Russian invasion of Ukraine. Day 6 - 7. We are standing! 💪
It's a new day. We have nice fresh snow in Kyiv. I took selfie outside, and it was so nice to see a daylight and white snow 💙
- As I said, yesterday it was a very busy day. No time for fear, no time for checking news or posting news. In the night I got inside Nick's sleeping bag when he went on duty, as I was too exhausted to find a place to sleep and to unpack my sleeping pad and bag. When he returned, he took mine and lay down by me and fall asleep. I couldn't sleep, I am a light sleeper, it was aching all over, besides it was too noisy, someone was coming someone leaving, someone watching videos. But it was good to know he is by me and he is resting.
- At night there was an air raid, but I couldn't find energy to go to the shelter.
- When I opened my eyes it was 5:40. Actually, when I looked at the phone my sleepy eyes saw 6:40, and I jumped up quickly and rushed to "kitchen". Breakfast time is 7 am and I and a few more girls are responsible for it. There was no one there, so I had a coffee and finally saw my mistake. Anyway, now our guys are fed and I was send home today to return tomorrow for another 24h shift. And I am lucky, because there are few girls who are there for 4 days already. Some of them just live to far and have no transport to get home.
- The funniest thing happened yesterday. I got a call from a unknown number. I'm getting used to worried voices, or speaking fast or scared. What a great surprise was to hear an absolutely pleasant, peaceful, calm woman voice. She called to confirm my appointment with a doctor. A call from another life, to a completely different person.
- Some of you asked me about money. What I can say. The bigger problem now is lack of everything: medicine, gasoline, food, sleeping pads and bags, socks. And cigarettes! They are very hard to find and sell out quickly. Who know, maybe Nick will finally give up smoking. 😄
- My home is safe. One more family were getting out with large suitcases, they are leaving "as far as possible".
- I was so happy to have a hot shower as I had only cold water during last 24 hours, and it's winter now here, so it's really cold. The skin of my hands is like sandpaper.
- Call came in from my hometown. A nurse visited my mother and did a bandaging. She has medication. Nat is okay just worried. And finally, my daughter is interested in the history of the home country. 👍 "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you."
- Some of you asked why Russian subversion and reconnaissance groups are dangerous and what they do. One their goal is to find out the spirit of the population and sow panic, because panic can be very dangerous. Or spread fake and divide Ukrainians from inside, and other nations. That's why we all have to be very careful, calm and check every fact and information, even if we very much want to believe it. Some pretend to be refugees, some pretend far relatives. What more. They leave backpacks with explosives in places where there are a lot of people. We all know what it's called. What else. Capturing ambulances and even a white cross vehicles, they try to get as close as possible and open fire to kill. They pretend to be volunteers who evacuate the population, and then a bus with people rides ahead of a column of Russian troops. There are a lot of such examples, they are official and documented for an international court.
- The enemy has not yet acknowledged his defeat. He just goes to "Plan B" and then has "Plan C". With our resistance, we embittered the monster, which already hated us to death. And questioned the invincibility of Russia. Now for Putin destroying us is not a willingness, but a matter of the regime's survival and, consequently, its personal survival. Enemies stop at nothing. They arrange an ecological catastrophe, destroy everything on their way. Perhaps the hardest part is yet to come or starting right now. And then, no one will be safe. World will not be safe. We are your shield today.
- Many people who do not know the real history of Ukraine (victims of Soviet propaganda, I was among them too as I grew up in USSR) said that Ukraine gained independence very easily. I often think about it these days. Let's skip and put aside that Ukraine willingly abandoned the world's third largest nuclear potential. In any case, it seems to me that now no one will say it was easily gained...
- Just now 3 bomds fail really close. I.can see it out of my window, and my hands are shaking. Cant upload photo. Hope I have internet
- Nick is alive too. Tele towers still stands.
- Television is still broadcasting in.Kyiv..We are not broken!
- You know, the sound of a flying /fallimg missile ... it sounds just like it movies. So I had a time to recall all my life ) This is for the first time. Yes, scary indeed. But while the third missile where flying I had time to fall on the floor. I knew what will happen in the next moment, and was ready to die. It sounds awful even Don't know how I will sleep today home alone. I think it's better to spend the night in a basement.
8 am
- Night was relerively quite for Kyiv. At midnight air alarm was set off and I managed to get so sleep. Hallelujah. I need strength.
- Next alarm.notice came in the morning so I went down to basement. But I think I should go back soon to have some breakfast and drive to joing volunteers. Today is my next 24 h shift. Not sure if i have time to update but i will when i have somthing to say and get a minute. Curfew's finished.
March 3th. 9 am
Do you know how many hours in a week? 168. This is exactly the number of hours Ukraine has been resisting the brutal occupiers. They shoot cars with women and children, bomb our cities all over Ukraine, and we stand. Diid anyone expect this to happen and last so long? Did I ever think that 2 hours of sleep would be an inaccessible luxury? Sometimes we share with each other our memories about life before war. It seems so far in the past. But here I have my new family. They are incredible people.
My shift isn't over. Nick is exhausted. There were three air alarms during the night. It's cold, but not so ..anxious, because when I am at home I'm listening to every sound. Hope to go home today and have a shower, and maybe some sleep.
Will update when possible.
Checked my feed as soon as I got online this morning and was worried as I see you hadn't posted yesterday. So happy to hear from you now. I wish I can send you some warm wolly socks and beautiful hand cream to give you some comfort. ❤️
Aww, you are so sweet :) Yesterday I was so tired that I only updated my last post to write a few words.
Thank you so much! Hugs!
