The Global Warming Hoax



Today has been fun! After many years of thinking and deliberation and reading I decided to post on Facebook about the notion that Global Warming is really not what people think, and that in fact if anything we are headed into an ice age within the next thousand years or so. It has taken around 16 years for me to finally really accept this truth, and bear in mind I was one of the VERY first pioneers and inventors of Carbon Foot-printing back in 2001.

There is a saying, the greater the lie, the more you will believe. There is another saying... power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

If we are told something again and again, we will believe it, no mATTER what it is and how ridiculous is may sound! That is human nature, and a part of why it is SO hard to show people another reality that is based on real science and truth.

Right now there is a Very lively conversation happening on my Facebook post, involving many people from all over the world.. some are very good old friends and some more recent acquaintances. So far, only one person is able to really even start to want to consider the notion that global warming is not real or even close in the way it is being portrayed! CO2 actually lags global temperature rises, and ice core studies dating back almost a million years shows this to be true in Every instance! I think most of my friends think i must be mad!

Our human nature is so interesting really, and i so don’t want to come across as a nutter, but at the same time I will always follow my truth and share it with the world. That is what integrity is, and I don’t care if people really do think i have lost the plot. Its SO interesting how Facebook mentality differs from Steemit! Thank GOD for Steemit is all i can say right now! I think I would be like a fish out of water sometimes if it weren't for the incredible people here, and the amazing wisdom and bravery of people who have taken up their positions and will push and share their truth. All power to US!

So if you are someone who knows things that are esoteric, and are driving your message as best you can then id like to give you a HUGE high five and full respect! It is so hard to be the odd one out, and hold your ground. It is people like us who will save this planet and the people who inhabit it. It is people like us who shine like a beacon and stand in the light despite great adversity. TO you, whoever you are, I am so proud and happy that you exist .. and that together we can make a difference.. It may take time to change the flow of the tide, but if enough of us keep sharing, keep talking, keep saying our truth... then in the very same way people will start to take notice!

If you are one who thinks I’m mad saying this then i would like to share a few links with you for furthering your understanding of an issue so complex and misrepresented that almost no one understands it.

I can show you the door, but I can't push you through!

1. Gregg Braden is a special soul with great integrity, ive met him a few times . This video is the one with PROPER graphs and real technical info interpreted correctly!

2. Russell Brand JUST posted today on this,, nice timing Russell!

3. @Kennyskichen has been Busy researching this and has written two posts with more info:

4. The inconvenient truth about the Ice core Carbon Dioxide Temperature Correlations


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I personally believe that climate change and global warming are all a hoax. The youth are being fed this garbage by their professors in an attempt to further indoctrinate the world with socialism and introduce a global tax as a money grab. Thanks I will check out the video. Blessings.


i just LOVe steemit! and you! ;-) <3


I also listened to the video a few minutes ago. Thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed it Alex.


yeah, Gregg is just such an intregrous and wise man.. its so CLEAR when you meet him! and he really speak the truth in this video.. Very happy you are on board! ;-)


Global warming is VERY TRUE because our house is not getting submerged in floods when it rains hard but now it does @eco-alex


i hear you! but that is climate change not global warming, and is not necessarily due to human actions! it is much better explained by the natural cycles and rhythms of the weather systems caused by the sun!


And also by increasingly poor urban planning! Let's not forget that covering ever-greater parts of most cities in concrete does nothing to let the earth do the natural thing - soak in rainwater - and everything to cause floods. And the same goes for the countryside: industrial farming has done away with hedging and trees and is responsible for the hardpan under almost all fields, preventing rainfall from ever making its way through to its natural destination: aquifers.


Right indeed! Well said! In india chennai the floods are insane and only because they over developed with concrete over drainage channels!


Loads of good sources in here on what I believe to be one of the biggest cons on humanity today. Instilling guilt, as by your very existence - in fact, the air that you breathe out, you are DESTROYING the planet.

Of course we do have very real pollution problems, such as the plastic situation and I'm glad that there seems to be more focus on this now.


