Non Fiction/ Change of plans (Eng/Esp)



In that year I was looking to rent housing in the city where I lived. I urgently needed to find a house, an apartment or an annex for my daughter and me. It didn't have to be that big, but in a quiet and central location.

I had found some options on internet sites, but there was always something I didn't like: that if they didn't have an independent entrance, that if the water service was not constant, in others the prices were very high and they also asked for many months of deposit.

I stayed like that for a few days until I found a place that I liked and that seemed very appropriate. The payment conditions were fair and within my budget.

When my daughter arrived at the house, I told her

"I think I got the right place. I called the owner and I'm going to go see it tomorrow".

"Are you sure, Mom?, and where is it?"

My daughter didn't want to move out of the place where we lived and when I gave her the address, she started complaining.

"I don't like it there, it's too far from downtown".

But I stood my ground and decided to go and see the place to make a decision.

The next morning I went to a health center near the house and the lady agreed to look for me there. I told her how I was going to dress and she did the same. I waited for half an hour and finally I saw her coming. A lady about seventy years old, short and a little stout, with short hair, was dressed in a green flannel and blue jeans shorts.

Mrs. Luisa, that was her name, after greeting me and apologizing for the wait, took me to the house. It was a two-story house, with a small garden and was gated. She was renting the first floor. We entered the house, there was a garage and a car was there.

After the door there was a small living room and a window overlooking the parking lot, then the kitchen, the bathroom. And at the end a big room... without a window. I found it comfortable, but the only thing I didn't like was the car because when it started, the smoke would come through the window. But she assured me that the car belonged to her son and she didn't use it.

After showing me around, we sat down in a little garden on one side. So far so good. She told me the price, the months deposit. That there was wifi and that I had to pay according to consumption.

We talked for almost an hour, well, she was the one talking. She told me about her life, her children, that the annex was rented to some doctors. That she had a stroke and they had helped her. I think the lady needed someone to talk to. We went upstairs and she showed me another room that was rented by a girl and the rest of the upstairs where she lived with her family.

On the way down she told me

"You have to make a decision quickly, as there are other people interested".

"I have made up my mind, I want to rent the annex", I told her almost without thinking.

We agreed that she would draw up the contract and I would make the deposit to pay the rent.

When I got home, my daughter asked me how I did.

"It went well. The lady talked a lot, she told me almost her whole life, but well, you know I don't like to have a lot of confidence with people and I almost didn't talk".

I told her what the place was like.

"But, mom! you don't like enclosed places and the room has no window. What if they use the car? And besides, you don't like to talk much. Can you imagine that lady every morning or afternoon knocking on the door, knock knock knock, for any excuse to talk to you?"

"Daughter!, you are seeing all the negative. It looks like a good place to me and the owner was very kind to me. And this afternoon I will agree to pay the reservation and sign the contract. I've already made the decision".

"Well, Mommy, I hope everything goes well". My daughter's face, with her mouth puckered, said otherwise.

That afternoon, as agreed, I called Mrs. Luisa. She asked me a little dryly.

"Do you have the money?"

"If I have it, give me the information to make the reservation".

Then, in a very annoyed voice

"I told you that the payment was in dollars".

In my country the dollar is not the official currency.

I was surprised.

"Excuse me!, but I don't remember you telling me that. But no problem, I buy the dollars.

"Of course! I told you, it's just that you were not paying attention to what was most important".

That surprised me even more. What's wrong with the lady?

"And I also told you that I have a friend who has a butcher shop and who sells me dollars. He saw that you didn't hear anything. You can see that you didn't pay attention to anything!".

This had already started to bother me and, to clarify something she had not told me, I asked her how the gas service was and if I had to buy the cylinder.

She did not answer what I asked her and told me.

"Ah, no, ma'am!, I have people interested in this annex, who can pay for the whole contract at once.

At that moment I realized that I was barking up the wrong tree.

"Look, ma'am!, if you don't want to rent me the annex, let's leave this up to here and I won't waste my time". And I hung up on her.