This really hits home because as you know, Finland has also been under the Russian rule and the threat is real again. The world at large has been speaking about the war there for six days only but I know Russia has been violating your borders for years and years. I hope the supplies the West is sending reach you fast and you can defeat the enemy, everyone here is rooting for Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!
You know, I read translated article a few days ago about Finland, maybe you know what I mean - Sofi Oksanen: Föreställ dig tystnaden i ett finlandiserat Europa. I knew many things I had no idea before. It would be interesting to know your opinion.
That’s actually in Swedish but I found the column in Finnish too. Sofi is a writer with an Estonian mother so she knows a thing or two about living under Soviet rule. I just skimmed through what she wrote.
We had autonomy from Russia but half of Finns never wanted to live under any other rule than our own. We had to fight Russia, loose a lot of land and people, and have a civil war but we got our own country like it always should have been. I’m sure Ukraine can relate, you are your own people, culture and land. We have been in peace with Russia in my lifetime, and my parents lifetime, but living next to Russia has always been a delicate dance. We can see through Putin’s bullshit, always have, because it’s still not that long ago when we were in war with Russia.
Praise God you are well. I constantly check to see if you manage to post anything. You truly are a hero along with your family. Please take care of yourself, they need you alive, be safe. God bless and protect you, your family and all your people. Your country, is a country of fighters, I kneel at your feet. You are in my thoughts and prayers every moment. Long live Ukraine. You will soon come out of this. Peace and freedom to you... 💖
Oh my god!
Reading this live account from a person "on the ground" has been amazing, THANK YOU! for sharing, i sure hope that my meagre upvote will reach you and perhaps even pay for if not but 1 of Nick´s cigarettes!
Politics are brutal, geopolitics even more so, however the increasingly escalating Russian actions are taking me by complete surprise, the invasion is a brasen breach of all norms, and the enemie is one of the strongest military forces on earth!
The Ukranian spirit has really also surprised me, as well as some of the governments actions. I´m personally on the fence about arming the civilian population, handing out and encouraging the making of molotov cocktails.
dragging a proffessional military in to street to street fighting, might end up piling up the casualities, (on both ends), However i will not deny that this is a survive or be destroyed situation!
Without having even been political on these blockchains, for the first time i declare my support for you, my respect for your sacrifices and hardships at the moment!
Thank you for sharing, and please keep on doing that!
I am glad to hear from you, I really wish that all this ends soon, and if it's not for the good way, let it happen, we must not allow the evil to spread, I send you my full support from Mexico.
I'm so glad to hear from you again! You are absolutely amazing, an example for all of us!!! Even during the toughest days you have the strength to stay focused and fight 💪
Get some rest as the next few days will be even tougher as it looks like from where I am. The world has mobilized and supplies are sent to the assaulted territories. I hope thew will be able to get to those in need.
Sending hugs, strength and love 🧡💙
Stay safe and keep us updated 🙏
You are so strong! I admire every single Ukrainian who fights for their freedom. You are an example for all of us. Thanks to people like YOU, Ukraine will win this horrible war and move towards its future without the irrational occupier. I'm still with you in my prayers and my thoughts. Stay strong and safe, my dear friend! Slava Ukraini!
THANK YOU! This is what we need now, a win, not an abstract peace at any price. You really understand Ukrainians!
Of course I do! :) I am what we call a 'Rusin' - half Slovak, half Ukrainian going back generations. Our dialect is close to Ukrainian and I understand it very well. My hometown is less than 30 minutes from the Ukrainian border and my minority shares a lot with Ukraine - such as culture, hospitality, folklore, etc. I didn't consider for a second that you would give up as the rest of the world thought!
Of course, I remember )) I meant that, you know, sometimes people of the same nationality share different values. But you very accurately felt our spirit. Thank you, dear xxo
Omg I am so happy to hear from you!!!! I’m sure everyone in their right mind has been checking for updates constantly too, we cannot ever trust the news to be 100% truthful, so hearing from you about the situation as well as knowing you are still with us is everything. I cannot explain how worried we all are for you, I feel so helpless here in the UK. Stay safe guys! Still preying for you!!!
Thanks for keeping us updated with how you are doing. Your strength is amazing.
The book I am reading right now, The Last Green Valley by Mark Sullivan is about a Ukrainian family driven from their home by Stalin during WWll and it is rather like history repeating itself now. Knowing history is important.
Very important! As you can see, sometimes it's even a matter of survival. If our people know the true history (not those tales we were told in soviet school) I believe Maidan in 2013-14 would never happen, and Ukraine would be a prosperous and peaceful country. Actually, we are peace-loving. If you could see how many humor this war has spawned. Not only anger.
This war has been going on for 8 years in Donbass, this war has been happening since the 39 Ukrainians were burned alive in Odessa, which the Ukrainian Media, said nothing at the time. The same media that to this day says nothing of the war in Donbass or the blatant racist Neo Nazi demonstrations that happen annually or the attacks against Ukrainians motivated by these extremists. What they have been doing, and what this person is doing in their post, is spread the same narrative: they are Russian Agents, they aren't even Ukrainians. This is buttressed by the fact that Neo Nazi have gained a hold of history and so Ukrainian Heroes are guilty of the most despicable things and yet they are celebrated especially for those despicable things. The media blackout and subsequent whitewashing of Donbass and the society in denial of the very common reality of Russophobia only effect hate and further division across Ukraine so that it's a complete joke to negotiate, or want peace. When people have, for 8 years, declared war instead of following through with their own peace agreement, and have declared that there will be no more Talk, then they make peace Impossible. The ones who have declared war against Russian culture, language and heritage make peace impossible. Those who refuse to respect their own neighbors valid national security concerns and choose instead to invite those who have refused to befriend or even allow a modicum of neutrality towards said neighbor, they make peace impossible. Those that don't want peace, make war inevitable.
