The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
In order to use the pictures in other context
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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
Digital art made by @xpilar
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
awesome digitalart sir,i like it
full imaginations,i resteem sir @xpilar
thank you @rezacontri
thanks welcome sir @xpilar
My imagination AEROSPACE MANUFACTURER plant nice digital artwork.
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thank you @csharma
This is like a building and a road in space with a background of sunrise or sunset.
thanks for your thoughts / description @elianaelisma
this is an amazing imagination that I have ever seen
thank you so much @ustazkarim
The sun is look so near by
thanks for your thoughts / description @mrme1984
Sunset is one of the most beautiful gifts of nature to man. When I decided to enjoy the sunset over the ocean, I came across a wrecked spacecraft on the shore. Most of his construction has become rusty, it seems he has been here for a long time. Whatever it was, the sunset was magnificent, maybe the aliens also flew in to enjoy the earthly sunset? Who knows, maybe I'm right
thanks for your great description @magnata
Hi @xpilar l, this is my description of your image.
At dusk, when some of the earth's inhabitants are sleeping and some are busy with their activities. In space, a plane from another planet is lurking in the activities of the inhabitants of the earth.
According to information we got from the intelligence team that had worked on the spacecraft about 7 years ago, this aircraft would invade Earth's inhabitants in 2054 AD. This coincides with their king's birthday. Every king they celebrate a birthday, there must be a planet that successfully invaded. The planet they inhabit is about 100 light years from Earth, where the planet rotates with the sun to count the days longer. So according to our calendar, one year they are equal to 78 years on earth. Finally they invaded planet Meriv, which was 700 light years away from earth in 1976 AD. And it coincided with the birthday of their 49th king. For the king's 50th birthday, the majesty said to invade the earth as a 50th birthday gift for the king.
But the rotten plan of the inhabitants of the planet has long been smelt because we have 2 intelligence people working on the spacecraft. They are actually part of the planet. But they did not agree with their king's wish to invade the earth, so they defected and spread information about the planned invasion to the UN headquarters. So that the UN in this case representing the inhabitants of the earth had anticipated their plans by preparing troops that had begun to be sent into space in secret. They are now placed on the moon and are building a military base there.
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thanks for your great description @anroja
You're welcome sir
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Lol, beautiful :)
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thanks @aftabkhan10
Between the universe,
There are 9 god countries,
Separately is
Greek god country /
Western Heaven /
Buddhism /
East soil /
Pharaoh /
Astra Country /
Mutith Kingdom God /
Gold Jinwu /
Land tree God /
This painting is a description of the meeting of the nine great God countries.
thanks for your thoughts / description @cloudblade
Beautiful photography. thanks for sharing this post..
I like it this post..
I appreciate your valuable post..
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Beautiful art design.
I love art.
Thanks for sharing this post..
My favourite art..
Outstanding to see that quite impressive digital art love it
thanks @blazing
Corriente de Cambios.
Un entorno pesado y sombrio estàn dejando los pies del hombre en la Tierra, por ello, una fuerza externa està preparando una visita exploradora que muestre el nivel de deterioro de ese planeta.
Todo vislumbra un cambio, el hombre serà absorbido para darle paso a otra especie, una nueva forma de vida se irà procreando para recuperar y salvaguardar el planeta Tierra y el sistema solar.
Una capa de ozono dañada, deja ver el desastre con que el hombre ha manejado los recursos naturales. Aguas contaminadas, una flora altamente intoxicada y escasez de vida animal son los puntos màs criticos que marca la actualidad del entorno terrestre. Pronto llegarà el cambio para reestablecer el orden en ese espacio del universo.
thanks for your great description @jadnven
Controlling minds.
A universal control system has been launched into space, the great empires are seeking to control the brilliant minds of this world.
Everything is aimed at finding all the people with high IQ to be controlled by means of a cerebral photo receiver and to be captured for their imperial army.
It is a kind of magnetic wave able to be introduced in the brain and to calculate according to the capacity of generation of ideas an index of immediate intelligence, the system of control allows to control the minds with small magnetic pulses directed to neutral neurons to clear them of their own control and to respond now to a behavior programmed necessary for the ends arranged by the imperial army.
Controlando las mentes.
Un sistema de control universal se ha lanzado al espacio, los grandes imperios están en busca de controlar las mentes brillantes de este mundo.
Todo està direccionado a encontrar a todas las personas con coeficiente intelectual alto para ser controlado por medio de un foto receptor cerebral y ser captado para su ejército imperial.
