The Anime Realm Quest For October 2024
In exchange of the monthly blogging contest in TAR, we'll be having a monthly quest in the community! This is to encourage one another and to also promote the community!
Everyone is welcome to join!
The quest will span for the whole month so you can join anytime!
Just be careful to follow the instructions. 😉
We have new updates so make sure to read along!
As for the entries for last month, we will be soon distributing the prizes so wait for it!
Everyone thinking of participating the quest should leave a comment anytime this month expressing their commitment to join.
1st placer: 10 HIVE
2nd placer: 10 HIVE
3rd placer: 10 HIVE
4th placer: 5 HIVE
5th placer: 5 HIVE
- Wasn't able to make to the first 5 finishers or incomplete quest: 5 HIVE divided among all the participants (that's why make sure to leave a comment if you're joining!)
- Participation bonus with at least 1 verified entry: 0.5 HIVE (make sure to leave links to your entries even incomplete)
- Successful invitation bonus: 0.5 HIVE (make sure your invite will join and make at least 1 entry)
The format for the links are stated in the Rules section.
Monthly Quest
This month, your quest is to complete the following:
1. Write at least 2 posts related to anime with any topic
This can include any reviews, cosplay events, collectibles, anime pilgrimage, fan arts, manga or manhwa you're reading, and many more.
The gap of all posts should be at least 3 days apart. Please check the Rules for more details.
2. Write at least 3 posts of any sports anime
Let's discover sports through anime! Will it be your favorite soccer anime? Or how about introducing unpopular sports?
This should be separate from #1.
3. Write a post of a thought provoking anime
Ever watched an anime that left you thinking and questioning about life and the world we live in?
This should be separate from #1.
4. Participate in at least 5 small events
You can choose from a bunch of small events that we have:
- Ask Anime
- Manga Mondays
- Wild Plot Wednesdays
- Anime Tracks Thursdays
5. (Optional but maybe with bonus prize) Share 2 of your posts in any socmed
Share at least 2 of your anime posts in any social media platform (X, Facebook, Instagram, etc). Make sure to make it public for us to see. This is optional quest but maybe there will be a bonus prize for those who will complete this.
6. Engage with other authors
Leave meaningful comments to other authors' post and not just yours. This is always a given but for those who don't know, engagement is greatly encourage in the community. We will review the comments you made and evaluate it if it's really not just a "thank you" or a "good anime".
The more, the merrier!
The rules are pretty simple.
Make sure to check #6 and #7 as they are new additional rules!
- Posts should be written in The Anime Realm Community.
- Your post should have a minimum of 300 words, not including the translation.
- English content. If you're content has other language, please have a section for English translation first.
- No plagiarism, content and photos. Properly cite the sources.
- Important! The gap for all posts should be at least 3 days apart. This means to fulfill item #1, #2 and #3, you need at least 3 weeks to complete it. While we encourage you to write daily in the community, it looks like spam posting so please avoid writing posts daily just to complete the quest items.
- NEW!! If you want to join, express your commitment of joining in the comments.
- NEW!! Invite at least 1 person to join this contest. (Optional)
- Once you complete the quest, leave a comment in this post and we will verify. The comment should contain the links to the posts you made as proof to make it easy for us to track per account.
If you want to join, don't forget to comment anytime this month.
Hello, I want to join this month's quest.
Once quest has been completed, comment with this format.
This format should also be the same even if you didn't complete the quest - make sure to comment at the end of the month so you will be counted for the prize that will be split among the non winners.
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 2 Sports Anime:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Item 3 Thought Provoking Anime:
Link 1
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Item 5 Socmed Share (optional):
Link 1
Link 2
Remember, please make sure to follow the rules.
If you have questions or concerns, reach out to us in the comments or in the discord server.
Deadline for this quest is on October 31, 2024 EOD UTC time.
This is just a bonus. If you're making the posts, you're already earning post rewards and a chance to get curated.