Well said! Yes were all made to feel guilty for just breathing these days!! And we do nothing comoared to what our ‘leaders’ do! Omg what a rabbit hole!

Yeah let’s focus on real issues like pollution tjat kill millions every year! Sustainability is the need of the day, not tax!


I have not read much on this but my son who studies on conspiracy theories does tell me about this and to an extent I believe it. The big guys will have an agenda behind this for sure


I have to say I am quite excited & feel good reading this brother! I know you're not the sort of person to just go along with what someone tells you, so to see your view on this topic shift around since we first talked about it when I posted the articles you shared above is certainly gratifying.

I love Gregg Braden, and I'll definitely check that out. The funny thing is that I saw the Russell Brand video in my YT feed, and specifically didn't watch it because at the time I wasn't wanting to hear him say some stupid shit, and it seemed about a 50/50 chances, haha!

I also definitely feel you on the FB vs STEEM conversation, it is just SO much more fun having debates here, instead of amongst the incoherent screaming of FB.


Yes kenny! Your post is making waves , and for me just clinched it after i really read more and got into it! Now im preaching too, and taking some flack on FB! Wow steemit folk are so enlightened in comparison!! Keep up the great research!!


I don't think you're a nutter and I'll still talk to you! I even might entertain the thought that it is a hoax (I mean I have started this thought a few months ago so that'll be easy!).

It's very sweet what you said about steemians... thank you. The dinamic on facebook is so different... I wonder why.

Don't push please, I'll go through the door but do I take the blue pill or the red pill, I can't remember, screw it... I'll take both


Haha! Good man! Caution is very wise with an open mind! Muxh love


Thanks man, I'm a little blown away by the first video on gaia!


I am REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to reading this when I have a little more time. Your opinions are valued!! :) Thanks for committing them to the blockchain and engaging us in important dialogue. Resteemed.


Watxh the gregg braden movie,, i promisr ull fall in love with him


I really appreciated reading this - thank you. I am inclined to agree with you about this - my husband certainly does!

Open dialogue is so important , we don't have to agree, but at the very least it would be nice to see the basic act of civility where everyone is respecting, hearing and considering different points of view - rather than immediately attacking ideas that challenge their beliefs. This mindset is very stifling.

You are right about the steemit community being something special - I also count my blessings for the people I've met here. Amazing!


respecting, hearing and considering different points of view

That's not really that difficult to do... I was just telling someone at work, 5 minutes ago how much I don't understand why people can't simply be open to othere's point of view without getting offended once their beliefs are challenged!


I watched the first half of Gregg Brandon's video... it is so interesting. And you know I tried to bring this up at work today... nope, no good! It's funny how much we get attached to what we've learned. And not too many people are willing to think that only perhaps global warming is a hoax. At least they could be open to new ideas or findings right?

Thanks @Eco-Alex good stuff there.

Ps: I kind of like the idea of using the term CE (common era was it?) instead of AD. And I'm not the politically corect type but this one is nice, takes out all religious and political innuendoes.


its SO simple senorcoconut.. the POWER of the media is pretty amazing.. and the power of repetition and fear is quite amazing to witness.. we are ALL human! this is how we are wired!

yeah im taking a roasting on facebook too, but its OK.. i mean.. what to do!

glad u watched ..
IF this video was played 100 times to everyone they would then believe this instead! ;-))


I never understood how people cannot have an open mind. It's not that difficult.

I'm not sure how you got my jumbled reply missing words... but you did, and just edited it!
Okay thanks again


As you requested, I leave a comment concerning the downvote.

I think it's appropriate to flag posts/comments that deny well-established scientific or historical facts, examples include Holocaust denial (see also here), Climate science denial (see also here), Flat eath etc.

Also, I prefer to avoid discussions with deniers about the topics of their denialism, because it gives the impression that there is a debate where in fact there is no debate. And it's not worth my time to debunk the denier's arguments that have already been debunked hundreds of times before. While some deniers are just victims of disinformation, lack education or intelligence, or suffer from some mental condition, others do it to further a political agenda, for the purpose of trolling or for profit.


