to buy animal food, but now I don't know what to do. We're always being scared of war, and now this... I'm trying to fix this problem, but I'm not sure if I'll get my access backP.S. So far I can’t change the photo of my ex to mine, but here it’s just me
I have been having a look seems the thief has stolen a few accounts, surely they should be kicked off and accounts returned to owners. If there anything I can do just ask.❤
Very sorry hope someone in Hive can help you recover account. 😫