Covered in a Blanket


So peaceful, the day is, without nary a sound, save for me as I whisper into the wind. Covered by the blanket of snow, I can feel the delicate layers caressing the trees. It settles softly, as it falls down.

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Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost

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You can see beyond the blur, but, can you imagine beyond the field of vision, where there is certainty in the anticipation of things to come? I have been down this path before, a time or three. Each time, there is something new for me to see. A rabbit, a spider, a snowman one time. It's the little delights that make life so nice. Have you ever had a surprise happen to you around a corner? Tell me, do.

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The falling of snow, snow falling. There happens to be a real word for it. The word is shinshin. Go ahead. Use in a sentence, I know you want to. Two hive for the most creative, chosen by me on the payout of this post.

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I want to thank @tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk challenge! Show where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see. I hope you had a fabulous time and I think we should meet up here again next week! Until then, keep on smiling!! If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WedensdayWalk post so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is worth a walk through it. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednessdayWalk!

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Oh, there is a necessity in writing, penning my thoughts, journaling or whatnot – for how else will I capture the moment as it passes; what happens if I should forget those minute details, or worse, what if I forget that moment – to be gone like an exhale on a cold morning?

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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I want to thank @tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk! Take your walk next Wednesday and you can join too! And just like that, this post is over. Come back tomorrow and we will do it again.

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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0.122 PAL


Dang! One of my first tunes I ever composed I titled "Can You Hear It Snow?"...I would have used "Shin Shin" instead had I known about it!!!

Ah well I will have to compose another to fit that title!
The snow is very pretty if one never has to interact with it!
I am happy to see the inclusion of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" as it was perfect for this post.

0.010 PAL

I think that shinshin would have been pretty cool on it! I am always a day late and a dollar short.

Why haven't you fired me yet?

I don't have to interact with it, this storm was not today and it is gone! :) I agree, I do love that poem and it fits so nicely. Thanks for the words and for taking the time to stop here. :)

0.000 PAL

Thank you @molometer!

0.007 PAL

My pleasure Denise, it's a lovely post. Sums up where I am right now....utter silence of winter. 😋👍

0.002 PAL

I hear you!! Hope you are well!! Happy New Year!


0.007 PAL

Happy new year's to you too I'm sure I'll come out of my torpor soon?

0.000 PAL

Haha!! Quick before you waste away to nothing!! :))

0.007 PAL

The falling of snow, snow falling. There happens to be a real word for it. The word is shinshin. Go ahead. Use in a sentence, I know you want to. Two hive for the most creative, chosen by me on the payout of this post.

Shin shin snowfall? (深々?)

"深々– shin shin – is a Japanese onomatopoeia that is used to describe the sound of snow falling silently. A word for a sound of no sound. I did not realize that we had such a beautiful word in Japanese before moving to America".

It is interesting to read that not even a native Japanese (Kaori Chen) knew about one of their words.

0.001 PAL

It is interesting. Perhaps they have noisy snow? :)

I thought it was a cool little word. I love the peaceful falling of snow like this. Hi @xplosive!! Good morning to you! Have a great day ahead!

0.000 PAL

Perhaps they have noisy snow? :)

Who knows. Hahaha. !LOLZ. 😂

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

0.000 PAL

What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
Outlaws are wanted.

Credit: lofone
@dswigle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @xplosive
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)

0.000 PAL

Hahaha!!! That is funny! Thanks for the LOLZ!

0.000 PAL

LOL You just never know, do you? Thanks for the laugh!!!!

0.000 PAL

How politic to have a word for the sound of a snow. Just the idea of the stillness makes it utterly beautiful. It really shows the mysticism in their culture just to be aware of such little detail and its beauty with a word

0.000 PAL

Absolutely. Who does that? It is so beautiful. I loved it.

0.000 PAL

Such beautiful winter images my favorite has to be the sunset image

Did I tell you the other day I went out to the backyard half asleep to see what the weather the snow was falling so quietly I barely noticed it but I stepped on some icyice and slipslipped and bashed my shinshin

Lol I know that’s terrible but best could come up with and I had never heard of shinshin before

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

0.002 PAL

OMG! You had me at shinshin. I was all ready to be sad for you! Ha! Seems nobody has heard of shinshin, although it is not a new word. The culture has all sorts of words for obscure things like that, which I find pretty cool, although I get lost!

Sorry to make you walk through the snow. I know how you love the cold stuff!

0.000 PAL

LOL its always good to learn new things, I am waiting for the next light snow here so I can slip it into a sentence :)

0.000 PAL

I can't fly my drone in the shinshin.

I love this word.

lol, but I haven't been able to fly much with the light snows here. We've had a few days of bitter cold the past week. Heat wave of 30 degrees today, then back to negative numbers Sat. followed by warm up and a brand new 7-8 inch shinshin coming on Monday. Will be our biggest of the year so far, falling on top of the 8-12 inches still on the ground. Actually looking forward to my first attempt at snowshoeing with the puppy. That ought to wear her out!

0.002 PAL

You can fly your drone in the shinshin... It may break, but, it can happen. I love this word too. The Japanese language and culture welcome words to describe emotions, feeling, ways of being... it is the most complete culture for things like this.

Who doesn't want a little shinshin? I know I do.

I know you can't fly. Sorry. Spring will come, along with the meltdown. Oh, I love snowshoeing, but, I have never done it with a puppy. Good luck!!! Pictures!!!!!

