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A new record has been broken in NeedleWorkMonday!

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We've had an incredible two weeks full of activities in our community and we love all that energy and good vibes that you transmit to us.

The contest had a fantastic reception and we would love to start this post by thanking all the needleworkers for picking up their needles and answering the call. We had a total of 47 entries registered and we are very happy for this new record.

Creativity without limits!

This contest arose thanks to the creativity of the users themselves; challenging them to continue creating crafts using jeans as the main piece was an idea that resulted in an explosion of creativity without limits.

We were able to see how with a simple pair of old jeans we can make accessories such as earrings, bags, purses, wallets, pencil cases, backpacks; as well as decorative objects such as cushions and rugs; of course, we can also transform them and give them a better style by making beautiful garments.

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Criteria for the selection of winners

As with all NeedleWorkMonday challenges, @crosheille, @marblely and I based our judging on certain criterias to help us narrow down the final winners, among which, but not limited to, the final presentation, techniques and materials used, story/inspiration behind the project, originality, creativity plus level of complexity/difficulty; In addition to compliance with contest rules and commitment to supporting other participants.

It was a very difficult task but finally here are the winners:

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Beautiful cushion made from jeans
3 HBD and 1.60 Hive


@mariadiaz creatively highlighted the Jeans fabric in her project. She made a beautiful flower-shaped cushion using two different shades of Jeans. She made the pattern herself and then hand stitched all the pieces together to form a beautiful flower-shaped cushion. The red and yellow colors contrast nicely without taking away from the jeans.

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Morral con tela de pantalones
4.50 HBD and 2.40 Hive


@irenenavarroart managed to highlight the full potential of denim fabric by creating a backpack with a simple and sophisticated design. Combining the jeans with the khaki fabric was very successful. The sewing process of each of the parts was very neat and the photographs of the final result were really beautiful.

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Giving mom's cushion a new lease on life
6 HBD and 3.20 Hive


@purrix shares with us a project full of emotions, the renovation of her mother's cushion. In this project the jeans are the main attraction, a laborious patchwork sewn by hand, combining the different shades of the same pants. We loved the novel idea of adding the labels and the usefulness of the back pocket.

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Recycling 101: From Old Jeans to Summer Top
7.50 HBD and 4 Hive


@jonalyn2020 surprises us with this incredible transformation, turning an old pair of jeans into an adorable summer top. Through her publication she presents us a wonderful creative process by fusing sewing and crochet to obtain a functional and delicate garment. Although the crochet embellishes the garment, the jeans are still the protagonist of the project.

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❤️ A warm hug from "Nacho, the bear"
9 HBD and 4.80 Hive


@carolinacardoza presents us with an emotionally charged project telling us the story of Nacho the bear. This post met all the criteria for selection. The step-by-step is presented with beautiful photographs and while she explains her creative process she tells us the story behind the project. The final result is an adorable bear in which we can see at a glance that it is made with jeans. I can say that Nacho has stolen our hearts.

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Congratulations to All the Winners!

Please stop by their posts and show them some love with a read, a comment and an upvote for sharing their handmade creations.

To see more needle arts, please check out the the NeedleWorkMonday Community and check back here with @needleworkmonday every Wednesday / Thursday for the weekly Curation posts!!

If you are a needlework artist we’d love to have you join us to share your work and inspire the Hive blockchain to give a craft a try.

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Please Subscribe and Post from the NeedleWorkMonday Community for a chance to be featured and upvoted (please follow the posting guidelines in our updated FAQs)! On Mondays, please ensure that you include the #needleworkmonday tag and on other days, please use the #needlework tag (without the word Monday attached).

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Join our Discord channels!

NeedleWorkMonday #general Channel
NeedleWorkMonday Español Channel

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NeedleWorkMonday Founder:



Community Builders:

🌷 Today’s curation is written by @kattycrochet with the help of @crosheille and @marblely 🌷

0.163 PAL


I am a bit late, but nevertheless I wanted to congratulate all winners @mariadiaz @irenenavarroart @purrix @jonalyn2020 @carolinacardoza (and all participants). This was such a wonderful and inspiring contest. I have seen so many new ideas how to work with jeans fabric and how to refashion/repurpose old jeans <3 <3

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to all the winners of the contest, you all did a great job, with all these entries, I now have lovely ideas of what to make with my old jeans.

