Vibes web3 music competition week 22/∆\ IFUNANYA cover


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Hey music lovers, how has been with us, trust we are doing great 👍, it's another week on the vibes web3 music competition, week 22 and I hope to bless you with what i have for you today.


For my entry this week i'w be doing a cover of IFUNANYA by pronx Emmanuel, it's a gospel love song with exceptions. For quite a number of times I've listened to this song lately and I can tell that it's a song that's truly inspired by God's love. We all know that love is intangible but the things that love inspires can be experienced and sometimes seen, those things are the act of love.

God's love is mostly characterized by sacrifice and that's what he did in the case of his son and that's a great message to us, we can't say we love others to whom we can't sacrifice for, our act of sacrifice defines how much our love can be weighed.

I recorded the video using my studio app and I did it in different paths, I was kind of reaching my pitch limit at some point in the song but glory to God I scaled through 😂.
Thanks guys for viewing my post, see you next week ❤️🙏.


Hola amantes de la música, cómo nos ha ido, confien que lo estamos haciendo muy bien 👍, es otra semana más en el concurso de música vibes web3, semana 22 y espero bendecirlos con lo que tengo para ustedes hoy.
Para mi entrada de esta semana haré una versión de IFUNANYA de pronx Emmanuel, es una canción de amor gospel con excepciones. Últimamente he escuchado esta canción varias veces y puedo decir que es una canción verdaderamente inspirada en el amor de Dios. Todos sabemos que el amor es intangible pero las cosas que el amor inspira se pueden experimentar y a veces ver, esas cosas son el acto de amar.
El amor de Dios se caracteriza principalmente por el sacrificio y eso es lo que hizo en el caso de su hijo y ese es un gran mensaje para nosotros, no podemos decir que amamos a otros por quienes no podemos sacrificarnos, nuestro acto de sacrificio define cuánto nuestro amor se puede pesar.
Grabé el video usando mi aplicación de estudio y lo hice en diferentes caminos, estaba alcanzando mi límite de tono en algún momento de la canción, pero gloria a Dios escalé 😂.
Gracias a todos por ver mi publicación, nos vemos la semana que viene ❤️🙏.

Designed via Canva

▶️ 3Speak


Excellent vocal work my friend, a very chosen song for you! You knew how to shine with it.


I really appreciate this Sir
Thanks for the kind words 🙏


See sweet voice I need to come and get some lessons from you


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I think your entry was lovely...You have unique voice.
At first I thought it was going to be Ifunaya by Psquare hehe
Well done Chidi.


This was a good solid performance this week @chidistickz. Good energy and fun vibes and catch melodies and good effort on the harmony layering (try to hit the notes perfectly as possible doing harmonies) and a soulful approach. I enjoyed this cover song choice.

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Feel free to also include the “How To Enter The Vibes Contest Post” created by @jessicaossom which helps answer most questions for newcomers into the competition

For more info on the promo videos, check @lordbutterfly’s most recent post.

Gospel Musician/Singer/Songwriter/Rapper
Producer/Pianist/& Official Vibes Judge



Oh so sorry for seeing this late
My apologies 🙏🙏
Would do that immediately
Thanks for the comments, really felt encouraged
