Aesthetics of deterioration: continuation (II) (own photos) (Eng | Esp)
A few days ago I published a first post on this subject which I have called "Aesthetics of deterioration", and it is my intention to continue from time to time. As I said in that post (if you are interested you can go to this link), our gaze as inhabitants of a (our) city sees with dismay (and, generally, helplessness) the destruction and collapse of houses or other spaces, and the only alternative seems to be to bear witness to it.
This is what I am trying to do with this section. This time I am recording the collapse of what was once a beautiful old house, on a famous corner (in front of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Museum in Cumaná, Sucre State, Venezuela), I don't know if it was due to abandonment by its owners, or for some other reason. And only these increasingly dilapidated remains remain, where you can see the traditional materials with which these houses were built (mud, cans, etc.), their finishes and beautiful wrought iron windows.
Estética del deterioro: continuación (II) (fotos propias)
Hace unos días publiqué un primer post sobre este asunto que he denominado "Estética del deterioro", y que es mi propósito continuar cada cierto tiempo. Como dije en ese post (si estás interesado puedes ir a este enlace), nuestra mirada de habitante de una (su) ciudad ve con desazón (y, generalmente, impotencia) el destrozo y el derrumbe de casas u otros espacios, y solo parece quedar la alternativa de dar testimonio de ello.
Es lo que intento con esta sección. Esta vez registro el desmoronamiento de la que fuera una hermosa casa antigua, en una esquina famosa (frente al Mueso Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho de Cumaná, Estado Sucre, Venezuela), no sé si por abandono de sus dueños, o cuál otra razón. Y únicamente va quedando de ella estos restos cada vez más desvencijados, donde pueden observarse los materiales tradicionales con que eran construidas esas viviendas (bahareque, cañas, etc.), sus remates y sus hermosas ventanas, hechas de hierro forjado.
Would love to see what this place was like in its heyday!
Thank you for your visit. I don't have any previous photos of that space, but I could try to find them. Thanks, @thekittygirl.
@josemalavem, I'm refunding 0.109 HIVE and 0.026 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.