Es una especie de onda magnética capaz de introducirse en el cerebro y calcular según la capacidad de generación de ideas un índice de inteligencia inmediata, el sistema de control permite controlar las mentes con pequeños pulsos magnéticos dirigidos a neuronas neutrales para despejarlos de su propio control y responder ahora a un comportamiento programado necesario para los fines dispuestos por el ejército imperial
thanks for your great description @adeljose
hello @xpilar
another beautiful digital art my friend.
it looks like sun is very near to this planet.
crystal surface is looks nice. beautiful reflection in this surface. awesome digital art my friend. thanks for share with us..
thank you @tussar11
Very beautiful with a sunset background, a very good work.
Like @xpilar
thank you @chehkuna
Hello @xpilar, your digital image is very interesting. and what I like best is the color of the picture. in my opinion your digital image shows that a place of natural beauty depends on the weather and the time. if the weather is cloudy, then nature cannot optimally show its beauty. also at night.
But the beauty of nature will look beautiful when at dusk. not only seen from the corner of the ocean, not only in the park, but the beauty of nature at dusk also looks beautiful from the sky. this is just my description of this digital image that you are displaying.
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Hi @aulia1993
thanks for your thoughts / description
Hi @xpilar
La colonia de titan fue planificada como una estación minera permanente, con la intención de servir de base para la exploración y explotación de minerales en algunos objetos del sistema solar exterior y en el propio Titán. Cuando se confirmó el paulatino e irreversible envenenamiento de los mares, se decidió que los planes originales fueran cambiados y se construyera ahí una colonia para dar alojamiento al menos a seis millones de habitantes.
A diferencia de la colonia de Marte, en la que se trataba de crear un ambiente similar al de la Tierra, construyendo todo un entorno urbano simulado bajo cúpulas; en Titán el diseño original pensado en los requerimientos de una colonia minera, aunado a las condiciones ambientales, como una temperatura superficial inferior a los noventa grados Kelvin, una atmósfera, superficie y grandes lagos y mares, con abundancia de hidrocarburos, donde el papel que tiene el agua en la Tierra, lo ocupa el metano, con la presencia de ríos, mares y lluvias de este compuesto orgánico, además de la baja gravedad, similar a la de la Luna, imposibilitaban la construcción de cúpulas gigantes, en cambió se requería la construcción de un ambiente que asilara por completo la colonia del gélido y potencialmente tóxico ambiente exterior.
La colonia estaba conformada por una intrincada red de edificios aislados del ambiente, que ocupaban un área de unos dos mil kilómetros cuadrados, estás condiciones la hacían la más claustrofóbica de las tres colonias, la sensación de vivir en ella era similar a la de una estación espacial, extensos paseos peatonales y vías bajo techo que conectaban a secciones de apartamentos, oficinas, tiendas y por supuesto industrias, todo ello en un ambiente completamente cerrado y sin ningún tipo de espacio abierto, aunque fuese bajo una cúpula..
Muchos vieron a Titán como la peor de las tres colonias, consideraban que era como vivir en una gigantesca tumba, sin cielo, ni espacios abiertos, superpoblada y en consecuencia con un ambiente viciado. Además, las medidas de control social eran férreas, el mismo ambiente cerrado no se prestaba para permitir la ocurrencia de manifestaciones o disturbios, por lo que cualquier tipo de reunión debía ser permisada por las autoridades locales de cada distrito, además de ser custodiada por funcionarios del ejército. De igual forma escuelas, la universidad y todas oficinas de gobierno y empresas estaban bajo continua vigilancia.
En el exterior de la colonia, se desarrollaban las actividades de minería y los habitantes podían hacer algunas pocas actividades al aire libre, como el vuelo con traje de águila, que con él tiempo y después de la ocurrencia de muchos desafortunados accidentes, se convirtió en la útima actividad recreativa de exteriores autorizada, pues aun cuando se sobreentendían los peligros que revestía, quienes los practicaban estaban al tanto de ellos y sabían cómo prevenirlos; mientras que, quienes salían a dar caminatas, paseos en vehículos recreativos o excursiones a los lagos de metano, no solían ser tan precavidos y muchos murieron a causa de esto.
