Managing your digital life - small tweaks make a massive difference!


I have been on a bit of a digital journey over the last few months (probably years actually!). It all started when I read the excellent book Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport (highly recommended by the way!), which explores healthy ways to include digital technology in your life.

As alot you will know, digital technology, in particular social media are cleverly designed to keep you on their sites for as long as possible - the longer we stay on their sites the more data they can collect about us and sell to advertiser. This idea is explored in the Netflix doco The Social Dilemma. This ´attention economy´ means companies are forever fighting for our attention and becoming more clever about how they do it. Just having this information is a headstart into managing your digital life.


As these technologies are addictive by design, it becomes important to manage how you use them. Some people go to the extreme of deleting all social media or other notorious time wasters such as Youtube and Netflix. I find that just logging out of Facebook and deleting my details is enough to stop me from using it ALL the time. It is to easy when you are always logged in to just check in and then wonder where half and hour has gone - having to log in each time acts as a barrier and makes me think if I am actually wanting to do anything in particular.

Another thing I notice and have read is that often the first thing people look at in the morning and the last thing they look at before they go to bed is their smart phone. Think about that for a second... looking at a screen before even saying good morning to your loved ones! I have started a rule (which sometimes I break admittedly...) that I wont look at my phone as soon as I wake up. I take my time, enjoy the taste of my coffee and breakfast - being mindful of what I am doing and it makes a huge difference to how I feel. Sometimes it can be harder at the end of the day as we are all often tired and just want to blob. However, when I limit my screen use at night time I notice a huge difference.


Lastly, I try and keep my phone away from reach when I am with other people as much as possible (I have a smart watch so if something is urgent I will know. I have found it sends a bad message if your phone is right there when you are with friends. I cant stand it when I am out with people and I see people out for coffee and they are all on their phones!

I would love to hear if you think my digital tweaks could be helpful for you or how you manage your digital life.


I deleted my Facebook in 2016. Never had Instagram and any other social media other than Youtube, and more recently Twitter (which I don't check very often). It was a shock when I suddenly disappeared from Facebook; it got better as people switched to Whatsapp to schedule stuff. For a week or more I still tried to open Facebook in my computer. Luckly I never had a smartphone full of apps, otherwise I'm not sure if I'd dropped at all. Anyways. All this to say I knew about the huge anchor social medies are. Still, when I watched The Social Dilemma it restricted my internet use even more.

Another thing I notice and have read is that often the first thing people look at in the morning and the last thing they look at before they go to bed is their smart phone.

My nemesis at the moment.


I use Facebook less and less these days but still check in to see what people have been up to. It really adds 0 value to my life so feel like should get rid of it too. Mainly keep it for media as here in New Zealand not as many people use WhatsApp.

Yeah I find the mornings easier but the evenings are hard as I am often tired and just want to blob and watch YouTube


Have you reached the point where you are reaching your phone even when it's far away? I'm trying to leave the phone away from me, and then I suddenly feel enxious and don't know wtf is going on. It's serious and I fear for today's kids. Then I feel normal when I'm at the ranch away from internet.


Yeah I often will put my phone away from me like I mentioned and that does make a HUGE difference. I do feel abit funny sometimes when I dont know whats going on too. I can say it does get easier though!

I must say I do have better days the less time I spend on the internet thats for sure. I worry about the future generations who have grown up with all of this!