I will not reply to all this. Just wish you one day to go through Ukrainians go these days.
Only wish war on those who want it. So have it. No surrender, kill all terrorists in Donbass and elsewhere, and deny the reality, what Neo Nazi?
Azov is a self-described ultra-nationalist organization, generally focused on Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia, as well as the nation’s independence and dignity. The immediate external enemy for these nationalists is Russia, which threatens and undermines their country’s autonomy and has done so since before the 2014 separatist conflict. However, as eastern Ukraine has become more stable on the war front, Azov has shifted its emphasis inward, focusing strongly on opposing anti-fascists, liberals, LGBT+, Roma, and feminists within Ukraine as well as promoting xenophobic views (Miller, 2018). This extreme form of nationalism, as well as a focus on hatred towards both internal and external enemies, fits Mann’s nationalist aspect of fascism.
Mann points to the coercion of the opposition as an aspect of fascist paramilitarism. Azov has been connected to violence symagainst an anti-fascist march in Kyiv in 2018, a violent intervention in a lecture about discrimination in film in Mariupol, and an attack against feminist demonstrators and liberals on International Women’s Day (OpenDemocracy, 2018). These are only a few examples of the violence carried out against their opposition, and while “they do not possess a complete monopoly on violence, Azov has certainly established political control of the streets in Mariupol. To maintain this control, they have to react violently… to any public event which diverges sufficiently from their political agenda” (OpenDemocracy, 2018, para. 42). Azov has clearly demonstrated violence against opposing groups in its own country.
Another part of the definition of fascism is cleansing: the removal of opponents and enemies, whether ethnic or political (Mann, 2004). In the 20th century, the Nazis targeted specific ethnic groups, while Italian Fascists targeted political groups (Mann, 2004). In the case of Ukraine, anti-Roma pogroms are an example of ethnic cleansing. One of the groups responsible for the multiple deadly attacks on Roma camps in the spring of 2018 was the National Druzhina. This street patrol and militia is arguably a component of the Azov movement, as it is a volunteer paramilitary group formed under the National Corps, which is a political party created by Azov leadership (Miller, 2018).
While there has not been outright anti-Semitic violence linked to Azov, the group’s blatant neo-nazism can be addressed. In 2016, Azov entered the political arena with its new leader, Andrew Biletsky. Biletsky has a history of being involved with the far-right and once said in 2010 that the nation’s mission was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade… against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]” (Miller, 2018). Biletsky also had a leadership role in the ultranationalist organization, Patriot of Ukraine, which according to the Kharkiv Human Rights Group “espoused xenophobic and neo-Nazi ideas and was engaged in violent attacks against migrants, foreign students in Kharkiv, and those opposing its views” (Miller, 2018). Biletsky has not made an openly racist or anti-semitic statement since the beginning of Azov in 2014, however, this is likely part of his attempt to shed more radical assets of his ideology as Azov enters the public eye (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). This phenomenon was addressed by Azov’s international secretary, Olena Semenyaka, who explained that neo-Nazi and far-right imagery “vanished quite quickly [in Azov], because when you have a chance to create history yourself, you cannot be just like a bad caricature” (Colborne, 2019).
To add to the problematic neo-nazism present in the group, Azov’s symbol is highly similar in appearance to the Nazi Wolfsangel; however, the group denies such claims and says it is an amalgam of “N” and “I” representing “national idea” (Miller, 2018). Although the group denies connections to neo-nazis, Azov itself formed from two neo-nazi groups. Individual members of Azov have openly acknowledged being neo-nazis, and the fondness the group has for symbols, salutes, and swastikas that can be called, at least, “nazi-reminiscent” are telling of their anti-Semitic beliefs (Golinkin, 2019).
Azov Nazi Symbols
From left to right: The modern emblem of the Azov Unit, the emblem used by the Nazi SS, and The Black Sun, a symbol often used in Nazi propaganda.
Another key part of Mann’s definition of fascism is transcendence (Mann, 2004). Fascists did not accept the conflict that was a part of the existing social order. “They rejected liberal and social democratic notions that the conflict of interest groups is a normal feature of society” (Mann, 2004, p. 14), and they sought to transcend this conflict by “first repressing those who fomented strife… and then incorporating classes and other interest groups into state corporatist institutions” (Mann, 2004). In the case of Azov, there is not a clear aspect of class conflict that the group seeks to overcome, as is seen with other fascist movements. However, Azov’s intolerance as a group and anti-democratic facets fit with the fascist rejection of liberal democratic institutions.
Azov’s Rhetoric in Light of Changing Ukrainian Discourse
It has been observed that “in light of daily reports from the front lines and weekly tallies of war victims, Ukrainian official political rhetoric, mass media discourse, cultural policies, and memory affairs have become more militant and nationalistic” (Umland, 2020, para. 30). This mainstreaming of a nationalist message will likely allow ultra-nationalist groups such as Azov to be more tolerated and accepted, if not supported, in Ukraine.
There has been a state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators in Ukraine. In 2015, Ukraine made it a criminal offense to deny the heroism of two WWII paramilitaries, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Both of these “fascist organizations collaborated with Nazi Germany, carried out ethnic cleansing and mass murder on a massive scale,” (Rudling, 2011). Furthermore, state officials have publicly made anti-semitic statements, including a parliament deputy going on an anti-semitic rant on television and a far-right politician remarking that Hitler didn’t finish off the Jews (Golinkin, 2019). The Israeli state’s recent report on antisemitism noted that Ukraine had more instances of anti-Semitic activity than all other post-Soviet countries combined (Golinkin, 2019). This increasingly anti-semitic climate within the Ukrainian government may allow for more tolerance or even acceptance towards groups with neo-Nazi associations, such as Azov. This is dangerous for Jewish people living in Ukraine, and it weakens the developing legitimacy of Ukraine’s government.
