Fresh Corpse -5minutefreewrite
Fresh corpse. The dead body of thinking. Thinking thoughts no more. Can't even really conceive of how thoughts work. Can't conceive of anything.
Oh heck. Now this is really triggering. I'm trying not to think of my father. There's a lot of thoughts I wasn't prepared for this morning that I'm struggling both to push away and not push away because part of freewriting is, to me, allowing those thoughts to flow through your fingers, but I don't want to think of my father at the funeral home.
So I won't heck, rules are made to be broken and my rule about following thoughts can be broken. The only one who cares is me.
Cheese and crackers.
Kinetic sand.
Going out to the street. Playing outside.
Oh, I love just sitting outside on the porch with my kiddo. He brings some legos, I read, and we're just cozy comfy together and can hear the city around us: birds sing, airplanes fly by, cars and the train in the distance. I need to hone my ears and keep stock. I also need to figure out where we're going to switch our healthcare to. Because I don't think we want to travel to Hollywood anymore. It'll just be unnecessarily far. Maybe dtla, though. There's some places downtown, and it's just a 20 minute train ride. It is a bit further, but it's so dang easy. I really love our neighborhood.
Fresh corpse.
Oooo fresh corpse flowers. Because my love and I met when... well, didn't meet, but one of the first activities we did together was to go to the UW greenhouse, where there are corpse flowers. A corpse flower.
Your freewriting piece captures a sense of intrigue and suspense, leaving the reader wanting more.
what a classic freewrite!
Without directly describing it, you really capture the loss of your father.
So you think of other things.
Love it!