Fair enough! Although id say there is a good debate go be had, but lets not have it, indeed!!!

Thanks for responding!


i should really say though that debate and dialouge is very important no matter what.. we should ALWAYS be open to discussing things because no one knows for sure anything..

I even gave people the space to explain their flat earth theory to me.. of course there was virtually NO chance that they are right, but i gave them space to state their case..

NO one knows anything 100%, nothing in life is certain.. and on an issue regarding climate change that is most certainly the case. The solutions presented of TAXing everyone to solve this is total nonesense, and a GREAT red flag..

I'm assuming you are smart enough to not trust our political system or leaders.

so i QUESTION everything, especially when it stinks!
I posted a sort of poem today that explains this a bit better.
Id invite you to read it but you'll probably flag that as well.. and id rather you didn't if you dont mind!


"I'm assuming you are smart enough to not trust our political system or leaders"



@bloom is downvoting everything with a meme and humor in on my blog for the last 2 days.!
(any upvoting appreciated.)


Thats weird! Whats wrong with humour?


If it's satirical and anti left - they lose it!
And I mean totally lose it!

Mental illness in full flight... lol


But you are not communist!

This gets funnier - one following...


this is someone i pissed off - it downvotes everything i post - but it's
not like @bloom -
that hurts more !


I like to encourage free speech and I also love those who flag.

Mixed feelings, but I want people to be able to discuss what they like.

If you disagree, make a real point. Do not silence. And you have to say more than.. science... Unless you can specifically name the studies you are referencing.


Bloom seems to be either a mainstream remote controlled sheeple or just a paid gatekeeper shill refering to senseless debunker sites who came up when people started to question the official idiocrazy. There is a doku where ONLY real experts speak, not Al Gore with some funky graphs pushing his agenda. The film is called "the global warming swindle"

better than anything else I saw. Information is the key not refusing to discuss by showing up with ugly stereotypes!!! Thank you @whatsup for pointing that out.


here is the source:


Okay, what was your favorite study? Did you question any of the data or how it was compiled? Who financed the study? Who paid to publish it and what was the process for peer review. Where is the publication of the criticism of the study?

My point is... Why not just speak to the issue and the results you believe in instead of pretending the discussion has to end because there is a study.

A study proved it... Is not the end of any discussion and any scientist will agree. The conversation goes on, the data is questioned. There is no legitimate time to say this can no longer be discussed. If the points are solid convince people, don't tell them they are not allowed to discuss it. Sheesh.


hi whatsup. Thx for your reply. If you look at my other posts here you can see that I totally agree in regards to discussion culture...

And yes, I could also write everything down here... but as the discussion and the scientific work already has been done by climate scientists at a much higher level that I could do - and I believe we here on steemit in general can do - as I am not a climate scientist that did actual research in this field - and I guess I did not encounter any here on steemit yet - I think it is prudent to link this site.
This was actually made as a kind of referencing site to the biggest climate studies that people who have doubts inferred by those bold claims of the climate change sceptics can easily double check.
So it is not one scientific study referring to, it is a whole catalog of more or less all studies and the current scientific knowledge in general I am referring to.. so I believe using the link in they way I do is the quickest and most convincing way to proof my point.


Sure solarwarrior that makes sense. I guess my comment was not directed at you, it was actually more to bloom, who was justifying flagging,..... Because he disagrees. Although no one can stop him from doing that. I have very little respect for the concept of trying to stop people from discussing a topic.

Anyway, carry on... You are doing just fine! :)


I really have to say I am amazed how fair and friendly disputes like this are handled here on steemit.
A big thank you to everybody contributing. For me this kind of discussion really shows the value of steemit as I assume that if we would discuss this on FB or somewhere else content and manners would be 95% less.
In regards to flagging:
I actually can see both sides. Flagging in general is a highly sensitive issue, while some see it as a regular tool, others see it as offense.
I can't speak for bloom and I have not yet read too much of his content and comments here on steemit (what I definitely intend to do) to allow myself an opinion yet. However I can tell you that if you are really burning in your heart for clean energy, and if you want to change to world a tiny bit in the right direction by your own actions you can be highly frustrated (at least in my point of view) if you have to see Greeg Braden's work here at a place where you would expect it the least.
Having said this I might even have to be thankful for this as this was upsetting me so much that I startet the fruitful discussions with alex and you here and got aware of bloom and his content...
I highly appreciate that actually some people used my link and read on that site a bit.. how much more could I ask for. If you stay to your opinion I am not happy but fine with it, for me it is important to have contributed to show that side of the equation.


