If HardFork 21 Goes Through As Planned Will You Change Your Behavior.
There are tons of places to discuss whether you are for or against the proposed HF21.. The code is out and testing has started. The debates have gone on and on, to the point I'm annoyed with talking about it whether or not we should do it.
Let's imagine for a minute that it goes through as planned. (I am not saying it will or should)
I've seen a lot of people predicting what others will do, but I don't see many stating what they will do differently.
Will you do anything differently than you are doing it now?
My changes would be pretty subtle to the outside user.
My thoughts are I already manually curate, I already downvote, but I think I will get one extra DV a day. So I will likely downvote one more thing a day.
Vote fewer times a day with more power.
I predict that I will not vote as much on comments because I think the cost of those votes would likely be too high and take too much of my voting power to keep them above the payout level of .02 USD. Of course if we see downvoting there is some hope that would balance out later and I could pick that habit back up.
My curation efforts will be to look at posts that are around 9-10 minutes hold and are likely going to be successful. I would likely pick authors with Name Recognition.
I will also focus on supporting communities like Palnet and future front ends. Over time I see that as being a better long term plan.
What are your thoughts and strategies?
I'm hoping some of the larger accounts and witnesses will engage here as well.
I have no idea if this works out or not.. however I hope it will have the intended consequences..
As authors will feel the pain I plan to double up on my curation efforts (especially in regards to renewable energy and environmental posts) to help the community..
I think most smaller accounts are going to struggle.
Well smaller accounts needed for STEEM to grow. Accounts don't just start off big? They have to dip their toes in the water first. That is the only ridiculous thing if this hf goes through and it makes it harder for the smaller accounts. Are people just plain stupid? This should not even be a discussion. I know what they really want to do, drive the price down to 8 cents or less! If what you say is true and comes to fruition, big STEEM drop coming! All the way down!
Unfortunatelly @whatsup, you're most likely right :(
I won't change a damn thing. I don't buy votes; don't sell votes. I curate manually, up and down. I have access to my entire pile of SP. It's been like that for years. Now I'll get paid more to push the vote button. If I see problems, I'll bring them up in posts and conversations, like usual. If posts I put hours and hours worth of effort into continue to decline in value, then I might have to change my ways and stop producing content. I hope that doesn't happen.
Flagged for attitude!
Appreciate your answer and upvoted you in your wallet where it can't be flagged away.
You didn't have to do that. Thanks though. I won't forget it.
hf22, no reward pool all votes are done as wallet transfers
That could be viable if they did away with the current author/curator mechanism and applied all inflation (not being used for the DAO) to holders of vests. Do away with the upvote/downvote completely and install a tip feature to send whatever amount the reader wants to the authors wallet.
This would
Render all bidbots obsolete.
Do away with flagging done maliciously
Would give users a reason to shit or get off the pot when it came to buying stake in the system.
Scammers would have no way to scam, the reward would come 100% from investment or from writing/creating pieces of value that others who invest are willing to part with their inflation reward to say thank you.
I know you were joking, but they may want to consider this at some point down the road. :)
But more downvotes though.
Dear @nonameslefttouse
Do you upvote comments? I think those who do are being forced to stop such a behaviour :(
I do upvote comments, and I think in an environment that has more consumers and curators than content creators, the content creator with SP will be able to vote for comments, while the curators and consumers vote for posts. That won't happen right away, but that's where it could lead.
I curate manually and anyway already now (with 75/25) I upvote posts which I like and don't care much about the curation rewards (most of the time I upvote late and don't care who else upvoted these posts). That wouldn't change at all with '50/50': I still would upvote what I like.
I like to upvote new/unknown users manually. Often my upvote is the only 'big' upvote under their articles. At least I can support them. With 50 % curation rewards I couldn't support these users as effectively as now because anyway I would get a big part of my own upvote back (as curation rewards).
I think many manual middle sized curators do the same. They curate because they just like the curated posts.
Yes, with more curation rewards whales would maybe join automated curation trails instead of using bid bots (that would be a progress). However, I am not really a fan of these automated curation trails. They select a few lucky users which start earning quite some money on every post (the posts are not evaluated manually) but the big majority of users still doesn't earn anything. I would prefer that as many users as possible earned small amounts of money instead of a few selected ones earning quite much. That would be only possible if more (bigger) users were making the effort to curate manually and really read/watch content before upvoting.