Statism is another part of Mann’s definition of fascism (Mann, 2004). Azov does not precisely fit this aspect, as it lacks national political representation and the agenda of controlling the state at this time. However, the group itself has been described as a “state within a state.” Azov has worked hard to “monopolize the nationalist sector of Ukraine’s political field” (OpenDemocracy, 2018, para. 28). By recruiting other far-right groups and young people, Azov has tried to create its own consolidated state of power in far-right politics in Ukraine. Azov’s network can unite various far-right organizations and supporters to increase their reach and numbers.
This mobilization of the right by Azov is particularly concerning given the ways that Azov exercises control and influence within the state. The Interior Minister in Ukraine, Arsen Avakov – the second most powerful person in the state – has close ties to Azov through Biletsky. The police in Ukraine also have far-right supporters and sympathizers (Golinkin, 2019). By having these connections, the far right can act with impunity, and this seeping of power into the state could pose a threat to Ukraine’s citizens and societal development.
Azov’s Paramilitarism
Because Azov began as a volunteer battalion, arguably their strongest connection to Mann’s definition of fascism is their paramilitarism. Paramilitary groups appear to be the impetus in the formation of a fascist movement by creating hierarchy, laying out organizational groundwork, and establishing violence (Mann, 2004). In the case of Italy, for instance, fascists were first organized into such paramilitaries (Mann, 2004). Azov was first a volunteer paramilitary organization among multiple others fighting in Eastern Ukraine. They are therefore uniformed, armed, receive military training, and have fought on the war front in eastern Ukraine.
The Azov movement has tried to mainstream itself and the group has expanded to include political and civil components, providing outlets for interaction apart from violence. After the original volunteer battalion was incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, a political party – the National Corps, led by Andriy Biletsky – was officially formed in 2016 (Colborne, 2019). The National Corps has attempted to distance itself from radical and xenophobic ideologies. It shed the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol, and its manifesto does not contain racist rhetoric (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). In addition, the Azov Civil Corps was formed in 2014 as a non-military NGO run by the National Corps, but it is now defunct (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). However, Azov remains active in the civil sphere, running children’s camps, publishing a newspaper, and offering services for veterans (Colborne, 2019).
Yet establishing these outlets does not diminish the violence still associated with the group, nor is it incongruent with other former fascist movements. For Italian and Romanian fascist movements, the paramilitary itself was the movement, and in the case of Nazi Germany, paramilitaries operated in company with party institutions (Mann, 28). In fact, after the Azov Battalion was absorbed into the state structure, the Corps eventually returned to direct paramilitarism, indicating paramilitarism’s importance to achieving the group’s goals. The Corps founded the National Druzhina (also known as the National Militia) in 2017 as a street patrol and paramilitary group separate from the state (Colborne, 2019). Despite its attempts to mainstream, multiple instances of violence and hatred connected to the movement can be noted. National Corps members have been associated with disruptions and violence towards the LGBT community, liberals, Roma community, and anti-fascists. For example, in August 2018, twenty people carried out an attack on an “anti-discrimination” punk concert in Mariupol, where the performing artist was known to be anti-fascist (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). While this instance was not officially associated with the National Corps, two of the attackers were wearing the National Corps symbols (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). Members of the National Corps also disrupted a closed training session for psychologists that discussed the specifics of working with members of the LGBT community in Poltava (Reporting Radicalism, 2020). It is now described as a “nationalist hate group” by the US State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (Reporting Radicalism, 2020).
When examining the violence associated with paramilitaries, Mann explains how fascism was unique in the “‘bottom-up’ and violent quality of its paramilitarism” (Mann, 2004, p.16). The violence of these fascist movements was powerful in that it could engender support from both the electorate and the elite. Its power came from the fascists portraying it as “defensive” and “successful” against the enemy, who were the real aggressors (Mann, 2004). As Azov assisted Ukrainian forces in the war, they were appreciated by the country for their help, despite their own problematic views. While Azov has had little electoral success thus far, the toleration, commendation, and official support given to a group that is connected to such hate and violence creates a dangerous situation.
The Danger that Fascism Poses to Ukraine’s Legitimacy
Overall, many aspects of Mann’s definition of fascism can be seen in the Azov movement. Despite the fact that far-right political movements in Ukraine have so far failed to consolidate electoral turnout under one candidate or party, the monopolizing force of Azov still needs to be taken seriously as a potentially dangerous threat to the new Ukrainian government’s developing legitimacy and to Ukraine’s citizens.
Ukraine is already a fragile state, weakened by an ongoing military conflict on its soil and through its own corruption and resulting poor economy. Azov and similar groups are seen as the “enforcers of the popular will, defenders of the nation against Russian encroachment from the East and liberal values from the West” (Roussinos, 2019, para. 8). As Azov has expanded from a volunteer militia into a “wide-ranging infrastructure of civil and military groups,” it has furthered its presence in Ukrainian society and public life. The mainstreaming of Azov’s message, by shedding some of its more radical components on the surface and denying neo-nazi connections, will only allow it to further its appeal and increase recruitment. All of this is in the context of a general rise in nationalist sentiment, anti-semitic incidents, and increasing use of violence against political opponents, which poses an imminent danger to the people and state of Ukraine.