I actually do not believe in Global Warming the way it is presented, and if you dig... You will find many credible sources debating the topic and questioning the science, which in my mind is a beautiful thing.

Before you get upset with me let me tell you this... Global Warming or Man Caused Climate Change is politized and thus a fighting point. I hate the way it is debated and much of the topic.

However, if you take politics out of it what I think we could all agree on is Clean Energy would benefit us all. What really upsets me is pollution and dirty water, Nuclear Waste, I'm not very happy about fracking ...

So while we might disagree on a few things I bet we could find many, many topics to agree on.

In fact if we talked about it long enough, we would probably find we have way more places where we agree than disagree, but the media and the way the topic is approached has moved the conversation to disagreement instead.

This is why I want people to discuss topics they are interested in and look for solutions and places of agreement.

In anycase we probably hold some different views on Flagging as well, if you are using your stake to reward good content, flag content you think is harmful and participating, I love that!

It was nice to meet you. I've followed you, because you seem reasonable and passionate!


100% agreement:

Clean Energy would benefit us all. What really upsets me is pollution and dirty water, Nuclear Waste, I'm not very happy about fracking

and thank you for your kind compliment


I'm getting notifications you are messaging me on, but I don't log in there for some security reasons.

You can catch me in discord or discuss it here. I welcome the conversation.


What a close-minded, unscientific and dogmatic way to conduct yourself. You do a detriment to a "free speech, decentralized platform" by suppressing viewpoints that don't match your own. Talk about having an agenda. Sad.


good post and links ! 👍

my own 2 cents:

briefly - it is just a BUSINESS ! 💰
yes, clever, sophisticated etc - but business nevertheless. 😛

a bit longer:
I've been on quite a few UNEP meetings (or seminars / workshops or whatever they are called). which mostly were dedicated to the Kyoto Protocol and "quotas" (i.e. AAUs / carbon credits / emission) which "developed" (= rich) countries trade with "developing" (= poor) countries.
and the whole discussion (or training?) was mostly how reps those "developing" (aka 3rd world) countries were being "educated" about importance of taking greater care of NOT emitting "Greenhouse gases" (carbons) especially YEAH! from all those cows, buffaloes, and pigs on their farms which FART too much and pollute too much that poor already too over-stuffed atmosphere with more and more methane from their entrails.
those reps from "developing" countries would produce reports on how well they do all the required job, follow all the instructions (UNFCCC etc) - BUT! their resources are limited, staff too is scarce, underpaid, not sufficiently educated and trained, not enough equipment, tech etc. in other words, FUNDS! (= money)

also they would argue back, in fact rightly so (although in vain, expecting fairness and justice): that in fact it is all those "developed" countries which have more cars, industries etc. and thus Emit MUCH MORE those so carbon and other gases - than perhaps all "developing" countries combined. (sufficient Stats, facts, evidences, researches presented)

then they would practically start bargaining - in effort to receive more of all the goodies (money, other sort of possible stuff like equipment, tech, training, whatever other bonuses etc) - in return for their ... compliance with the whole agenda. (as well as, perhaps, agree / allow to move bad industries from the West to their soil; also to let some toxic waste be buried in their soil too - all that for "bonuses" and other goodies too of course)

although in fact, they don't give much damn anyway, because 1st of all, their countries anyway do NOT pollute the atmosphere so much anyway and to even come to the level when they can only START doing so - will take for them may be another 50-100 years ... 2nd, they can't influence or do anything about those "1st world" countries which really DO pollute atmosphere - who would listen to them?
3rd, they all are not so stupid, but actually employees of their govs, ministries, some are scientists, etc. they can figure out that anyway, to be able to participate in global affairs, they have to try use whatever "vote power" (or "weight") they have for the benefit of their country / people AND (or) at least for themselves (i.e. for personal benefits)

so, in the end, it is just a BIG Global Business! 😃
of literal trading of those "AAUs" or more precisely "surplus".