But since this is a quest, we have prizes for you to enjoy!
The first 3 people to complete the quest will win 10 HIVE each.
4th and 5th placers will win 5 HIVE each.
For people who expressed they will join the quest, they will get 0.5 HIVE when it's confirmed that they have at least 1 entry.
For people who invites others to join the quest, the person who invited will get 0.5 HIVE when it's confirmed that the person they invited will join the quest and has at least 1 entry.
For those people who didn't make it to the first 5 finishers or who weren't able to complete the quest, there will be 5 HIVE divided among the participants. Make sure to leave a comment at the end of the month so you'll be counted.
Special thanks to the donations for the prizes to be given to the community. If you want to donate, it will be a big help in making the community grow so thank you!
We will be waiting for your entries!
All prizes have been distributed! Congratulations to our finishers and all participants!
1st placer: 10 HIVE => @ridgette
2nd placer: 10 HIVE => @tegoshei
3rd placer: 10 HIVE => @herosik
4th placer: 5 HIVE => @youloseagain
5th placer: 5 HIVE => @omokhafue
non winners bounty 5 HIVE: 1.667 each
We hope to see you all in the November quest!
thank you for this reward even though i said i plan to be first place last month, sadly I realized, I can't do two challenges at the same time, got burnout hahaha and I still have my draft from lasts months 2nd prompt, but I'll post it if I'll have the time and energy thank you again for the 1 and a half hive

omedeto jude!
Yosh! Aiming for that first to third place next time! Thankyou so much,you guys are a blessing ngl!🙏❤️
Yey! Finally...I'm done. Phew...I just made it before the hell week comes. My exams sure are approaching, but I'm glad I already finished the quest before my scheds get heavy!
Item 1.1:
Item 1.2:
Item 2.1:
Item 2.2:
Item 2.3:
Item 3.1:
Item 4.1:
Item 4.2:
Item 4.3:
Item 4.4:
Item 4.5:
Item 5.1:
Item 5.2:
nice one!
Here's my entry this month... :)
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 2 Sports Anime
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Item 3 Thought-provoking anime
Link 1
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 1
Link 2
nice nice!
Im joinin also. Btw. It seems that your post is internally inconsistent. The top part of the post says one thing (the one I quoted) and the second part is from last month. Could you improve this, please? I want to edit this post with two entries :). Have a nice day!
This can include any reviews, cosplay events, collectibles, anime pilgrimage, fan arts, manga or manhwa you're reading, and many more.
The gap of all posts should be at least 3 days apart. Please check the Rules for more details.
Let's discover sports through anime! Will it be your favorite soccer anime? Or how about introducing unpopular sports?
This should be separate from #1.
Ever watched an anime that left you thinking and questioning about life and the world we live in?
This should be separate from #1.
//// From the previous month:
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 2 15-Year Old Anime:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 3 Anime Of This Year:
Link 1
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 6
Item 5 Socmed Share (optional):
Link 1
Link 2
oops! 😬 will edit later and let you know after
thanks for noticing!
Fine :)
thanks for noticing! it's been updated already!
Im joining. Gonna update this post.
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1 ->
Link 1 EXPLANTATION - I posted this entry on Polish communtity on Sunday, so 2 days have passed. BUT I uploaded it to TRA on Monday to comply with the regulations.
Link 2 ->
Item 2 Sports Anime:
Link 1 ->
Link 2 ->
Link 3 ->
Item 3 Thought Provoking Anime:
Link 1 ->
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1 ->
Link 2 ->
Link 3 ->
Link 4 ->
Link 5 ->
Link 6 [extra xd] I thought I had one more event left, lol :D.. ->
Item 5 Socmed Share (optional):
Link 1 Adamada told me that I probably did it right. It's right? :) ->
Link 2
that facebook post - nice!!
On Sunday I will add the penultimate entry + make it publicly available ;).
Finish! :D
nice one!
