Coffee, friends and life
A day of coffee and friend
Being happy is a decision
Coffee in my life comes with history, because my grandparents had a coffee plant and when they collected and grind the coffee, their aroma could feel throughout the house, this exquisite aroma accompanied us every morning and I remember that as a child I took coffee sips, very little because they told me that I shouldn't take much, but I was always present in my whole life. For that reason now as an adult I feel that I enjoy it more.
A few days ago I enjoyed a warm and wonderful encounter between friends, in a cafeteria that I did not know in my city and from this meeting I must share that it is very pleasant, it has two environments outside in front of the square where it has a beautiful view and inside which is a closed site.
Being able to share a coffee between friends was a rewarding experience, even more because after the pandemic I have left very little, so with this encounter I inaugurated my exits with friends and if it is to share a much better coffee.
The coffee that can enjoy was called Moca Café, this was made with chocolate, coffee, cream and was accompanied by a chocolate cookie that made it very delicious, but it was also cold, I really loved it, I think I would have many glasses again More of this delicious coffee.
I must tell you that I enjoy each sip of this delicious coffee, I also did not cloy, I think it was what I liked most, because the excess use of sugar causes me general discomfort, so I could drink this mocha and low coffee in sugar was all A delight.
Having friends is a blessing and we enjoy this moment between laughs and anecdotes we brought from memories, what made this coffee a magical moment, which today I remember with this publication with love, I also thank @Wendyth16 to have invited me to know this Community with which I share my tastes and love for coffee. I also want to thank @geadriana and @Surgllen for joining to share this pleasant moment, which I hope is repeated soon.
is coffee is life
I must confess that I love coffee in any of its presentations, but I did not know its benefits, because they have always told me that I do not have much coffee that makes me bad, but I was investigating and today that I started a ketogenic diet, it turns out that black coffee without Sugar, they give it great value and importance, because it replenishes energy levels in the body and helps to pay the anxiety of eating, from my experience I can share that this information is certain, although I do not like sugarless coffee, but not the same not stop being delicious, and you can see your intense taste.
For those who read me, I invite you to meet the friends of the #Cinnamoncupcoffee community that I am sure they can enjoy a pleasant moment. My greetings to all members of this community and good vibes.
With love
Versión en Español
Un día de café y amigas
Ser feliz es una decisión // Being happy is a decision
A day of coffee and friend
Being happy is a decision
El café en mi vida viene con historia, porque mis abuelos tenían planta de café y cuando recolectaban y molían el café su aroma podía sentirse por toda la casa, este exquisito aroma nos acompañaba todas las mañanas y recuerdo que de niña tomaba sorbos de café, muy poco porque me decían que no debía tomar mucho, pero siempre estuvo presente en toda mi vida. Por esa razón ahora de adulta siento que lo disfruto más.
Hace algunos días disfruté de un cálido y maravilloso encuentro entre amigas, en una cafetería que no conocía en mi ciudad y a partir de este encuentro debo compartir que es muy agradable, tiene dos ambientes en el exterior frente a la plaza donde tiene una hermosa vista y en el interior el cual es un sitio cerrado.
Poder compartir un café entre amigas resultó una experiencia gratificante, más aún porque luego de la pandemia he salido muy poco, así que con este encuentro doy por inaugurado mis salidas con amigas y si es para compartir un café mucho mejor.
El café que puede disfrutar se llamaba Café Moca, este estaba hecho con chocolate, café, crema y venía acompañado de una galleta de chocolate que lo hacía muy delicioso, pero además era frío, la verdad me encantó, creo que volvería a tomarme muchas copas más de este delicioso café.
Debo decirles que disfrute de cada sorbo de este delicioso café, además no empalagaba, creo que era lo que más me gustaba, porque el uso en exceso del azúcar me produce malestar general, por ello poder tomar este café moca y bajo en azúcar fue toda una delicia.
Tener amigas es una bendición y este momento lo disfrutamos entre risas y anécdotas que traíamos de los recuerdos, lo que hizo de este café un momento mágico, que hoy recuerdo con esta publicación con mucho cariño, además agradezco a @wendyth16 haberme invitado a conocer esta comunidad con la cual comparto mis gustos y amor por el café. También deseo agradecerle a @geadriana y a @surglen por unirse a compartir este grato momento, que espero se repita pronto.
Es café es vida
Debo confesar que me encanta el café en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, pero desconocía sus beneficios, porque siempre me han dicho que no tome mucho café que me hace mal, pero estuve investigando y hoy que empecé una dieta cetógena, resulta que al café negro sin azúcar, le dan gran valor e importancia, porque repone los niveles de energía en el cuerpo y ayuda abajar la ansiedad de comer, desde mi experiencia puedo compartir que tiene certeza esta información, aunque no me gusta mucho el café sin azúcar, pero igual no deja de ser delicioso y se puede apreciar su intenso sabor.
Para quienes me leen los invito a conocer a los amigos de la comunidad #cinnamoncupcoffee que estoy segura podrán disfrutar de un grato momento. Mis saludos para todos los miembros de esta comunidad y buena vibra.
Con amor | With love
Historia original // Original story
Fotos: Propias, tomadas con mi teléfono Huawei
Edición: GYMP y CANVA
Que nadie apague tu luz interior
- Minnow Support Project: Si todavía no estás en la comunidad ¿Qué estás esperando? >Minnow Support Project: If you are not yet in the community, what are you waiting for?
Te invito a conocer a:
Canales del Discord: @votovzla PAL-net @rutablochain @Cervantes
Hello @angelica7
It's wonderful to meet with friends at a nice cafe.
The settings and beverages seem lovely!
Have a lovely week ahead:)
Thanks, you're very kind. Everything was very nice, and the coffee was delicious.
I hope you have a beautiful week and that coffee continues to reign in all homes.
I love your image because swings remind me of my childhood and I have always liked them, every time I use a swing I feel happy and free from any worries.
Good vibes.
That's the same fulfillment I get from swings too:))
Hi friend
It was Nice to SEE You in this community. This moment was Nice in our firts meeting with You.
I wish to share another coffee as son as posible.
My greetings @angelica7
It will be very soon to share anecdotes and stories here in the community, with this delicacy of the Gods such as coffee.
A huge hug.
Good vibes.
That coffee looks very delicious 😋
It's nice that you don't have to give up coffee for your keto diet.
I love coffee, so not losing it was very gratifying for me, but even more so being able to learn about its benefits, because I have always heard that coffee has no benefits, but it does not, it is necessary to investigate more to know its importance of being able to enjoy a good coffee without additives, I mean black coffee without sugar.
Thanks for your time.
Good vibes.
Thank you for your pleasant company and I'm glad you are also in the mood to enjoy black coffee without sugar, because after coffee with milk it is my favorite and I got used to drink it that way.
I'm getting used to black coffee without sugar, I have to find natural unprocessed coffee, that without sugar should be tastier.
See you soon my beautiful friend.
Good vibes.
great coffee with very warm friends
Enjoying a delicious coffee, in pleasant company, is priceless. Thanks for saying hi.
Good vibes.
Thank you for your time and love.
Good vibes.