Humanity's Quest to Be Like God – Reflections on AI and the Metaverse



Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been on my mind lately—humans wanting to be like God. Let’s get into it. But if you don’t like reading, just view the first half of this video instead.

So, I’ve been reading the Bible recently. Yeah, I know, kind of out of the blue. It all started when I met a Christian Pakistani guy at a Japanese summer festival. We got to talking, and one thing led to another. He asked me, “What are you going to do when Jesus comes back?” That question had me thinking. I told him I’ve lived a good life, but it got me curious enough to crack open the Bible, something I haven’t done in a long time.

I started from the beginning—Genesis, I believe? You know, where it talks about how God created the world. He spoke, and it was: “Let there be light,” and boom—light appeared. It struck me how this is kind of like what we’re doing now with AI. We prompt, and it delivers instantly. God was the original prompter, right? “Let there be light” is the ultimate manifestation.

This got me thinking about how, as humans, we’re constantly trying to be more like God. With AI, we want things instantly. We don’t want to wait, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. But in today’s society, we’ve become so focused on getting everything fast. Even me—sometimes I wish the Law of Attraction worked like that: Boom, give me a million dollars. But the reality is, faith without works is dead.


Here’s the kicker, though: We’re creating our own version of a universe—the metaverse, the digital world. We want instant gratification: instantaneous dopamine, instant manifestation, cryptocurrency, all these things that give us the illusion of immediacy. But isn’t that what God did? He created the world through his words, and we’re trying to do the same thing through technology.

But the future generations are going to be even more about this instant manifestation. Imagine being in the metaverse and saying, “I want a girl with long hair, half-black, half-Asian,” and poof, there she is. Want food? Just prompt it, and it appears. This is the world we’re heading towards, and while it might seem strange now, it’s happening.

AI is our way of trying to become like God, but here’s the thing—we’ll never actually be God. We can create these virtual worlds, but it’s artificial. God’s creation is infinite, while AI is artificial—hence the name artificial intelligence. We’re trying to recreate this Godlike image in ourselves, but at the end of the day, nothing we create will match the real deal.

So what’s wrong with the world we already have? It’s beautiful, right? We just don’t have the power to manifest things instantly. That’s where AI and the metaverse step in, giving us an artificial sense of Godlike power.

Something to think about, right?

At the end of the day, humanity's desire to become more like God—whether through AI or creating virtual worlds—is both fascinating and kind of strange. We already have so much, yet we crave that instant gratification. So, are we trying to be gods on Earth? Maybe, maybe not. But we’re definitely creating artificial versions of that power.

What do you think? Drop a comment below.


Images prompted via using the prompt:

An AI cyborg Goddess looking over the world. She has dreadlocks hair and is cool.


I fear the world of humanity in the next 10 to 20 years to come. With the look of things, it is looking like robot will control the world


Yup! The movies were more than movies, they were documentaries of the future that could be.


As technology advances and makes things easier, we will see new workers replaced by robots.


We have to learn to prompt the robot and use it to our advantage so we can be on the winning side of histroy.