Internationally, there has been a lack of condemnation of the growing far-right in Ukraine, likely because of these groups’ poorly consolidated electoral strength and important contribution to the war effort. However, in 2021, Azov is able to capitalize on the crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic and the continuing threat from Russia (Roussinos, 2019). The group’s activity “capitalized on the uncertainty by pumping out a stream of social-media propaganda that highlighted its humanitarian efforts targeting poor Ukrainians” (Roussinos, 2019). Sewing facemasks, sharing information on hygiene and social distancing, as well as repairing orphanages were all a part of the group’s recent activity that brought attention to services the Ukrainian state was failing to provide (Roussinos, 2019). Each of their press releases included a phone number and the exhortation “Join us! Together we will overcome all difficulties!” (Roussinos, 2019). Modern groups with fascist and violent tendencies, including the Azov movement, need to be addressed and taken seriously in order for modern states and societies to function as successful democracies.
Wheres the Ukranian news media on these issues?
silent? Absent, Excuse Me for Burning 39 in Odessa? O yeah. Terrorists, or Russian Agents, evil russia.
Just another Yearly peaceful march Celebrating the deaths of the enemy, where is that in your Media? Its more Russian talking points or Russian Agents, correct?
where are you from?
Im a Russian Agent with Russian Talking points. Because why address the implications of the article? Why acknowledge even the reality of the article, its from RT.
True or not, I hardly think RT should be trusted as an impartial reporter on the matter. And how many people does this justify Russia killing exactly?
What's in dispute? That neo Nazi are holding a parade on the day of the Odessa massacre in front of the building where they burned 39 Ukrainians? True or not? If its true it only illustrates how much impunity these Neo Nazi have. True or not? How many it justifies killing? I don't value the life of anyone with such indifferent intolerance that they would rather exterminate the opposition than even let them escape.
My understanding is that most of the neo-nazi accusations revolve around the Azov regiment, a 900 member volunteer force. I'm not defending anything they have done. I'm just saying I don't see how it justifies Russia invading all of Ukraine.
So far, somewhere around 300 civilians have been killed already (an old number that is likely higher now) and there are expected to be at least a million refugees. Once again, how many people do you think Russia is justified in killing? Everybody in Ukraine? Are you saying all Ukrainians are Nazi sympathizers? What even are Russia's demands here? Russia already intervened in Donbas years ago and have effectively controlled it since. This goes well beyond that. But you think Putin's invasion of Ukraine is out of the kindness of his heart? As far as I can tell, he wants to set up a puppet regime that supports Russia, replacing the current president (who happens to be Jewish...not a likely Nazi) and administration. I suppose he annexed Crimea because Nazis too...
You should take a closer look at the Neo Nazi factor. They have consolidated their power and again, are marching with impunity, in celebration of a massacre. The Azov Regiment isn't the only one which is Neo Nazi in the Ukrainian military. Subsequently they control local police, State/National Police and have refused to give any legitimacy to the Minsk Accord, which they agreed to, as they are hailed as heroes for fighting in Donbass. Now how do you think Russia should have dealt with the newly recognized republics where the President of Ukraine declared that no more talks and the people there begged Russia, as its ally, to help!? The Azov Regiment are directly responsible for the violent coup of 2014, they are responsible for breaking their very own cease fire agreement twice, there's documented war crimes on their hands and donbas regiment, and they are still the dominant power in enforcement and other spheres of society, which is why they can march with impunity, celebrating an atrocity in Odessa every year on that day. Zellenzkyy also abandoned his own soldiers, he denounced 69 soldiers on Snake Island as he lied about the 13 he honored with heroism medals out of the 82 man garrison, all of whom are fine and surrendered peacefully. Then he ordered all men in the country to stay and fight, holding them prisoners, and the Azov Regiment are reported as firing on those that tried to flee. The Ukrainian media was silent when the Right Sector attacked, chased, and cornered 39 Ukrainians in Odessa before trapping them and burning them alive. They were silent in the face of those that celebrated that, and Zellenzkyy has banned the two opposing media outlets, while he imprisoned his political rival and opponents as he signed off on Russophobic legislation banning Russian from public places. He wanted no peace, no talks, and his culpability is undeniable in this situation. As for the Russian demands I'm sure you aren't suggesting that you haven't any idea what those are, because that would only indicate how uninformed you are on a topic you're debating, so in lieu of not burdening myself with fetching the concerns and demands of Russia for you I much rather remark that Russia's demands and concerns aren't unreasonable by any means.
Btw, where are the Ukrainians, allowing this Parade? Where are the News in Ukraine denouncing everything and anyone that is related with the Neo Nazi parade on the day of their victims slaughter, in front of the place of the slaughter? Show me that these people are challenged at all, that someone OTHER than RT is reporting this. True or not?! The exact same for the Donbass conflict, they don't want to make peace, they want to expel or kill all who refuse to go along with their "Ukraine". No negotiations, no more talks, just Total Extermination, exactly like Odessa. If the Russian Military hadn't intervened in Donbass those people would have exterminated the rebels. How many people did Ukraine justify in slaughtering all over Donbass? What should the Russian Federation have done when those people demanded that the Russians intervene as before, as they were being bombed by Ukrainian soldiers?!
@tipu curate 5
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/5) Liquid rewards.
Great to hear that you and Nick are still going strong! All the best wishes to you both, and keep safe! Greet Nick, and tell him that to quit smoking is easier than he thinks – it's mostly pshycological and habits (talking from experience). 🙂
Yes, the Ukrainian history has certainly not been easy, and filled with suffering. 😔
Russia is getting isolated from the world as a pharia state, and it's economy is collapsing. The Ukrainian's heroic and admirable defence of their mother land will undermine Putin's evil regime, as he's not going to be able to hide the losses from his own population indefinitely. Remember that all Russian revolutions were results of failed wars – after the Russo-Japanese War, during the 1st World War, and after the Soviet–Afghan War.