but those who made the MOST pollution - continue to pollute as usually. while those who polluted less - hardly can catch up with them...
so, as saying goes, "Business as usual"

oh, and guess who has not ratified Kyoto Protocol yet? 😉
and apparently not in hurry to do so, doesn't bother to try ...


Interesting topic. I always like to explore refreshing and unorthodox ways of looking at things. To you that comes totally natural. Which is a talent. I had a taste of it through the video of Russel Brand. Now, I know that's not the point but I do like that he's turning grey 😉 and I learned a new word: quantification.


O M G !!!
Are you serious?
The only case where climate change and man made global warming are not 100% interrelated was if we all live in the matrix.

Seriously, what is going on with you guys?
In what kind of science are those guys you are following experts? Where is their scientific work or proof?
Actually it would be much easier to make money just burning our world instead of building a business on green energy.
Why would anybody with a clear mind do the extra miles (and unfortunately also often very unprofitable miles) necessary to go green if not for altruistic reasons?

Please guys, before you all wake up in 10 years and have the worst regret of your life, spent 15 minutes on this site:

and check your "experts'" arguments.



There is a lot of evidence, but u have to look at it! I shared some in a previous post! Very widely accepted evidence that demonstrates what im saying.

I appreciate its hard to believe when faced with fear and massive media propaganda.. but its only about money to them.

Did u speak with scientists to say they all agree? Uts simply not true, I have plenty of evidence to show u how many scientists do not agree, and how many have been misquoted and misrepresentaled.

There IS a case against man madr global warming, a very strong and rational case.

Nothing in life is 100%, especially with hidden agendas that we know nothing about!

Debate is what is imprtant, open honest debate based on facts and due diligence l. In dont read the news and accept it, i check it out and try to confirm it.. the science of climate is so complex that we cannot even predict the weather one month ahead let alone 12 Years. There are more variables than u can shake a stick at, and if u miss just one that u hadnt considered it can throw everything off! That is why anyone whonis 100% sure is NOt a good scientist!

Bear in mind im a sustainable development activist , was the first to promote carbon foorptinting, and am not some gas guzzling freak who is against anything eco! It took me a very long time to u turn my opinions, based on a lot of reading and understanding the many issues!


Oh and just for fun and frolics, we DO live in the matrix!!!


If u have any interest or an open mind u can read this very comprehensive article


Hi Alex,

first of all I am grateful that we can have a respectful and open discussion here.
You are right, everything should be questioned and constantly checked.
But the basics of thermodynamics and the behavior of radiation with different wavelength crossing greenhouse gases is a very very clear thing that is 100% scientific basic knowledge.
If this would not work as described by science the earth would be as cold as the moon an inhabitable.
Again, it is all very clearly described here:
And where I have to say I am getting angry is citing Gregg Braden here. I mean this guy.. I just made the effort and watched the video... his charts are close to outright scam...
It is again described here: in the Q+A section, just browse the site.
Just randomly referring to this medieval ages chart: What he did: He selected a very short period of time (since 0 ) and he ended it in the 1930s... If he would have added temperatures until 2017 we are already at +1 degree... so even in his crappy chart it would be literally off the charts... and even in a very steep curve...

I do not know where you took the wrong corner... (at least IMHO) but this might help you to get the science base back in your global warming thoughts.


i WILL read from that website.. forsure.. i already had a little look
its been a VERY long two day i must tell you, mostly on facebook so i am running out of steem now (excuse the pun)...

Gregg is not a scam artist so far as i know.. and presenting data is incredibly easy to do badly.. either intentionally or not..

the MAIN take home message from that video though was not really about the least 50 years but more about the last 500,000 years.. which is that CO2 has 'traditionally' always lagged temperature rise by around 1000 years,, and has never preceeded it.. So the last 50 years is not really relevant to this.. His other main point was that the sun really does direct and dictate our climate..

