Squeezing out something for Inktober - Days 2 and 3

It's Inktober day thirteen so obviously I'm posting days two and three. Makes sense, right?

Honestly I'm not exited at all about this drawing and inking stuff. I suck at it and as I'd at this point rather do anything else than draw or ink, I think it shows. And these are the edited versions! Not happy with them but as I've promised to myself that I will do this, then I will do this as practise is the only way to get better. So I will do this and hate doing it. But I will do this. And hate it.

Oh look! Rust! Splendid.
I have not touched these since Inktober 2020.
In my previous Inktober post I said that I propably wouldn't use ink but apparently I lied. The first thing I did was dig up my ink, ink pen and transparent paper and started inking.
I hate this.
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Blur, blur, blur. Blurry background with Photoshop. Aaaaaaand I couldn't even put the magazine piece on it's correct place. Just look at the shoulders. I hate this.
Next one: vessel.
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Thank goodness Hjemmet magazine dated 1969 had a drawing guide for children because that's what I need. Guidance. As simple as possible.
I hate it.

A little more lines to the sky in Photoshop, a little more sand, a little more weird water, better sails, better vessel in the sky. And I hate it.
Thank goodness there was an article about vikings in the Hjemmet. Otherwise we would have had to settle for a poorer drawing than this. Although can't imagine how that could be possible but let's just say it's a figure of speech in this case.
I would love to spend more time with a single subject (no I wouldn't) so that the final drawing would be better, but as the days just seem to go by so fast I just have to draw something and then move on. And I only have days 1 to 7 ready and only two of them published. Not counting the space ship as it wasn't even in the list.
Oh god I hate this.
I will now go cry to some dark corner and prepare myself for new disappointments as the next inktober post has to be published soon. Can't wait.
For an artist who hates drawing and inking so much, you come up with some pretty great stuff I think :)
Thaaaaaaaaaanks. :)
I also hate waking up and going to sleep. Clothes when I have to do something with them and bunch of other stuff which I nevertheless do anyway and at the same time mumble how I hate everything.
Oh wait...
You think? You think!?
Thanks I think.
Take solace, the hatred of ink work is natural even if it is part of the improvement process. Eventually hate will fade to mere loathing and disgust.
Thanks for sharing the journey and your misery with us! Your work has brightened our days.
I liked it, but hey what do I know!
P.s. if you ever want more tortuous ink nibs I have thousands.
Can't wait for the loathing and disgust. Tell me if you have any guesses on how long till that stage so I can mark it to my calendar because I'm running out of excuses, which really aren't excuses but solid reasons, on why I can't go out and do normal socializing stuff with people.
"Can Insane come out and play"
"Sure, oh no, I can't because today at twelve o'clock I'm scheduled to bury myself in to loath and disgust and that's like... in two minutes so... sorry!"
I'm so glad that my misery makes people happy! Or was it sad? Sad or glad? Is there any difference? Let's say its both so slad it is!
Thanks! :)
Tortuous nibs.
Got it.
Socialising... Ewww
Yeah I get ya. And of course basking in someone else's suffering is only one of the best parts of being human!
Id say pencil in the date on the calendar somewhere after the first time you don't imagine stabbing people in the eye with the pen, or 2025 whichever comes first.
Thanks for providing a bright point to my day!
Always happy to help and also thank you for helping me! :)
no problem its a pleasure ;)
It looks great and I'm not exaggerating or just being kind.
Seriously man, don't be so hard on yourself.
For starters, check out the 7-year-old art above my latest post and compare it to this.
And you know what, I might joke about it but won't say it's bad. I have been way too hard on myself for way too long and it doesn't make you feel better.
Time to practice some self love! ;<)
Thank you!
I think I have not yet been hard enough to myself. Because this time I didn't even mention anything about swearing and hair pulling or banging my head against the wall to a circle that has a text in the center of it: "bang you head here" and no nails were pulled or even bitten. So I'm really far away from being an actual artist that eventually would die some horrible way and that way earn the right for the art to be really expensive.
Although I have no idea how I could make more art post mortem so perhaps I'll just concentrate on driving me insane. Oh wait... but I am insane so... All's good then!
But seriously though. One thing that I've learned is that you should never compare your art to any other art that someone else has done. You can have goals, but never compare. And never listen those who do that to you. I think art is more than just the end result. It's the process and the thought put in to it. It is, of course also the end result but I think too many people focus too much on that. And on the fact that does it please their eye. My opinion is that although art can be nice to watch it also can be just something that raises questions. Makes a statement. Tickles your brain. Or all of this.
Your art is awesome and when you're happy with it, that is enough. So sorry to disappoint you, but I like your art. :)
Glad we like each other's art. In all honesty, I start to like my own art and myself more and more day by day.
Does that make me a narcissist? ;<)
Narcissist? I think not. You have to try harder to be a narcissist. 😄
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Sounds like you really don't hate pizza :)