This gives hope. From the other hand, can he admit defeat? If not, I don't know how it can end. But lets hope for a miracle :) Thank you so much!
Apparently the Russian Department of Defense have asked citizens of Kyiv living close to infrastructure for national intelligence to evacuate (according to AFP). So if you read this pretty soon, you should probably find out what to do.
According to the Russian state owned news agency Tass, they says they will attack Ukrain's intelligence service (SBU). The Ukrainian defense minister Oleksii Reznikov says Russia plans a large scale disinformation campaign, about Ukrainian politicians and military having surrendered.
Keep calm, safe, and all the best wishes!
The US says they are going to attack civilians, so either way it's very bad.
Yes, I just wanted to give what the different sources says, as short and precise as I could – so it was easier to act on based upon own judgement. Unfortunately, I would not be surprised at all if the Russians are lying and being deceptive once again, and the attacks are being far from targeted. 😟
For a player like Putin, admitting defeat is likely not a political option.
For his personal safety, the best option at this point may be just disappearing - faking his own death, for instance, and living under assumed identity. I am not sure he's got what it takes to do that, though.
It's strange why this didn't occurred to me, though it sounds very likely. Only time will tell, hope we have it
Oh, I think Putin is too much of a coward to go all out in a mushroom cloud. Which effectively means Russia will eventually be forced to back down - question is, when and at what cost.
So true. When and at what cost...
So good to hear this update from you @zirochka! So many people from around the world are finding great inspiration from your country's example of courage and will in the face of brutal tyranny. Zelensky's appeal to the European Parliament was shown on our news here early this morning. It brought tears to our eyes ...
Of all you wrote ...
... this stood out to this older couple from the Mountain West of America. You don't say much about it, but we can imagine, as is the case with our own children, what is behind this. Our own children are far too easily swayed by information we believe to be demonstrably false. About the origins of our own country ... The spiritual war for the souls of our future generations is being waged on a far broader scale than in your beloved country of Ukraine. I could say much, much more, but I suspect this is enough ...
For the sake of others (including our appeals to our own children to read it ...), we found great inspiration in this story of a Ukrainian family:
Goodbye is Not Forever is their true story, based in the town of Druzhkivka, Ukraine. They survived the Holodomor, only to experience firsthand the war with Germany, occupation of their hometown, and ultimately being carried off to serve in Germany, before making their way to America.
Yes, many wonder what they can do to help. Transferring funds to your account is a simple task executed in a matter of seconds. Getting them, from there, into "fiat?" And then the availability of anything there to buy, for your family and others?
You alone can say what your presence here on our Hive blockchain represents as an opportunity to "funnel" resources through you to others. Please do not be shy in doing so.
God bless you and keep you and Nick safe, while resolute and strong. Our prayers and thoughts are with you! 🙏✝❤
This is SO TRUE.
Our bank system works very good on these days, just today I exchanged the rest of BUSD into fiat and withdrawing them took maybe a minute. This is even more fast than I expected. So far, and thanks to God, I have a home, my car is okay, my daughter and my mom are in safety. But if something will change to worse, I think I will write about it. Although, I feel very uncomfortable asking for a help for myself while many people go through a real disaster. I am going to keep the reward from these post until I know where it is most needed.
Thank you so much for a link, I will find this book and read, after out victory! 😉 💛 💙
That seems very wise. What most likely I would do, if our roles were reversed ... 😉
You are most welcome. It is a wonderful treasure of a story. I will look forward to the day when I might hear back from you on your impressions of it, given its basis in your own country's remarkable history. 💛 💙
P.S. My Discord account - @roleerob#3299 ...
Рад Видеть. Держимся. Все будет Украина!!!
I live in Turkey and I follow the developments with anxiety. I try to do things individually as much as I can. Millions of people are praying for you here. I hope you are safe. We are with you!
I am living 2,000 km away from where you are, and I can ensure you that my thoughts and heart are with you all. You are fighting for us, for freedom! Stay safe!
Prey for you and all the innocent people! Wish the problem could be solved! ! !
❤️❤️❤️ be strong. Todo terminará pronto, en oraciones por ustedes, un abrazo desde desde Venezuela 🇻🇪
!LUV and still my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
@beeber(1/4) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.
I'll be honest, I didn't know much about the ukraine until this happened and started researching the topics. It abosultely disgusts me that people think that Russia is in the right and are fallen for the Russian Propaganda. Whenever I see stuff like that on FB I always correct them.
What is happening is disgusting and the world, well most of the civilized world, stands with the Ukraine. Your people have shown us was courage is, the will to actually fight for your freedom. A lot of people, especially in North America, talk about how they would do the same thing, but as sad as it is, I doubt they would.
The Ukranian fight is inspiring everyone around the world, and it's clear Putin is in way over his head. Stay strong! You and all of your people are in my thoughts!
there will be a cold air mass from the north around Mar 5. Please be prepared and keep you and your family warm. Hang in there, I pray that more international aid is on the way... 🙏
Keep fighting brothers! Poland is with you
Sending good thoughts, it isn't sitting well with me that all this is playing out, i can't imagine how it must be for you.
This is disgusting and terrifying.
Within a time I learned a lot about UA and its history knowing that you guys as citizens are suffering years backward for your own human rights in your own country, so whoever said it's easy - should at least give it a try and taste it.
Have been waiting for your update, I'm so glad you are ok. Take care and stay safe!
God be with you. I hope you leave these difficult days behind. You can continue to share the beauties of the world and especially Ukraine.
Praying God for your safety, God bless you👏👏👏👏👏.
The war in Ukraine and Russia is having an impact on the whole of humanity. The whole world is trembling with fear today because of the war between the two countries.
Rising commodity prices and fuel oil prices.