Aparte de las instalaciones mineras la única edificación existente en Titan aislada del resto de la colonia era el Instituto de Investigación de Altas Energías, el cual poseía el mayor acelerador de partículas fuera de la Tierra, con un gigantesco túnel circular de cuarenta kilómetros de circunferencia, en el que se experimentaba con la esperanza de producir antimateria para alimentar una futura generación de motores para el impulso de naves interestelares. En este instituto también se encontraba la estación de búsqueda de señales extrasolares, la cual además de estar pensada para el rastreo de las naves colonizadoras lanzadas varias décadas atrás, servia al propósito de buscar posibles señales de vida alienígena, en un desesperado intento de encontrar auxilio para la desesperada situación de la humanidad en el sistema solar.
A pesar de los efectos psicológicos que el encierro podía ocasionar a las primeras generaciones de colonos, de las complicaciones de disponer de un espacio sumamente limitado y de las estrictas medidas de control social implementadas, Titán fue, por más de dos siglos, una colonia estable y floreciente, sin embargo el colapso de Marte con la necesidad de traer una nueva población de colonos desde esta fallida colonia, y el posterior brote de una agresiva epidemia de influenza, que fue llamada influenza marciana, sumado a la catástrofe de Europa, fueron el inicio del decaimiento de Titán, que condujo a su abandono poco más de un siglo después.
The Titan's colony was planned as a permanent mining station, intended to serve as a base for exploration and exploitation of minerals in some objects in the outer solar system and on the Titan itself. When the gradual and irreversible poisoning of the seas was confirmed, it was decided that the original plans would be changed and a colony would be built there to accommodate at least six million inhabitants.
Unlike the colony on Mars, where the aim was to create an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth by building a whole simulated urban environment under domes; in Titan the original design thought in the requirements of a mining colony, together with the environmental conditions, such as a surface temperature lower than ninety degrees Kelvin, an atmosphere, surface and great lakes and seas, with abundance of hydrocarbons, where the role that water has on Earth, is occupied by methane, with the presence of rivers, seas and rains of this organic compound, in addition to the low gravity, similar to that of the Moon, made it impossible to build giant domes, but instead required the construction of an environment that would completely isolate the colony from the icy and potentially toxic outdoor environment.
The colony was formed by an intricate network of buildings isolated from the environment, which occupied an area of about two thousand square kilometers, these conditions made it the most claustrophobic of the three colonies, the sensation of living in it was similar to that of a space station, extensive pedestrian walkways and roads under roof that connected to sections of apartments, offices, shops and of course industries, all in a completely closed environment and without any type of open space, even under a dome...
Many saw Titan as the worst of the three colonies, they considered that it was like living in a gigantic tomb, without sky, nor open spaces, overpopulated and consequently with a vitiated environment. In addition, social control measures were tight, the same closed environment did not lend itself to allowing the occurrence of demonstrations or riots, so any kind of meeting had to be allowed by the local authorities of each district, as well as being guarded by army officials. Similarly, schools, the university and all government offices and businesses were under continuous surveillance.
Outside the colony, mining activities took place and the inhabitants could do a few outdoor activities, such as the eagle-suit flight, which with time and after the occurrence of many unfortunate accidents, became the last authorized outdoor recreational activity, because even when the dangers were understood, those who practiced them were aware of them and knew how to prevent them; while those who went for walks, RV rides, or excursions to methane lakes were not usually so cautious, and many died because of this.
Apart from the mining facilities, the only existing building on Titan isolated from the rest of the colony was the High Energy Research Institute, which had the largest particle accelerator outside the Earth, with a gigantic circular tunnel of forty kilometers in circumference, in which antimatter was experimented with the hope of producing antimatter to feed a future generation of engines for the impulse of interstellar spacecraft. In this institute there was also the station of search of extrasolar signals, which besides being thought for the tracking of the colonizing ships launched several decades ago, served to the purpose of looking for possible signs of alien life, in a desperate attempt to find help for the desperate situation of the humanity in the solar system.
Despite the psychological effects that confinement could have on the first generations of settlers, the complications of having extremely limited space, and the strict social control measures in place, Titan was, for more than two centuries, a stable and flourishing colony, However the collapse of Mars with the need to bring a new population of settlers from this failed colony, and the subsequent outbreak of an aggressive influenza epidemic, which was called Martian influenza, coupled with the catastrophe of Europe, were the beginning of Titan's decline, which led to its abandonment just over a century later.
Thanks to @xpilar, I hope the story is to your liking.
Hi @amart29
thanks for your great story
Thanks @xpilar
Titan is power , minerals also is power .