After a while she called me back and complained that I had hung up on her. And she told me that I had behaved rudely.

"Don't call me again", I told her and I was relieved that I hadn't rented that annex.

My daughter was happy not to go to live there and she was right, only that I, in my haste, was not able to see that it was not convenient for us. That's why there is a saying in my country that says that from the rush only tiredness remains. In a short time we managed to move to an apartment in the same place where we lived.




Cambio de planes

En ese año yo estaba buscando alquilar una vivienda en la ciudad donde vivía. Necesitaba con urgencia encontrar una casa, un apartamento o un anexo para mi hija y para mí. No tenía que ser tan grande, pero sí en un lugar tranquilo y céntrico.

Había encontrado algunas opciones en sitios de internet, pero siempre había algo que no me gustaba: que si no tenían entrada independiente, que si el servicio de agua no era constante, en otros los precios eran muy altos y además pedían muchos meses de depósito.

Así estuve unos días hasta que encontré un lugar que me gustó y me pareció muy apropiado. Las condiciones de pago eran justas y estaban dentro de mi presupuesto.

Cuando mi hija llegó a la casa, le comenté

–Creo que conseguí el lugar adecuado. Llamé a la dueña y mañana iré a verlo.

–¿Estás segura, mamá?, y ¿dónde queda?

Mi hija no quería mudarse del lugar donde vivíamos y cuando le di la dirección, empezó a quejarse.

–A mí no me gusta allí, eso queda muy lejos del centro.

Pero yo me mantuve firme y decidí ir a conocer el lugar para tomar una decisión.

A la mañana siguiente me fui hasta un centro de salud que quedaba cerca de la casa y la señora quedó en pasarme buscando por allí. Yo le dije cómo iba a ir vestida y ella igualmente. Esperé una media hora y al fin la vi venir. Una señora como de setenta años, baja y un poco robusta, con el cabello corto, estaba vestida con una franela verde y unos bermudas de blue jeans.

La señora Luisa, que así se llamaba, después de saludarme y disculparse por la espera, me llevó hasta la casa. Era de dos pisos, con un pequeño jardín y estaba enrejada. Ella estaba alquilando la planta baja. Entramos a la casa, había un garaje y allí estaba un carro.

Después de la puerta había una sala pequeña y una ventana que daba al estacionamiento, luego la cocina, el baño. Y al final un cuarto grande... sin ventana. Me pareció cómoda, pero lo único que no me gustaba era lo del carro porque cuando se prendiera, el humo iba a entrar por la ventana. Pero ella me aseguró que ese carro era de su hijo y no lo usaba.

Luego de mostrarme el lugar, nos sentamos en un jardincito que había a un lado. Hasta acá todo bien. Ella me dijo el precio, los meses de depósito. Que había wifi y que tenía que pagar de acuerdo al consumo.

Allí estuvimos hablando casi una hora, bueno, ella era la que hablaba. Me contó sobre su vida, sus hijos, que ese anexo lo tenían alquilado a unos médicos. Que a ella le dio una ACV y ellos la habían auxiliado. Creo que la señora necesitaba con quién hablar. Subimos las escaleras y me mostró otra habitación que estaba alquilada por una muchacha y el resto de la planta alta donde ella vivía con su familia.

Al bajar me dijo

–Tiene que tomar rápido una decisión, ya que hay otras personas interesadas.

–Estoy decidida, quiero alquilar el anexo, le dije casi sin pensarlo.

Quedamos en que ella iba a hacer el contrato y yo el depósito para reservarlo.

Cuando llegué a la casa, mi hija me preguntó cómo me había ido.

–Me fue bien. Eso sí, la señora habla bastante, me contó casi toda su vida, pero bueno, tú sabes que a mí no me gusta tener mucha confianza con la gente y yo casi no hable.

Le conté cómo era el lugar.

–¡Pero, mamá!, a ti no te gustan los lugares encerrados y la habitación no tiene ventana. ¿Y si usan el carro? Y además a ti no te gusta hablar mucho. ¿Te imaginas esa señora todas las mañanas o en las tardes tocando la puerta, toc toc toc por cualquier excusa para hablar contigo?