I love the backpack made by @irenenavarroart it's so beautiful.

0.000 PAL

I can only say "Thank you" you are the ones who inspire me to create beautiful things; how nice it is to be motivated by beautiful people like @kattycrochet, @crosheille and @marblely; you with your example and your ingenuity encourage me every day to be at the height of the community; just as I told katty a few days ago when I published my bear I tell you now #Needleworkmonday you deserve that and more. Thank you so much to all the girls who participated, amazing the record number of entries, the quality of the posts. congratulations to all of you for participating.

Let's keep on giving our best, may our community never falter, we are the ones who built this space together with the guiding team. God bless you all.

Solo puedo decir "Gracias" ustedes son las que me inspiran a crear cosas lindas; que bonito es estar motivada por gente linda como @kattycrochet, @crosheille y @marblely; ustedes con su ejemplo y con su ingenio me incentivan a cada día estar a la altura de la comunidad; así como le dije a katty hace unos días cuando publiqué mi oso se los digo ahora #Needleworkmonday se merecen eso y mas. Muchas gracias a todas las chicas que participaron, increíble el récord de entradas, la calidad en las publicaciones. felicidades a todas por participar.

Sigamos dando lo mejor, que nunca decaiga nuestra comunidad, somos nosotras las que construimos este espacio junto con el equipo guía. Dios las bendiga.

0.001 PAL

Mil felicidades, te luciste. Continua haciendo cositas que te hacen feliz y nos sorprenden, eres toda una artista.

0.000 PAL

Oh, oh, what a pleasant surprise! I didn't think, I didn't even dream of being part of the cadre of happy winners!

The truth is that the selection must have been tough, because all the entries are excellent.

I am infinitely grateful for having been selected. Thank you very, very, very much!

0.001 PAL

Gracias por ser parte del concurso, espero te agrade la comunidad y sigas compartiendo con nosotras. Felicidades.

0.000 PAL

Gracias a ti por haberlo creado. Me encantó participar!!! Un abrazo!

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much, it was a very fun challenge and I am happy with the success of the contest, with such wonderful participations I am happy to be in the selection. Hugs to all my congratulations

0.001 PAL

Gracias @irenenavarroart por ser parte de la comunidad y apoyar siempre con tus iniciativas y tu excelente participación en los concursos. Felicidades.

0.000 PAL

OMG, what incredible power and creativity we can find here, thanks a lot to all the team, you are doing it incredible. Congrats to all of jean worker, you did it amazing. Hugs and kisses.

0.001 PAL

Wow.😍 didn't expect to get the 2nd place. It's an honor to be picked by the 3 amazing ladies here,@kattycrochet, @crosheille and @marblely thank you so much for bringing the creativity within us.

And congrats also to @carolinacardoza for winning the top. I know that you will make it. I feel it on my bones, lol. You're such a wonderful woman who expressed love to nacho by making him a bear. Such a heart warming gesture.

Also to the other winners, @purrix, @irenenavarroart and @mariadiaz, congrats ladies for the job well done.

Cheers 🥂🍾 to more contest like this. 😁

0.001 PAL

Thank you @jonalyn2020 for your participation and commitment to the community. I love your enthusiasm and energy, of course we will continue creting new contests so you can continue showing us all your talent and creativity. Congratulations on your prize.

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It's hard not to participate with this kind of craft. I always loved to participate and I myself picked my own choice of the best participant also, happy that the one I picked got the 1st place.🥰

0.000 PAL

Thank you Jonalyn, when I saw the result I couldn't stop crying for a while, I got very emotional again. But this time it was with joy, yesterday Nacho turned 22 years old and it was great to see him with his family. It couldn't have been better. Thank you for your support dear friend.

0.000 PAL

Ahh, you deserved it my dear. That feeling of emptiness had inspired you and stir up the creativity inside of you. Things we'll be okay, and that Nacho will someday visit you. 🥰

0.000 PAL

Wohoo 47 entries, a super success ❤️! I don't want to brag about us but I think we are the best community haha. How great everything was, each one knew how to contribute their own and they all did beautiful jobs. I had a good time reading the entries 😃.