SO just want to make sure that much is clear..
i AM VERY HAPPY to be wrong mate.. the main problem for me is that i cannot take anyone seriously who proposed compensation without reduction. To me climate change goes hand in hand with Sustainability.. and whilst i see NO efforts in the direction of sustianability and all this focus on compensation i will continue to be very skeptical. Also, i really dont like how the third world and developing countries have to pay through the teeth for this whilst they had almost nothing to do with the problem .. oh man, the list goes on..

anyways,, im VERY tired now, and fully appreciated your calm tone and civilised manner! as i say im very happy to be wrong, and until very recently have preached the global warming story for 17 years!! xx


as you are tired I will give you the shortcut:
in one sentence: he is completely wrong again.. and this is mainly due to the fact that climate science is not simple at all.. and he "forgot" some major facts...
but your response is very interesting and in one hint bang on:
This whole idea of compensation and carbon credits/trading was set up with good intentions but converted to a money machine and at the end did not bring the desired effects.. at least for those who did not just want to make money with it.
I had very good insights into this complex already since the early 2000's and for me it was clear from the beginning, that this would definitely not be the best solution. Add to that criminal behavior of man and you end up with a pretty bad leaking ship.
As long as the free or liberal market is the foundation for our economic system the only thing that really would work is a global carbon tax.
But just imaging proposing a global carbon tax (with a high amount that really has a regulating function) to the US, China and India... here you go...

And for course people who with or without that tax voluntarily tune down their carbon footprint.

And: "if it really was so bad the global elites would take strong action" is not an argument at all as egomaniac stupidity is equally distributed between the rich and poor, literate and non literate, clever and stupid.
As a person that has very high ethical standards it is amazing time and time again for how little money some are willing to sell their soul.


i had a read! The article was indeed interesting...
What is SO interesting though is to then proceed to read the comments afterwards...

And those comments really do demonstrate that DEBATE is damn important! I have read a few VERY intersting comments that lead me back to my original point.. that this is NOT 100% certain by a LONG stretch.. and more importantly whilst we focus on compensation and not reduction we are headed in a very dangerous direction.. WE cannot slap dollar bills down to fix this because that is a shitty patch on a huge problem of HOW we do things and the way in which we interact with our world..

Our technology needs to come into the flow of nature. .that means NO nuclear power, that means renewable energy, that means living in balance with the forces our our world.. so that means massive changes in our cultures, behaviours and consumption..

if You are interested here is one comment from the page you sent me:

"If the following assertion is true: "The CO2 record confirms both the amplifying effect of atmospheric CO2 and how sensitive climate is to change."

Then how can the downturns of the cycle, cooling, be explained in the presence of the elevated and lagging CO2?

The hypothesis:
Milankovitch cycles warm the oceans, and release C02 which amplifies the warming. That explains why C02 lags initial warming, and also causes the overall increase.

However, this does nothing to explain the temperature decrease. With so much C02 driven temperature increase, how could temperature possibly decrease in the cycle? What is the feedback mechanism?

The arguments above explain only half the model, and describe a system that would spiral to out of control heating until leveling. These arguments fail to explain the cycle's cooling phase.

Without a convincing answer to that, the assertion that C02 has a causal relationship to temperature is false."

i dont dispute that CO2 and methane can 'insulate' and add some measure of positive feedback.. BUT that does not take into account whether that is really significant or not, AND also does not take into account any potential negative feedbacks such as absorption by algae or even Fungi.. never mind the many mechanisms we haven't discovered yet.

So anyone who says to me that there is no debate, and the science is rock solid is not a good scientist.. The simple fact is that ALL the models that are being presented are just that, models.. that are more often than not wrong. There is not just ONE model being presented by climate change activists, there are many different ones and there is not any unified acceptance on which model is correct. Climate Prediction is probably the hardest science to understand because you have to basically be omniscient to understand everything.