–Hija, estás viendo todo lo negativo. A mí me parece un buen lugar y la dueña fue muy amable conmigo. Y esta tarde me pongo de acuerdo para pagar la reserva y firmar el contrato. Ya tomé la decisión.

–Bueno, mami, ojalá todo vaya bien. –El rostro de mi hija, con la boca fruncida, parecía decír lo contrario.

Esa tarde, como acordamos, llamé a la señora Luisa. Me pregunto de manera un poco seca.

–¿Tiene el dinero?

–Si ya lo tengo, deme los datos para hacer la transferencia a su banco.

Entonces, con una voz muy molesta me respondió.

–Yo le dije a usted que el pago era en dólares.

En mi país el dólar no es la moneda oficial.

Me sorprendí

–Disculpe, pero no recuerdo que usted me haya dicho eso. Pero no hay problema, yo compro los dólares.

–Claro que se lo dije, es que usted no estaba pendiente de lo más importante

Aquello me sorprendió aún más.

–Y también le dije que yo tengo un amigo que tiene una carnicería y que me vende dólares. Vio que usted no escuchó nada.

Esto ya me había empezado a molestar porque su actitud era muy extraña y entonces le pregunté sobre algo que estaba segura que no me habia dicho, si el servicio de gas era aparte y si tenía que comprar la bombona.

No me respondió lo que le pregunte y me dijo.

–¡Ah no! señora, yo tengo gente interesada en este anexo, que me puede pagar de una vez todo el contrato.

En ese momento me di cuenta de que estaba ladrando al árbol equivocado.

–Mire, señora, si usted no quiere alquilarme el anexo, dejemos esto hasta aquí y yo no pierdo mi tiempo. Y le colgué la llamada.

Al rato me volvió a llamar y me reclamó porque le había colgado la llamada. Que era una maleducada.

–¡No me vuelva a llamar!, –le dije y sentí un alivio de no haber alquilado ese anexo.

Y mi hija, feliz de no irse a vivir para allá y tenía razón, solo que yo, por el apuro, no fui capaz de ver que no nos convenía. Por eso hay un dicho en mi tierra que dice que del apuro solo queda el cansancio. En poco tiempo logramos mudarnos a un apartamento en el mismo lugar donde vivíamos.




It's a good thing that you didn't pursued renting in that house. There are really times that we're so overwhelmed about something that we overlook details that later become important things for us. That lady was sure weird, but I can't really judge her because she's already old, and old people mostly tend to forget things they do. Maybe she had said it to another person, and she mistook you as that person? Anyway, this is a nice read, @popurri; thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much for your comment. It is possible that it was due to the lady's confusion, at that moment I found her behavior strange but I didn't think so, maybe because I felt pressured.
Greetings @ridgette, and happy night ✨️


Oh, I see, I see—then it's really fortunate that you didn't rush into renting her place because it would be really hard to deal with that kind of person.

You're welcome, @popurri... Good day!


Your daughter must have really been anticipating how it eventually goes at the end of the day actually


That's right @adese , she knew it didn't suit us.
Thank you very much for your comment.


The way you accepted the offer - the house was same way you rejected it 👍
Guess the long talks about her life blinded you. Regardless, your daughter could see through the signs.

Imagine, the lady adding up things she didn't say. When she was talking too much, she'd have thought, "oh, I must have told her this"


How well said @iskawrites. I think that's what happened. The lady talked so much that she thought she said what she didn't say.

That's right, my daughter was very attentive.

I really appreciate your comment.
Regards 🌻😘


It is difficult to deal with certain people, they do not have a very good character and in terms of interpersonal relationships they leave much to be desired. Fortunately, you had the opportunity to change your mind about renting and get out of what would have been a nightmare to live in that place.

Thanks for sharing.
Excellent Friday.


Hi @rinconpoetico7
Thank you for your comment. It was a strange reaction from the lady but that indicated to me that it was not the right place in the house.



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