Congratulations to all ❤️!

0.001 PAL

Absolutely delighted and thrilled by the number of entries to this great challenge, it made me very happy to participate and even happier to see the parade of publications...Thanks to each one of us who make life in this wonderful community.

Congratulations to all the deserve this distinction.

Let's keep creating, let's keep sharing

0.001 PAL

Congratulations to them all they made it, am so happy for @carolinacardoza who is the overall winner and her entry was just perfect she deserves it weldone and to the rest of them I give it to you all 👏

0.001 PAL

What a beautiful person you are @smilestitches, I am very touched by your words because I see that you do them with much affection, I send you a big hug dear friend.

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to all the winner.
It was great seeing all these beautiful and creative work using denims.

0.001 PAL

Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores , bellisimos trabajos 👏👏👏

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Greetings. Congratulations to the winners, and encouragement to the rest of the participants.

0.001 PAL

Muchísimas felicidades para todos los ganadores. Sus creaciones estuvieron hermosas. Todas me encantan.

Estaremos atentos para participar en los próximos 😉 saludos y mucho éxito.

0.001 PAL

¡Felicidades a las ganadoras! Mostraron hermosos trabajos...

0.001 PAL

Felicidades a todos los ganadores!! Hermosa selección!

0.001 PAL

@irenenavarroart I love your backpack. It's perfect.

Congratulations to all the winners. You all did great❤

0.001 PAL

Felicitaciones a todos los ganadores, están muy hermosas las creaciones, quería participar pero por motivos de salud, no puedo coser 😭.

Saludos y bendiciones!

0.001 PAL

Felicitaciones a todos los que participaron, el especial a los que ganaron.

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Congrats winners

0.001 PAL

It seems with every contest we do the more amazed I am with this community! We were absolutely blown away with having close to 50 entries…that’s Huge! You all who have been here for awhile know how much of an accomplishment that is for us to have so much participation and interaction within our community.

Thank you and Congratulations to @kattycrochet for such a success with her contest idea and staying on top of all of the entries. Congratulations to our winners and to everyone that took the time to get involved and submit an entry.

We have some fun contests planned ahead so stay tuned, keep those needles warm and those working hands of yours ready!! 😃😆❤️

0.000 PAL

¡Wow qué alegría! Me encantó mucho participar en éste concurso, apesar de no haber sido seleccionada me llena de mucho orgullo haber participado. Muchas felicidades a todas las participantes especialmente a @mariadiaz @irenenavarroart @purrix @jonalyn2020 y a @carolinacardoza por haber ganado por sus hermosas obras de arte. 🥳

0.000 PAL

Muchas gracias @ivycrafts. Your denim bag look great also. And congrats for the job well done. Continue to share your crafts, ideas and tips here in this community. God bless. 🥰

0.000 PAL

These are such wonderful entries, well done all of you, so creative and thoughtful. I absolutely love the LOVE top and the teddy, but that handbag - I need one of those. So awesome and inspiring all of you! ❤️

0.000 PAL

Thankful to you that week after week you inspire us to continue creating with the help of yarn and needles. My favorite works apart from those already mentioned are:

Agradecida a ustedes que semana a semana nos inspiran a seguir creando con ayuda de hilo y agujas. mis trabajos favoritos aparte de los ya mencionados son:

0.000 PAL

Felicidades a las ganadoras!
Contenta de que la creadora de Nacho ganara el primer lugar su enternecedora historia acompaño muy bien la confección de este lindo oso adorable!

0.000 PAL

Congratulations to all winners. Wow, these are just exceptional designs. Very creative too

0.000 PAL

Wow!!! Wow!!!!! This is truly an explosion of creativity! such different projects and such cool!!! it was a really awesome idea for a contest!!!

0.000 PAL

Wow these are top notch collection, everyone did a great job with jeans for their entry into the contest, but unfortunately there must be few winners, Congratulations to y'all and keep up the good work.

0.000 PAL

Congratulations one and all! What a fun contest. :-)

0.000 PAL