Concerning the 50 % curation rewards I am not against trying it, but I am not so convinced of the positive effects. I understand the idea to make it more attractive for whales to upvote again ... but at the same time I wonder why these big accounts are that fixated on their ROI? If the STEEM price raises significantly again, they will be unbelievable rich anyway, if it doesn't, the ROI also doesn't matter much: they have lost money anyway. I personally would agree not to earn one single more STEEM if that would guarantee a significantly higher STEEM price. Better concentrate on making the cake bigger than on getting a bigger part of a cake which is getting smaller and smaller.
(When I bought BTC I also wasn't asking how much interest I would get ...)
Great job! I really respect how you are approaching things and it seems like an excellent plan.
Bitcoin as you know is a POW, meaning everyone knows the distribution is going to the miner who mines it. They also have a mature enough dev team to know that is how it works and that it will often be sold as a reult of paying for mining equipment.
In our case, DPOS was meant to be a distribution method.... Some how our stakeholders started to perceive this as their own ROI. They also don't seem to understand there has to be a demand.
I guess we will see how it all works out.
They should, also because a rich pool of satisfied users would also make STEEM much more interesting for larger investors in the long run than it still is today: interesting to place advertisements read by many, to market products, to disseminate information. The value of a (social) network is measured among others by the number of its users.
Exactly... The value is determined by users in social media and regarding the crypto part, you need enough people to decide it is a viable currency to add value there. Our numbers are pretty sad in both areas.
on the last part i am wondering for months now. i do understand that they would earn 100 or whatever steem by doing what they do, but is that 100 more important than price of steem? if you have 500k or 1mill of steem and steem goes to 10-20$ do you really care about that 100? they are the ones that should care about steem, not minnows.
on the topic of changes, not gonna change, i have almost 2 jobs i don't need another one. vote when i see and like, comment when i think i should, my "roi" sucked till now, it will suck more, but it is fun to be able to share some value to people that you find interesting.
Posted using Partiko Android
the bulk of my curating is already being done manually. There are a few that I auto vote simply to support their projects and make sure I don't miss their posts.
I'll be more inclined to self-vote my own work and if I find that the hits to the author rewards are to heavy, I'll reconsider my practice of Steem being my first choice for content.
Currently Steem is my first choice and other sites are repurposing the content. That generally gives Steem the stronger SEO benefit.
When it comes to downvoting. I rarely use them now and am unlikely to start using them more unless I start coming across a lot more boneheaded behaviour.
As for upvoting comments. I currently upvote comments I really like. If I find that I can't upvote them enough to avoid the vote being dust while preserving my VP, I may just start tossing SHADE at them
Yeah, I'm somewhat doubtful also regarding long term benefits for the average user. Also, I can't imagine being able to describe this system.
My behaviour has never really been dependent on blockchain protocols. I've always treated this site as a social media, what a concept.
I upvote things I like/my friends, downvote things/people I dislike.
That was my approach too. Over time I would likely fall back into that behavior.
Downvoting for sure. Finding two and a half downvote-worthy posts and hitting the button. Maybe splitting into more votes if that makes sense. Other than that, I don't think I'll be changing much of what I do given that I'm basically putting my votes on trailing @helpiecake and otherwise manually voting. I won't be upvoting comments as much but if I see good comments I will upvote it (pretty much what I do now). I used to vote comments on my blog rather indiscriminately but I will be reserving them more for exceptional comments.
@eonwarped i forget is the code roughly the same for PAL and steem for HF21? guess i'm asking from a usually late to the party voter? Most of the cool stuff comes out when i'm sleeping lol
It's not the same, no. PAL has unbounded r^1.05 curve. From a late voter point of view it's a little odd because the curator curve didn't change, but from what I was gathering it doesn't really matter much since voting late gets you very little (unless the distribution of post values shifts to be very top heavy). I have a post about it here. Let me know there if you have any questions.