Aww, you are so sweet :) Yesterday I was so tired that I only updated my last post to write a few words.
Thank you so much! Hugs!
The whole thing is so devastating but despite how it look and how it is,we will keep praying Ukraine and supporting all displaced persons. You're all heroes especially those that had lost their lives trying to fight for their nation.
Please stay strong, we gat your back.
Happy because you are well and your words are quite fresh. Exercise, that helps.
Finger crossed. Hope you will all be safe. Can't believe one man can actually cause such tragedy for others. Love from Poland. Ukraine STRONG💪💪💪💪
Thank goodness you are alright!♥️
I, along with many of us, keep coming over here checking your blog for updates.
186 hours and still going strong -- you are fueled by adrenaline. A hot shower at home will rejuvenate you. Maybe you can nap for a couple hours before heading back to Nick and the volunteers, where you feel safe.
The networks continue televising horrific scenes of the destruction created by Russia bombing cities in the Ukraine; however, the news stations also highlight the tenacity and heroism of the Ukrainian people and President Zelenskyy proudly protecting their country. We have a saying in the United States that comes to mind and fits: "hunker down." The people of Ukraine continue to hunker down and remain resolute!
Praying you keep safe and continue to stay strong, my fearless friend! @zorichka
Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦💪💙💛
The strength and will of the Ukrainian people is absolutely being shown. Russia is running into all sorts of issues over this decision.
Brutal counter attacks by the Ukrainian resistance have absolutely foiled The invasion plans. The morale of Russian soldiers is extremely low and they're being forced to break into businesses and steel food as well as supplies because they are so poorly equipped and this entire planning was supposed to take only 2 days for the complete destruction of the Ukraine.
And it's day 7.
The desperation of Russian forces is apparent and you witness it first hand.
The sanctions are having an immediate and noticeable effect however only time will tell and the people living in a war zone don't have time.
Here would be my list for things that people in war zone would need.
My list is more of a bang for the buck easily packaged and shippable.
First aid supplies of all kinds as well as tourniquets. Bandages suture kits surgical tools. Highest demand right here.
Pet food.
Cigarettes and tobacco as well as rolling papers. Both cigarette and pipe tobacco as well as some pipes!
Alcohol! Much needed to bolster spirits as well as medically necessary. All different kinds. Even bigger surprise is when a care package of good drinking alcohol actually arrives giving the people the ability to have some as well as share and water for other stuff.
Hand warmers and gloves.
Thermal under layers!
Batteries as well as rechargeable batteries!
Solar powered chargers solar panels and anything to help get people power when they are away from a power grid.
Night vision and drones! Local community I'm a part of on Facebook raised a bunch of drones to send over.
Small handheld lasers! Even cheap laser pointers. As well as batteries. An entire mob of citizens with lasers can collectively blind individuals and prevent them from advancing without any violence.
Small portable cooking stoves! As well as cookware!
There's actually the BioLite little stoves that are able to produce electricity at the same time they are able to heat up a cup of water. They only run on tiny little sticks and the thermal electric generator is pretty revolutionary.
Tarps! Even the small little tarps. With the threat of drones and aerial reconnaissance even the small little tarps and personal ponchos are really needed.
Snacks. Prepackaged snacks of all different kinds from around the world!
Rifle scopes. As well as mounting options if people are able to. The AK-47 usually has a specific optics mount. I am sure those are highly in need. Any kind of scopes as well as mounting options would definitely be important
Binoculars as well as spotting scopes.
Premium Western high quality ammunition. Modern calibers such as 308 Winchester 300 Magnum as well as 338.
Laser rangefinders. Absolutely invaluable tool for Marksman.
Kalashnikov pattern small parts kits!
Premium Western body armor as well as plate carriers vests tactical pouches.
Premium Western sleeping bags. Ultralight tents hammocks and portable shelters.
Dehydrated foods! Including drink mixes dehydrated coffee.
Canned fruits and if possible dehydrated fruits are especially needed!
And of course anything that you have said is hard or difficult to get please write us a list I am sure that the international community would be able to start mailing you care packages if you just tell us what above items in my list that I think would possibly be of use to individuals in your predicament... I am sure that the international community here might be able to take some amazing steps to get it to you.
I know there are some amazing people in Poland that are bending over backwards helping Ukraine and I'm sure that we could get things set up so that we can ship items of need.
Thank you for posting! Please let all of us know if there is anything we can do to help even if it's small stuff.
And is there a community action group here on hive that is willing to take in physical donations of supplies and set up an overland logistical route so that we can fulfill direct support?
And don't forget we can always vote this accounts comments as well!!!!
Bravery and the resistance of Ukraine is proving to the world how much support you really do need.
The Accord of 1994 says that if this situation does occur that we need to do a lot more than as happened.
Pray for a no-fly zone to be declared!
Pray for Putin to be held accountable for this as well as Belarus for that involvement as well.
And pray for the common people.
We are sending strength!
Agree with everything except one. Alcohol is strictly brohibited for everyone.. well, except population who just stay at their homes or shelters
Thank you so very much and I'll see what we can do.
I cannot imagine what you're all going through.
As a someone of Ukrainian descent, I can only hope that Ukraine will prevail.
I know everyone repeats it but, слава Україні!
Героям слава! Смерть ворогам! 💙💛
Your updates are part of history. It's so shocking to read a live war diary, like we used to read diaries from ww2.
It is really good to see an update - I think whenever we don't, we worry something has happened to you. Politics DOES find us - I tell that to students all the time when they say they don't care. Of course they don't - they live in a relatively safe Australia where politics DOESN'T affect them in the now. It's only when it slaps them in the face that they have an opinion. However, so many of them were really concerned about Ukraine and were busy reading about it's history and what is going on over there - so even here, on the other side of the world, people are thinking about Ukraine and feeling concern.