Why I choice Mr. Xpilar for my first comment:
In my life i have seen lot of artist to represent their self in very complicated way, and many love to say like that, singing is on my blood, art on my blood, cricket on my blood, football in my blood, i think this is the wrong way to present yourself to other's. Because your attitude will express what you are, your talent will say that what you are. Talent is never be on our blood, we should make it with our hard work, passion and patience. So i love those artist who are really become artist by their hard work and talent although i do never believe on talent because if you have the facilities to do those what you love, and i'm damn sure that you will be the successful in this field. So that here i want to mention one name @shadonchandra my Elder brother, He is the most inspiration for me in the whole world. I think he is not from this planet, he is from different planet, in my whole i never found any one like him, because he always thinking about other's, always thinking how to he can helps others, he just never thinking for himself ever, if i'm here, only for him. He is in steemit from a long time and a great blogger, he never tell me about it although he know that there have great possibility for the artist, because it will be not good for my study, after my hon's final exam he told me about steemit and able to convince me. Firstly he told me about Mr. Xpilar a great digital artist, i'm using Maya and Autocad for my sculpture design, i also know about the VUE atmosphere design but never try it. My Elder brother was absolutely right, you are great digital artist Mr. xpilar. Here i can learn a lot of thing form you. So i decided make my first comment on your post.
Language of Art is the Language of Life
If the language of any art is only the language of any artist then there will not any kind art in the world. Art is language that can understand by every people of different language, it's a language of life, So this is the better way to tell about you, about your society, about your country, about humanity, about history, about science, about our thinking with art. For great example Mr. Xpilar doing the same, he is person from norway but he telling us his thought through his language of art. So pray for me that i can Share my thought and through my only language of art.
Thank you All, and Wishing you all a great day..
Hi @uttambarman
Wish you welcome to the Steemit community
I appreciate your mention of my digital art
and what you tell about what art is
I'm really speak less, What a welcome for me, really this the power of community, it's make me more crazy about steemit.
Nice to hear @uttambarman
spectacular image. Congratulations. you have a lot of imagination It looks like a galaxy
thank you @rafaelj25
Very mysterious creation, in the end I decided that I think a path, the way of life, sometimes a wide stretch other times thin, we can have a lot of light, other times cold, the sun close or friends, everything depends on the experiences and I lived it. Great creation
Hi @anasuleidy
thanks for your thoughts / description
very nice digital-art great work my dear friend
thanks @momoriso
Could look like outspace getting suck towards a black hole :o
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Hi @cwow2
thanks for your thoughts / description
Some time ago Daniel invented a machine to travel inside the human body, invented a pill to minimize its size ... One day he had a terrible headache and mistakenly took the minimizing pills and little by little he became so small, but not having his travel machine at hand his body began to float, they were so small that the breeze carried him flying, floating ... Daniel was really scared, his small heart beat a thousand.
It was so small that the particles of earth were of its size, so much breeze saw it float next to it, leaves, balls, flowers, cottons but the most surprising thing was the sunset, he was surprised by the experience so great ... his luck while floating near a lake so clean and crystalline, that reflected the beautiful sun the effect of the pill step and fell to the water, was an average-sized man who lived the most incredible experience, could fly on earth without no machine.
Hi @jdbs
thanks for your great story
It is a great artistic work, I imagine a person on his back dressed in white looking at a bull, something like a conversation between good and evil, looking at the world from above.
Hi @teresah
thanks for your thoughts / description
The Story Of The Teenager and the Woman (Poem)
Here is the flying of the teenager,
I think he's angry at the red sky.
He finds it hard to see the lake,
Overshadowed by the angry hot skies above.
Who is that flapping near the lorry?
I think she'd like to eat the pylori.
She is but a hilarious woman,
Admired as she sits upon an english woman.
Her powerful car is just a good deal,
It needs no gas, it runs on crypto gear.
With a pet giraffe, and lots of hermit crabs.
She's not alone as she brings them to her house
The giraffe likes to chase a frog,
Especially one that's in the hot house.
The teenager shudders, thirsty and wants a potable water
He want to leave but she wants to collect them at the gutter.
Hi @cryptopie
thanks for your great story
You are very observant and good at seeing an artistic process. When I saw this digital artwork, I seemed to be re-entering a space of time where I had seen it before. Artwork is part of your creative process in making a work. Painting an object with a different perspective, your funds are very detailed in making it. As if dejavu had struck me. I entered the room that I had seen before. At that time, about 10 days ago I visited this place and I did a lot there. The scene that I saw from the other side has become clearer. At that time I only saw it as a satellite image from space. What looks like is just the form below.