Other than that, 50/50 is the same and downvotes are similar (I don't think it's the same but I'm not certain). But either way, it won't matter until PAL is separated from Steem. Oh! Now that delegation is out I should delegate my PAL to another account and get that going.
Posted using Partiko Android
PAL you get 1 downvote/day for free (10% pool), hf21 proposes 2.5 (25% pool)
So yeah you used your free vote on me today, geez thanks! I missed you too!
So yeah you used your
Free vote on me today, geez
Thanks! I missed you too!
- coininstant
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
It wasn’t free and if you think you can go around libeling me and flagging tons of people without consequence you are sadly mistaken. Funny how you crying about being flagged after flagging 50+ people maliciously. Don’t expect it to end.
I wasn't libeling you, or labeling you, you may be liable though, lol I wasn't crying either. I told you thanks and upvoted your post anyway beause it was interesting. Your flag did not bother me, you left it in color at least, not all the way to ZERO? hmm. I can't believe I spit out another Haiku though, it only happens when I get pissed at you! lol
Also the difference in distribution makes a big difference. They don't have the HUGE votes and bidbots yet meaning that those who are voting have a bit more influence.
The poor @haikubot got flagged. That sucks.
Oh, I am wrong. @haikubot did not get flagged.
I’m with you on the downvoting brother. That’s where I need to get better.
I delegated almost all my steempower. Bought a bunch of pal. I'll do all my voting on palnet. Maybe 18 manual votes at 50 %, regardless to time of the post, for random authors. I'll write one post and 100% selfvote per day. No downvotes. My stand is that quality of post and amount of reward is subjective and I don't want to judge.
I think it is an excellent plan.
When I use my downvotes I use them on pure Spam or people who clearly are just posting a mess. I get it though, many don't feel comfortable with downvoting.
I think strategic voting to maximise curation rewards can be a bad thing as it tends to concentrate rewards on those who already do well, even if the posts are not adding much value. It's about who you know. I'll continue to vote on posts that are under-rewarded. I don't care too much what I make from that, but I guess I could be making a little more.
I've been upvoting for the sake of building the community for three years. With large stakeholders being unable to say when they will have a strategy for marketing or any idea how to bring new users to the site... I'm kind of over community building so that they can tear it down.
Well I've not given up yet. I'm an eternal optimist :) The whales lose out if people leave
And I respect you madly for it too. :)
It's not all about maximizing your own gain, calculating cents here and there to find the best way to scrap the plate.
I vote to what I like regardless of the prospective pay out, because I am here to support others even if it costs me rather than profit me.
I downvote only for clear spam or for a payout that is clearly exaggerated and artificially so.
Posted using Partiko Android
Why would people support others at their own expense. I can walk out on the street and throw money at strangers if I want. There is not a shortage of needy people in the word.
Its that you vote for what you like , not randomly throwing money. Something that added value to your day.
For example, I follow and give likes to an account that posts daily about species of mushrooms that grow in forests in europe. You can imagine that this is a very small niche that this user is filling and its not getting enough likes (rightfully so ). But I like his/her posts even though it costs me my votes for almost no return.
Posted using Partiko Android
No strategy for me...I’ll keep upvoting what I enjoy most regardless the time of publication and such. Besides my curation rewards suck anyway...
Probably I’ll focus on palnet tbh.
Yep it seems many are taking the Palnet road including me.
I hope the reduction in vote value doesn't have a knock on effect on engagement due to comments receiving less votes.
More flags is the likeliest thing to change in my behavior.
Being below the dust value I'm used to appreciating my commenters by going to their blog and upvoting what I like there. I haven't attracted any pure shit posters that follow me and contribute to my post so business as usual for a small fry such as I...
I don't think the true engagers will be dissuaded by a reduction in votes in their comments as that's not the motivation. I don't chat people up and kiss ass. It's pretty transparent when commenters have an ulterior motive...
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes that's fair enough, comments shouldn't be left for the chance of a vote, and the possible reduction in comment votes may lead people to improve them, or say nothing. Both work for me :)
i used to comment for votes now i don't comment because i don't want people to think i'm just there for votes lol
Haha, I think you're over thinking! 🤔
Posted using Partiko Android
lol yeah probably.