Good day, @theanimerealm, my friends @tegoshei @ibet; it's been such a long time. I'm definitely joining this month's manga contest. I hope I'll be able to win it this time.
Oh! I'll try to join in the quest of this month 😁
We look forward to your entry @ibet!
I hope you will win!
well, i have a few sports anime in mind ~ and provoking anime hmm.. might dig up some from my past anime lists hahaha I'm pretty sure there's lots though just gotta rewatch ~
count me in, I wanna join ~
That's the spirit! I hope you'll win 1st or 2nd as what you've said last month, @jude.villarta!
I hope so too 🤣
Hey what interesting Targets, spokon animes were very popular in my childhood especially with Captain tsubasa. animes to reflect on society, that's a good question, I think I have a couple that have left me thinking about how the world is today and the power of governments. excited to participate :D
we'll be expecting you!
captain tsubasa is so nostalgic! there are a lot in the recent years too!
I almost did not make it. I almost gave up cause of this particular book I was reading!😭 But I'm glad I didn't. Completed my first quest ever,booyakatcha! Or whatever Mikey said in TMNT.
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1-
Link 2-
Item 2 Sports Anime:
Link 1-
Link 2-
Link 3-
Item 3 Thought Provoking Anime:
Link 1-
Item 4 Small Events:
Link 1-
Link 2-
Link 3-
Link 4-
Link 5-
Item 5 Socmed Share (optional):
Link 1
Link 2
Unfortunately for me,I couldn't make posts about my write ups on X cause my account got restricted but there's always next time I guess.
You did well!
Aha, just realized I didn't actually reply to this. Yes, I would like to join please.
As long as you reply within the month, then all good! We look forward to your participation @omokhafue!
Unpopular sports?! I have some sports anime that will really fit to this! I really have a tight schedule this month (midterms incoming! ahuhuhuhu). Hopefully, I can squeeze it in my schedule for this month. Anyway...Ganbatte minna-san~

Ganbatte ridgette!
I hope you do well in your midterms!
yiehhh arigatou~ yes! hopefully...

Hello I'm still new to the community but I'd like to join the monthly quest
unfortunately, we couldn't find any post from you in the community.
there's another quest for this month which you can join.
Sports anime!!!! 🩵 I've reviewed a bunch of them already, though... XD I'll check the others I haven't watched or shared, yet... XD
I want to join this month, too... 😎✨
I love the make up sport of girls wrestling with their butts. Keijo!!!!
Oh my,I laughed out loud to this!😂
I know it was hilarious and ridiculous.
Low key, I'll be a fan if it became a real sport.
Lmao! You are displaying pervert features here!😂
Well after all it's an ecchi anime. But you have to wonder if this game is actually doable in real life. As far a pervert behavior, well, I'm also a fan of LFL (ladies football league)
I'd be a fan if they had the ones for men😉.
And speaking of LFL,I admire ladies who play football alot. I don't fancy the sport like that,I prefer basketball but I have mad respect for them.🤓
Well but that's the issue with feminism. They only support things in theory. You actually need to provide real support spending half of your check in merch and half of your time watching the games. Unless you can do that, please don't complain on women not earning as much as guys in sports.
But but I didn't even talk about that 😞
I know you didn't, but feminists do for the most part.
Good day. It's been such a long time. How're you doing? I'm happy I'm able to finish my education. I'll definitely have time to participate more in Hive and in this community. Feels good to be back.
Wow... Congratulations!!!! And welcome back... (^^,)/
Yh, thank you very much sensei 😁.
Congratulations for finishing!
It also feels good to see you back in Hive!
I'm sure you can still find one!
Time to find the ECCHIIIIII!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA make sure it's a sports anime!
I'm sure I can find something to tick both boxes surely
I did it!
2 X posts done tooooo
do I need to link them??
Nice one!
Hey Animelovers! I just like to report you that you got into my daily promotion. I hope you will benefit from it!
Thank you for your community building action & see you later...