Try to look more carefully. This place is the same place. Ornaments and structure of the same building. When I looked closer I became more aware that I was exploring in the same place, but different rounds. But by going into this dimension I can approach and even see the entire structure of this building. An inter-dimensional portal bridge that can connect intergalactic. This reminds the varol bridge or synapses on nerve cells that become a barrier between one cell and another cell. The bridge between the galaxy is the door to the entry and exit of residents across the galaxy. From this place people can move to another dimension. Of course this requires super modern technology.
in this place there is a careful examination of anyone who does not move dimensions. All are done to maintain the balance of nature and not to damage the portal during the journey to one dimension.
At the end of the comment I just add these words. i hope you accept it.
electron jumps can be faster
moving dimensions is no barrier
to a different time
like a dream
my dejavu is first
in control of the universe
handle technology the world ruler
all well measured
but it's empty I guess
there is no essence that I get
everything is empty
because I don't hold anything
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia
Hi @rokhani
thanks for your incredible description
You are welcome. I see that your work art has different looking from other perspective. It is a great art work. You create an art work with several vision.
Sunset on the beach
Beach is one of the attractions, people can create various ways to make good and beautiful moments.
Like the picture I saw above, it is a unique object with a variety of attractions. Panoramas of the surrounding sunset are interesting supporting the existence of these attractions. besides being famous for its beautiful views on the beach, it is also famous for its very sad and enchanting sunset atmosphere.
The beach tourism which is the belle of the world, it has various features including the spectacular sunset, because on this beach we can enjoy the other side of the atmosphere.
In the picture above, I will not find a stretch of beach sand directly in contact with sea water. because in the picture above it is focused on the unique object itself, plus the dazzling sky color, so that's where the beauty of the beach when Sunset arrives, because we can see the sunset view very freely and various unique ways that we make ourselves.
Hi @nandaibra
thanks for your beautiful description
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
oh my god...! you are such a great artist .... I really really appreciate your skill.... i think my words are nothing beyond your imagination n though,... In a single picture you just describe the whole universe....
I think you made me, your real fan just in single picture...🙋♀️
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thank you so much @gargi
I'm not going to try to compete with this well-writing stories to back this superb image, and just want to say that it is motivating to board my Spaceship and take a wander through the galaxy!
Hi @abh12345
Nice that you like it, thank you
It's very futuristic and reminds me of playing Elite Dangerous :)
Mia look at this picture from my own perspective, I want to relate it to a story of Lovers which one lose his life in the plain crash.
These two lovers love each other dearly, at first it was the guy as normal and usual to woo a lady by expressing his innermost feeling towards this lady, the lady insisted he doesn't to get hurt due to her past experience.
The guy won't give her space, he kept on pressing to win her heart, still this lady insisted she not interested in any relationship, this has the guy bad, he went home sadly, throughout the day, he felt really bad and down.
Year later, this lady has started considering the guy approach, she started feeling for this guy as well, but unfortunately, the guy has been moving with another lady (relationship) when the lady heard of it, she felt bad, blamed her stubbornness for rejected the guy, as they goes by, her feelings keep on seriously even though the guy was with someone already.
Another guy came around to woo this same lady, she didn't give attention because her entirely feeling is only for this guy, the heart know where it belongs, this guy has occupied the entire heart of this guy, few months later, the guy and his new girlfriend broke up as a result of misunderstanding, this make the guy returned back to his first impressions, he went to meet her at home, he was told that the lady she came to check she is moving out of the country, the guy started to crying, but this lady left a note for this guy. as writing below.
Tears of blood fall from my broken heart.
I never thought we would be apart.
When you told me , you love me, I thought you said "forever."
Now that you're gone, I know you meant "never."
Saying you love me with that look in your eye,
And that was a cold-hearted lie, when I grow up the seed of your life in my heart, you were no where to be found.
As I sit here thinking about you,
My face is wet with tears past due.
I should've have said to you long time ago, but now, I loved you so much uncontrollable.
I know they say love is blind, But I had only you on my mind, I should have accepted you at first, I have grown up your feelings within and outside but sadly you never here.
Its hurt so deep it cuts like a knife,
But wounds is unhealed until then when I should tell you "I love You"
The guy went back home with heavy heart, sad and crying, sadly, it was second day report has it that the plan crash claimed the lives of many which this lady was a victim of death as well, very hard on this guy to withstand what happened, he planned to commit suicide, but lucky for him, two guys caught him up where he was to take his own life.
Thanks for share your great work with us!
Hi @davidad
thanks for your story
You are welcome Snr. @xpilar
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