I didn't think you were commenting on my posts for 2 cents, and thought it was mainly to give me some shit, or occasional praise :)
lol not your posts, just the ones that give 3c and up
Great comment ! please upvote 🤪 I couldn’t resist
Posted using Partiko iOS
Based on your excellent advice, I have decided to give less votes to comments, starting now 🤪
That's the power of quality engagement at work! Picard out 🖖
Posted using Partiko Android
I rarely comment just to receive a vote on it ;) I can't speak for the smaller fishes.
I think maybe I will do what other people are saying save upvotes for exceptional comments (raise the bar) or maybe consider their SP and engagement.
The bigger sp holders who vote on my posts are already getting a double curation boost.
Another idea is to go and vote their active post instead of their comment.
Actually that gets me thinking, for people who don't really post often, maybe they can designate a comment to reward upvote instead.
Posted using Partiko Android
Starting out, a decent comment can earn more than a post - that was true when I arrived anyway.
Agreed on raising the comment quality bar being a possibility as folks 'fight' over what comments are getting that vote.
I notice SBI voting for folks comments when they haven't chucked out a post in a couple of days, and I may go do the same at times if i see votes on my posts without a comment or a fresh post on their part.
Yeah, that sounds like a lot of work. Oh look, here is a comment I want to upvote... nah, that's a waste. :)
My days of focusing on growing the community so they can break it might be over.
Comment voting will 99% stop 🤷🏼♂️🤣
Posted using Partiko iOS
Could happen, in which case, I might start voting my own comments :D
Oh Oh haha
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'm concerned about engagement for sure. Unless behavior changes greatly the small account will struggle even more in my opinion. If we had enough people reading and engaging I think it would work out fine, with a tiny community... We will have to see.
Yes. I bought pal miners and palcoins with 3000 steem today! Behaviour has changed. Whenever steem moons I'm selling the remaining 2000 steem i have
Sweet, I hope it moons again.
Yee! Always good to hedge. I got a bit of everything and most of my investments are eth.
Im going to upvote posts more than comments.
Generally I avoid upvoting anything I don't comment on.
Maybe I'll need new people to follow.
Also I plan on using my free downvotes.
In general comment spammers and people flagged by flaggers attract my attention. Occasionally I flag those who tag -kr but write in english and appear to never write in korean. Maybe I'll take up flagging tag abuse more regularly.....for the realm.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, one of my favorite things about Steem has been the conversations in the comments. My posts usually receive quite a bit of engagement.
Not sure what that will look like going forward.
Maybe I'll start following more people based on the liveliness of their comment section. It's definitely better than an echochamber.
Well, if it keeps up you will be getting a lot of Pal.
Maybe we will see more drama as people try to spark engagement by focusing on more controversial topics. I just hope we don't end up with click bait and tag abuse as a result.
Posted using Partiko Android
It depends on how that's being brought to users. Most average users don't know what this is all about so they won't "change" their behavior.
I, for my part, am not here for the money (would be a very bad hourly rate). So no, any changed incentives won't make me adjust the way I use Steem.
Posted using Partiko Android
That's great. I am totally here both for the money and to keep an eye on crypto.
It's been a great learning experience, so that is also nice.
I really can't see a hard fork not being approved. Closest we came was hf20, but that was a patch and fix in place. What's the alternative? - hold functionality back?, change things? Rewrite? Halt? Can't really split like other crypto.
It won't change my behaviour. I'll continue to upvote comments on my posts and others. I do fair amount of manual curration and will continue.
As you were, carry on.
Nah, the community stopped HF17, they had to go back and rewrite it.
I joined PALNET cuz you said so..
Should I convert STEEM into PAL?
Have you checked your wallet? Do you have any Pal tokens. If you hold some you can choose to earn them or you could also choose to buy them.
I am buying some with my Steem, but that is not financial advice.
apparently there is a free air drop. Just got a free 600 coins. So I’m ready to go
Whoot congratulations
I definitely need to start looking at downvoting more. I usually just pass that shit by and I need to definitely be more proactive. Other than that I think I’ll just keep doing what I’ve been doing until I see something is clearly not working. I manually curate daily for the most part as well so I got that habit covered already.