I do hope Nick finds his cigarettes - now is not a time to give up!
Take care - I did empathise with your light sleeping - I don't think I could sleep under those circumstances either!
Me too. body has adusted
I was getting seriously worried, you had not posted for so long. great that you have not so great with what is happening. keep safe. xx
So pleased to hear that you and your husband are still safe. Thinking of you. ❤
Reading your post made me sad. I can't think how you're passing the times. Stay safe and don't be scared. I'm wishing strength, good health and all the best to the people of Ukraine. I am praying for everyone ♥️
The world is rising up. Huge demos in Germany from the people for the people. Turkey closing Bosporus and Dardanelles for Russian warships. Weapons shall be delivered soon from Germany and others. Latvia allowing its people to fight for you. Ukraine strong!
Yes, I read it today and was greatly surprise. Hope it will come in time
Me too. Stay strong in this night!
Every day I get up and update my feed to know that you are well, what do you hear that they joined the European Union, will OTAN support you? Greetings from Venezuela
Stay safe. Praying for you!!
They support only their members :((
*el mundo y sus guerras, el odio trae mas maldades, solo queda apoyarnos entre nosotros, digo nosotros el mundo, para que cosas así no se repitan y vivamos en armonía y paz. fuerza, animo, y mucha precaución.
he world and its wars, hatred brings more evil, there is only support between us, I say we the world, so that things like this are not repeated and we live in harmony and peace. strength, encouragement and a lot of caution.*
I am happy to know that you are well, I was a bit worried about not having new news when I woke up. a lot of strength and faith.
Thanks for the update. I hope all this will come to an end soon. I would like to prepare a post about the war. Stay safe!
The world is praying for you.
Thank you for the update! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
So glad you're fine a lot of people have been checking on you. Welcome back!
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What you are living there we're watching in TV and I can't even tell you how terrible it feels that we can't help you. We need teleportation so I can bring you here. Although, if this demented crazy person is not stopped, this place won't be safe either.
I'm praying for you and for the others to be safe!
My dear Erikah. My friend from UK asked me today am I going to stay here. I told him that if I'm destined to die, I am going to die here, where my home is, not running away, doing all I can for my army and for my country. And I think I know now why I keep posting here. If the worst will happen, my daughter, my mother, and all of you will know everything about my days. It will stay here for ever.
I can't say how much I appreciate your comments, they help me so much to hold on!
You are absolutely amazing! You are prepared to fight till the end and resist heroically. We have a lot to learn from you! I'm repeating myself here, but we can't even begin to understand what it is like, to be in a situation like that.
As about your posting here, imagine how many are checking your blog every 30 minutes. When I wake up every single morning the first thing I do is check if there's news from you. If not, the stress is starting, till I hear from you. Must be hard to post, but please don't stop.
Hang in there, these days will be the hardest, but please be strong! 🙏♥️
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Thank God you are well, God continue to protect you.
@tipu curate
@tipu curate
I'm glad to hear all is well.
Es triste saber de ese conflicto Dios quiera y llegué a su final🇻🇪
Thank you for sharing this information with us all. I can not imagine what it must be like to life as you do right now, please stay safe xxxx
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Thank you so much
stay safe!
I'm starting to follow you… an invasion in 2022 seems to me something far-fetched. It seems to me something impossible.
Thank God you are ok! Do you have internet where you are? I hope you can go home soon and have some rest. Also would be good if you could start a new post, we would like to vote your post to help you. You will need the money once things calm down.
I'm praying every day for you and everyone to stay safe, to have food, hot water, electricity and internet, to be able to fight till the end. Stay safe!!!! 💛💙
I have internet there, everywhere actually, but i'm more busy than you can imagine. besides, i need glasses to read and write from my smartphone, when usually i do't need them for doing other things. i have only 1 pair of glasses left and i treasure them and not carrying with me.
Kalbimiz ve yüreğimiz sizlerle 🙏😔 Savaş çok kötü yıkımlara neden oluyor. Gerçekten çok üzücü sadece dua ediyorum Umarım barış sağlanır. 😔Rabbim hepinizi korusun. 🙏
Hang tough!
So you now have some sort of a communal situation - a bunch of people helping each other? That's good.
Over the last day, do you think the situation has changed in Kiev?
I think I cannot be objective right now as I am still shocked a little after bombing two hours ago that I could see out of my window
It's not a bunch of people helping each other. It's people standing together and fighting for their lives and future. It's a war, not a game, people are being brutally killed. Let's watch our rhetoric and show some respect to those who are in direct danger every second over the last 5 days.
I wish you well. It's disheartening that this is happening. It's a matter of time. I believe it will die down soon. Please stay safe. We love you.
Can’t even fathom the thought of war. Wish you strength and health from Germany. May your friends and family be safe ! ✊🏽
My prayers to you and your family and all of Ukraine!❤️
Hala mucho gusto
My prayers everyday for you, Nick, your family and your country. Please stay safe. God bless you always.
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Goo to hear from you today.... Please stay safe.
Thinking of you, your people and your country.
So proud of you all!
🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Es peligroso estar en el lugar más peligroso cuídate mucho por favor
Stay safe friend, my wishes and blessing are for you and everyone struck in nasty scenario.
Me conmovió mucho lo que dijiste! Ahora Ucrania es el escudo del mundo ante un guerra mundial! Fuerza y FE.. Cuidate mucho!
I'm glad you are still alive! Is staying at the shelter an option, as your home might get bombed 😢?
We are all very worried and wish you, your family and the whole Ukrainian people that this nightmare will pass quickly and peace will be restored in Ukraine.