SO to finish this point, i can understand @bloom flagging people who for example claim the holocaust didn't happen.. because that is a SIMPLE undeniable fact. we have the proof and it is black and white.. some of my own family were killed it was so recent, and you can go and visit concentration camps in Poland and see it all there in plain sight.

But climate change is something totally different, and as i have said, until we see a real drive to change the way we do things i have very little faith that tax is any kind of solution because it will not be a very long term fix! .. if one at all!

Anyone who stifles debate should take a long hard look at their intentions! At the very least it is an opportunity for the truth to get out.. When someone denies the holocaust, it is helpful to read the reactions of others and points that are made.. if we just silence everyone then we can not make progress..

Hope this makes some sense to you!


the comments section is a interesting read but that is of course not a scientists work... but of those engaged in the discussions... so you need also to take the answer of the specialists into consideration...

While I completely agree with what you say about change to renewable energies (the nuclear option is NOT an option at all) I do believe that a carbon tax would enforce change to renewable energies. As long as we live in a market oriented system we need prices as information and steering point. Having NO price at all on carbon leeds you to the current situation.
I would be happy if you just would agree with me about the following points:
1.) There is something called greenhouse effect induced by greenhouse gases like co2, methane, water vapor, etc.. and change of radiation wave length when the sun radiation is reflected / absorbed and converted, that keeps the earth warmer than the moon
2.) This effect will be greater if you add more of those greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
3.) Man adds those greenhouse gases to the atmosphere by burning fossile fuels, releasing methane gas ( fracking, meat industry, fertilizer, etc.), land use change

Can we agree on that?
Details is a problem, yes. And I am also not happy that climate scientists are not further in their models and science. So that gives us uncertainty about the exact degree.. but I would say lets rather be too pessimistic instead of erring on the other side and kill our huge eco spacecraft.
And you have to know... everything IPCC and others publish is a base case... averaged and leveled by summing up the work of many single studies... so there is anyway the risk that we are on a much worse path already...


Agreeed! I cant say what % of warming it is, compared to the sun, or what negative feedbacks will offset it, but yes!!!


OK.. great. So at least atm earth it heating up.. hence renewable energy investments would make sense..
and as far as I understand you would also support renewable energy investments and that people in general should bring their carbon footprint down.. so we are in the same team...

and I understand that science should be questioned time and time again... and I can see why you are asking the questions you are asking, also I am convinced that all your concerns are adressed by science on that site...
If you write about the global warming hoax however, you get - I believe unintended - support by all kinds of people that use it for exactly the opposite... coal rollers and forrest clear cutters etc.. and that's where I see the main problem in all of this...


Careful with your extrapolations!
Those conclusions may be yours but they arnt mine! ;)

Sadly renewables have been sbverted by oil and the automotive imdustry who have bought and held patents since the 70s! Decentralized renewables is the only positive step forward for many reasons, absolutely!


Decentralized renewables is the only positive step forward for many reasons, absolutely!
I totally agree!


and thank you for that fruitful and kind discussion.


Excellent post Alex ................ even more excellent is the dialogue created in the comments rather that poking names at others if there is disagreements etc.
Socrates encouraged this passionately and so do I and everybody else here which is a breath of fresh air.
Regardless of my so called 'side' I look at the whole way the 'environmental issue' is being used as a fear based polictical tool to further the divide and conquer tool.
'Media' is a major avenue for this means and one should follow their own experience and pure logic beyond the programs purposely placed upon us.
I look and see that there is no actual 'chaos' as much as a controlled demolition of the human and worldly experience, fear is the emotional tool used to manipulate us into fighting rather than figuring out the obvious. Guilt is the emotion used to subdue us into line and 'obey' without thinking of why ....................... religions use this via repenting etc while in turn promsing salvation if they do so............ and so one is governed into looking outwards rather than in for the answer.........
For me, this beautiful Mother/Planet is an experience that we are connected to and need to address this each individually in our hearts and minds then totally recognise the connection to each other .............. but the divide and conquer tool is well imbedded and tricky to dislodge and eliminate ................... but truth is far greater and clears this completely.