Nice should be an easy cross over for you then.
maybe we see a downvote bot. you pay 1 SBD and whales sell there downvote ( so now there earn twice).
I hope nobody start a service like this. Because i can imagine, it would be used.
Would be interesting for sure.
I don't think my habits would change here except maybe more manual curation and commenting. I run a couple of contests, create content myself multiple times a day and respond to comments but commenting on other people's posts is something I need to work on. I wish I would find 2 more hours a day for this.
haha, I understand that feeling, I used to feel that way.
I modified my behavior months ago, partially due to seeing the writing on the wall regarding this. I believe certain outcomes are more likely than not from these changes for the lower SP accounts (the majority of users still here), none outcomes I foresee as good for the average user.
I see talk now of mitigating some of it using other methods (such as Palnet), and shake my head. It seems similar to having to use Discord (as many do) to fully socialize this social site. Seems to me, at some point, if users have to build/use alternatives to supplement/circumvent shortcomings it is a sign that for the majority, they are dissatisfied with what is being offered.
You can just stay on steemit and comment as usual on Palnet / sports talk and all other 1000 different groups they will make. yeah not sure why people use the discord thingo as much as they do. seen this the other day https://neosteem.com think its for conversations regarding differnt topics to try and replace discord and be able to upvote also
I do hope HF21 can change my voting behaviour, as I’ve been reluctant in downvoting others, maybe it’s a cultural thing, I don’t like to confront such things haha. But I see downvoting overvalued posts a good thing in general and maybe I’ll join it maybe not.
Posted using Partiko iOS
My plan is similar to yours, except that I am going to pick two or three lower accounts to add to my favorites list. I am also going to pull all of my delegations from bid bots and consolidate my accounts and become a bad ass dolphin like yourself lol.
Do you know when the decision will take place?
You say that you will support authors with name recognition. What about the people who want to start? It looks like Steemit will make it difficult for newcomers because people already in the community will stick with the known people. Your curation strategy makes sense and I might adopt it for myself.
While I am really concerned about those new authors, I really can't imagine why new users would come or how they will get a foothold here.
It's been all downhill since i got here(except rc credits), why would i think this time they will get it right?
I think they had it right with the n2 and the 800mv influence cap.
Wake me up if we get around to giving that another shot.
Otherwise i will continue in my 'wtf, who's idea was that?' daze trying to maintain coherence.
hahaha... a person who calls his inflation and self votes ROI thought this was a great idea.
My upvote doesn't have such a big value but over 90% of my votes go out to other people anyways so that won't be changing that much, if HF21 had come 6 months ago with the 50/50 rewards split I would have complained but now we have communities like palnet and sportstalk where we can earn some extra tokens that actually hold some value.
I'm pretty sure that we are all going to be making more money than in HF20 if we participate on the new subcommunities with tokens that are arising thanks to Steem-Engine!
I'm not at all sure how you figure that, but I sure hope you are right.
I'm not at all sure
How you figure that, but I
Sure hope you are right.
- whatsup
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
You didn't earn in PAL as well 6 months ago. I'm counting on making what I would "lose" with the 50/50 split in PAL and your curation rewards will also grow so I think it balances out, especially if PAL stays around 0.20$ or if it goes even higher!
I think other than pulling stake out of @ocdb so as to downvote, my behavior to begin with won't change much immediately as I want to see how it will behave keeping some constants. Many of the complaints around bundling so many things into a HF are because no one then knows what does what but I feel that at least keeping my own behavior consistent, I can see what affects it.
That's a great point. I kind of feel like I've been doing anything I could think of to help grow this place for a long time and now I am going to try the every man for himself thinking..
It's super frustrating to have tried to build the community and to know feel like it is a non-factor. Who knows, I'll just be glad at this point when it is done.
It is going to make things interesting and there are going to be a lot of fireworks. remember though, breathe.
I am pretty sure that it will work out in the long run better. Not as sure how yet ;D
Here are your
tokens!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.I think I will downvote more spam. I haven't as much simply because of the cost. I will have to quit with the comment voting which is a shame because I actually like it but at you say it will likely be too costly vp wise
Yes, I will downvote more too.
Let us join forces and destroy them all!! No one shall be safe! :OD
We should totally do that!
