China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-09-05




US arms advantage over Russia and China threatens stability, experts warn

"Plesch and Galileo argue there is insufficient public discussion about the strategic capabilities of the US if there were to be a major confrontation, arguing that debates about a conflict involving Russia and China tend to be focused on regional dynamics, such as the war in Ukraine or a possible invasion of Taiwan.
“US global conventional firepower is underestimated, which threatens both the realities and the perceptions of strategic stability,”"

--- Oh yes, the evil US is just too powerful. We need to support poor, innocent Russia & China.

"Though few believe a major confrontation between the US and either Russia or China is possible"

--- Seems, the authors don't understand the word 'possible'. You can argue about probabilities, but that war is possible is not in question.

"They argue the emerging situation justifies a renewed focus on arms control"

--- Too bad that China doesn't want to be included in any arms control negotiations.


AstraZeneca says staff detained in China amid reports of a drug-import investigation

"One probe is related to the company’s collection of patient data, and the possibility that it infringed China’s data-privacy laws and the other concerns some of the individuals’ role in importing a liver cancer drug that has not been approved for distribution within mainland China"

--- Not sure whether this is a genuine legal issue or (more probably) another CCP crackdown on a foreign company. We will have to wait & see.

"The British drugmaker, which produced one of the leading Covid-19 vaccines, has a strong presence in China and has often talked up the growth opportunities of the market"

--- The lure of Chinese money.


China’s president pledges $50 billion to fund African development

"Xi told the summit in Beijing China would provide 360 billion yuan (US$50.7 billion) in funding, including 210 billion yuan ($29.6 billion) in loans and 80 billion yuan ($11.3 billion) in aid, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post said, adding that China would encourage investment of at least 70 billion yuan ($9.9 billion) in Africa"

--- Promises, promises. Anyway, most of this money will of course go to Chinese companies doing business in Africa. The rest will land in the pockets of African politicians.

China-Africa ties ‘best in history’ claims Xi, as Beijing steps up military aid

"China and Africa should rally their populations together to become a “powerful force” and write a “new chapter in peace, prosperity and progress,” Xi said"

--- Translation: 'African countries should submit to China & support China in becoming a global hegemon.'

"He also pledged to create at least 1 million jobs for Africa"

--- The CCP can't even create jobs in China, so this is more than dubious.


China’s halt of foreign adoptions leaves questions about pending cases

"At a daily briefing Thursday, Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, said China is no longer allowing foreign adoptions of the country’s children, with the only exception for blood relatives to adopt a child or a stepchild.She didn’t explain the decision other than to say that it was in line with the spirit of relevant international conventions."

--- Well, China's population is decreasing, so the CCP doesn't want to lose any more children.


Influx of cheap Chinese goods a spoiler for local businesses in Thailand

"The Federation of Thailand Industry previously warned that cheap Chinese goods could cause a "tsunami" in Thailand and in the region, and that in 2023 the low-cost imported products had contributed to the closure of nearly 2,000 factories.
[...] The Chinese Embassy quoted preliminary statistics in its statement and said more than 1,000 Chinese companies have invested in Thailand."

--- & Chinese factories are of course much more important than Thai factories.



Mitoma, Endo score as Japan thrash China 7-0 in World Cup qualifying (Ouch!)

US-China rivalry on display at gathering of Pacific Islands leaders

After ‘Xizang’ for ‘Tibet’, is it ‘Northern frontier’ for ‘Inner Mongolia’?

Indonesia deports fugitive former mayor Alice Guo to Philippines



--- WSJ: "China’s Risky New Megadams Lie in One of the World’s Most Remote Places"


--- CNA: Philippine fugitive mayor accused of links to Chinese criminal syndicates arrested in Indonesia

--- DW News: South China Sea: Can the Philippines and US stop China?



Applaus für Xi Jinping: China kündigt bei Gipfeltreffen Milliardenkredite für Afrika an

"In den kommenden drei Jahren wolle die Volksrepublik weitere 360 Milliarden Yuan (etwa 50,7 Milliarden US-Dollar) an Darlehen ausgeben, sagte Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping bei der Eröffnungszeremonie des China-Afrika-Forums in der Großen Halle des Volkes in Peking. 210 Milliarden Yuan sollen ihm zufolge über Kredite fließen, weitere 80 Milliarden über verschiedene Hilfsmittel. Die übrigen 70 Milliarden sollen über chinesische Firmen investiert werden"

--- So ziemlich alles von diesem Geld wird auf dem ein oder anderen Weg an chinesische Firmen fließen.

"Am Vorabend hatte Xi bereits beim Galadinner für die afrikanischen Gäste gesagt, dass China und Afrika seit der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts Seite an Seite gegen Imperialismus, Kolonialismus und Hegemonie gekämpft hätten"

--- Hmm, Tibeter, Uighuren & Mongolen könnten da eine etwas andere Meinung haben.

s.a.: China will sich stärker in Afrika engagieren



Klimaschutzprojekte in China: Behörde erkennt "gravierende Ungereimtheiten"


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