0.000 PAL

I learned something new today: shinshin. What a cute adorable word, I think of pancakes with sunshine lol. But in fact it means a totally different thing. We can say that the roads look like white pancakes sprinkled with shinshin powder lol. I love your poems Denise, you are such a poetic soul🥰🥰

0.002 PAL


white pancakes sprinkled with shinshin powder

Yes, please! If only! :)) Isn't that the cutest word? I love it. The Japanese have such a beautiful way of expressing emotions or moments... Things that you cannot quite grasp. Thank you, you are such a poetry afficianado. I love it. Who doesn't love a few words laced together to make you feel?

Almost Friday! The weekend is upon us! Do you have to work Saturdays?

0.000 PAL

Yes I work Saturdays, but only for 3 hours shortly, the rest of my free time I use it for forest walks , podcast listening and reading🥰

0.000 PAL

Wow. Just beautiful

0.002 PAL

Thank you, sir. We had proper snow for a change. :) We might rival you. I think we may get more tomorrow. :)

0.000 PAL

I have never experienced snow or felt the coldness of winter. I open the freezer and stick my head in. Closing my eyes I imagine shinshin and how the magical experience could have felt. 😆 I did my best Denise Cheers!

0.001 PAL

Hehe! Not bad!!! Shinshin can definitely be felt. Weirdly so. I don't even connect with the word, but, rather, the feel of it. Sticking your head in the freezer is about as close as one can come. I agree.

I think you did awesomely. :) How are you, Ryan?

0.000 PAL

Back to work again but still good. I feel normal for more than a month now. I keep myself busy to ward away negativity. So far so good 😊. Thanks for asking.

0.000 PAL

Yes, but, don't forget the breathing exercises. ;) I am so happy to hear! You have no idea.

0.000 PAL

It helped a lot. I also still continue my daily exercise nothing strainious just a 10 min jog. I smile more now these days 😊.

0.000 PAL

It's always so peaceful and quiet after a snow fall. It's nice being the first to go for a walk in it to be within the silence.

Beautiful poem! as usual

0.001 PAL

I try to leave it pristine for as long as I can. I is so beautiful to look at it and it gives a totally different feel to the landscape.

Thanks for stopping by!

0.000 PAL

Stunning Snow and beautiful poem Sweetie. What a great weather to get out for a walk :)

0.001 PAL

I just love looking at snow photos but it's not a place I could live in snow I have got to be near my beaches with sunshine 🌞😊

0.001 PAL

Well, just keep in mind I have the other house on the Shore. It makes this okay and even though I love the sun and shine, the four seasons keep it interesting.

I may be tempted when I get old and grey to change locations. :)

0.000 PAL

Ahhh...of course you must have a plan B no doubt about you 😁

0.000 PAL

Beautiful shots! I really don't have much else to say beyond that this time! :)

0.001 PAL

I'll take it! Some days there just isn't much beyond that, I sure get that! I hope you are getting ready for another great weekend!

0.000 PAL

I love that Robert Frost poem; it is perhaps the best poem to express solitude and evoke a long, cold journey that ever was.

0.001 PAL

I love that poem too. I hesitated to put it, but, I like what I like. :) He is one of my favorites. Ok, I have lots of favorites when it comes to poets.

Hi, Victor! I cannot finish my own comments on MarketFriday night... I am sure to swing by soon! Post me something cool! :)

0.000 PAL

Your writing is so soothing and relaxing.You writing is like the shinshin I see through my window.

0.001 PAL

Hehe... Good one! :) Shhhhhh! Peaceful...I hope all is going well for you and that you have a wonderful night!

Hive on!

0.000 PAL

The first picture with the lamp looks right out of a Narnia fantasy book. I always find the beauty of snow to be so ethereal. Nature still on waiting but it's still thriving as it rests awaiting for new growth

0.001 PAL

I do like that first shot too. It looks like it wants to tell its own story! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words!

Have a great night!

0.000 PAL

so goo to read like always. Thanks for this dear.

0.001 PAL

I feel peace in your words and calmness in the pictures of snow and pine trees, the blanket of snow... And I can hear the whisper of the nature along your walk. Thanks for a lovely post!

0.001 PAL

Thank you so much @nguyenthaonguyen! What a lovely comment filled with such beautiful words. I appreciate that you took the time to stop and say hello, leaving your words behind!

Have a wonderful day!

0.000 PAL

It's a beautiful snowfall, but it can sometimes be scary. In recent days, 22 tourists have died due to snowfall in our country Eight members of the same family have died. I request that if any person gets stuck in such a place, the car windows should be kept slightly down so that oxygen can enter. Because the heater is on, oxygen can be depleted.

0.001 PAL

That is so terrible! May sympathies to the families. I cannot imagine! I am so sorry to hear that and thank you for the information. Where did this happen?

0.000 PAL

Murree is a beautiful area of ​​Pakistan. This accident happened there I want to show you a picture

0.000 PAL

That is terrible. Please take it down.

0.000 PAL

@dswigle I love your photos, and I love this phrase:

I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep

Thank you for sharing!

0.001 PAL

Yes! Poetry is so underrated, in my opinion!

0.000 PAL

I agree with you, not all people know how to appreciate poetry. I find it so beautiful, there are phrases with a very deep meaning, they are phrases to be contemplated.

0.000 PAL

That is true. They always seem to have a deeper meaning.

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

Woo-hoo! Thanks so much for the notification!

0.000 PAL

You're welcome @dswigle, as always 😊🌹 We wish you a nice weekend!

0.000 PAL

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 88 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0.000 PAL