I will curate more content. I will sell less votes and possibly not at all. I will continue to use palnet. I will create content at the rate I am now. I will use my downvotes to target overvalued posts on the trending page. I expect to use at least one a day. I will not sell downvotes if such a service appears. I will monitor how well my posts do. If my posts do not get onto the linear part of the rewards curve, I will consider buying votes but only sufficient to get onto the linear part of the rewards curve. I really hope I don't need to do this as I haven't bought votes in almost 18 months.
Posted using Partiko Android
I stopped selling any votes at all recently after I went to see what I am voting for. It wasn't good.
I use smartmarket to sell votes. I check every couple of weeks where my upvotes go. Some of the content isn't great. Smartmarket allows vote sellers to sell to only those on the whitelist. This whitelist appears very lax. At least there is an option to blacklist anyone I don't want to sell to. My list keeps growing.
yeah, I was doing that too, for the rare occasion my voting power got to 90%, but I recently stopped. No judgment... I'm just sad we are reducing all author rewards when we could have just fought abuse all along.
Those are good strategies. Whales and huge orcas will dominate the feeds once again as many will curate them the most with the new yield curve.
I don’t believe vote buying will stop at all but increase more but won’t be profitable at all anymore.
I’m thinking applying @oldtimer strategy but time will tell.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Nods, I'm already onboard with most of what he is doing.
It’s a wait and see game once again... where’s Ned 😂🤣😂☺️
Posted using Partiko iOS
I know, right? 😂
Posted using Partiko iOS
Those are good strategies. Whales and huge orcas will dominate the feeds once again as many will curate them the most with the new yield curve.
I don’t believe vote buying will stop at all but increase more but won’t be profitable at all for people buying them.
As for voting for comment, people can throw that out the window! 🤣
I’m thinking applying @oldtimer strategy but time will tell.
It will all depend how things turn out! But the plan is to continue as normal!
Dear @whatsup
Another solid read.
You've wrote "Let's imagine for a minute that it goes through as planned" and I kind of agree with you.
However most discussions seem to serve one purpose: to prepare people for what's coming. Not to change anything or stop HF21 as it is simply not in anyones power to put this advancement on hold.
Many would also love to know when will this HF21 happen. Any idea?
You nailed it!
Currently I'm upvoting manually each valuable comment I have chance to read with small 0.05$ vote. It seem that supporting commentators will not be an option with new non-linear curation curve.
So I may be forced to stop upvoting comments and probably many others will face similar challenge.
I just dicovered it today. Apparently they already implemented the idea how 50/50 reward split. I wonder how did it work out for them.
The 50/50 split has pros and cons. It works better with a more even distribution.
Hi whatsup the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
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I'm really rubbish at curating so the 50/50 change will definitely encourage me to curate more. The downvote votes will come in handy to clean up the crap here as a few of the others have mentioned already. I just hope people use them responsibily and not just because they don't like an author or their post.
haha, It's going to be interesting to see how people use them at first, but it will be okay
Excellent.... :) dRAMA can't wait. :)
Sometimes I just feel the need to downvote!
To migrate slowly toward Palnet and change my strategy on Steem. The HF21 will be approved!
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh, I also think it will be approved.
:) and have a great day ahead. ;)
Yes, I will be using my downvotes, and everybody should too. it's a great chance to clean up some of the crap posted daily.
This is the only part of it I am looking forward to.
Yeah we have to clean up the crap that the bidbots drop on our feed. That is the main thing, displaying the crap posts where they can't even spell or do grammar correctly. I am guilty too for that in the past! Possibly we could separate the bidbot posts, give them their money but not put them in the feed? Then the investors will like to come here more! What if we have a grammar bot that does the job for us!! If you have too many mistakes you have to pay and not get the bid back! lol that would make them learn pretty fast not to waste their money on their own crap posts!
Currently mainly on PAL and moved most steem to alt accounts to vote sell.
Aim to go back to steemit, manual vote mostly, join the downvote party, maybe pick up my actifit post again and bonuses will be when i upvote those with PAL / other tags that i purchase tokens for.
Sounds like a good plan.
Hey @whatsup! I think we are so used to doing things the way we do it will be difficult to change our behavior. We have always manually curated so that won't change but we will be on the lookout for crazy downvoters that will just downvote for the fun of downvoting, because they can. That is our main concern for this hardfork.
Excellent new on the business as usual. I can't imagine anyone wanting to flag you, but I do expect there to be some who just cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble.
You never know...some people can get real trigger happy here on steemit!
I’m not sure HF21 will make much difference to my habits. I have probably only downvoted around 5-10 times I figure, in two years, so am not sure whether free downvotes will lead me to ramping that up. I guess it depends.
I’ve heard people have been downvoting people to zero for no apparent reasons?? If that was to happen to me I’d simply walk away from it all rather than get into downvote wars with keyboard warriors who hide behind a user name. Life’s too short.
I’ve not been involved in communities really, more because I don’t get how they work and all. So I think I’ll probably curate a little more, probably not vote too much on replies for the reason you mention and just keep content-creating.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Sounds like a decent plan. I'm hoping the engagement will not drop off even more, but I am concerned.
I'll certainly get flaggy, and try to use all of those.
I would have said I'd probably vote comments less, but now I've switched to palnet for commenting sometimes, I can have quite a large impact to PAL, so maybe I'll just do that.
I am also focusing more on PAL now rather than Steem.
Oh, and I'm powering down my alt account, although that's partly because I've lost the master password as much as a response to HF21.
Yeah, that all makes sense. I haven't decided what to do with my alts. Drama will probably do fine, but the other one isn't doing much.
Hi whatsup the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
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Too little stake for it to matter what I do. Business as usual..
Posted using Partiko Android
Wondering about bots and payouts... When is the change?
Posted using Partiko Android
Not sure how it will hit them mixed predictions on that. They will not die though I am sure of that.
I'll keep on doing what I do and hope it works out.
If it fails it just means you get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression! Buy that steem dip, they will fix it later, I guarantee it! This is just a joke to scare some peeps!
You will get 2.5 downvotes (25% pool).
As for comments, I have drastically reduced my comment voting since HF20 as I usually respond pretty quickly and most of the time it is within 15 minutes, the fact those rewards no longer goes to the author but return to the pool discourages me to vote comments when I see them and respond.
Yeah, that's a good point... I guess I've been doing that pretty blindly all the time. I used to not try to maximize my rewards though, that is going to change now.
It isn't really maximizing rewards, it's preventing your voting influence from being wasted. HF19 it would go to the author, which in many cases I'm perfectly fine with. If I voted a comment I likely liked it or appreciated it. In my opinion, comments are much faster paced and 15 minutes reverse auction gets in the way a lot more often than posts.
You are good at responding, I'll give you that!! No ghost here!
It will all depend how things turn out! But the plan is to continue as normal!
You are part of a gang stalking group on Discord. This is here to advise people.
Hey that is great. I want everyone to know I am gangster...
Do we have a name for our gang... Can we be like the Discord Hell's Angels or something cool?
if majority of user are satisfied then we can support it..
Well, the comments area has escalated into a troll heaven. I don't have any drama coins to reward for this interesting post that has garnered so many comments, so I will just leave this here for now...
You are part of gang stalking group on Discord. This is here to advise people.
Hey that is great. I want everyone to know I am gangster...
Do we have a name for our gang... Can we be like the Discord Hell's Angels or something cool?
Come and join the SteemClan! We aren't a gang, but we can be gangster in our methods of trying to get the Satoshi Treasure for the STEEM ecosystem! I feel we might be called an altruistic gang.
Then again the definition of altruism is subjective... is it not? One million dollars pumped into the STEEM ecosystem would be a win-win for everyone!
Please do not flag me for my blatant aggrandizement of a Steem Community. Just saw an opening to plug the SteemClan.
I offended I'm not on this list. Can I be listed?
Hi, @whatsup!
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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.
It's not all about maximizing your own gain, calculating cents here and there to find the best way to scrap the plate.
I vote to what I like regardless of the prospective pay out, because I am here to support others even if it costs me rather than profit me.
I downvote only for clear spam or for a payout that is clearly exaggerated and artificially so.
Posted using Partiko Android
I’m not doing anything different.