Let the hatred stop



Let the hatred stop

Often the chaos and conflict pervading the world leaves me dismayed about humanity's future. Between the divisions, violence, cruelty and suffering present, it seems we forget that our time here is fleeting. No possessions or power last forever when life itself is ephemeral. We all eventually fade into memory. This truth often escapes notice in the heat of daily tribulations and desires for more. Why exhaust ourselves with hatred and greed when only love provides lasting light against the impermanence of existence?

In the grand scheme, our lifespans flicker past in mere moments relative to the vast cosmos and time. We cling to false permanence in status, wealth and accomplishments that can disappear instantly. Wars wage over borders and ideologies that hold no weight beyond this grain of sand we call Earth. We allow differences in religion, race and nationality to breed contempt between souls seeking the same basic needs - comfort, dignity, belonging.

Meanwhile, showing simple compassion and extending kindness never fall out of relevance. A smile easing another's pain remains timeless. The glow of human fellowship persists through generations when we choose bonding over division. No material prize or victory compares to the inner wealth of conscience clear from avoiding harm. We have all we need to live well through goodwill.

But too often we lose sight of how petty certain feuds and jealousies seem when viewed as specks against the infinite void. We sacrifice integrity chasing aims never guaranteed to secure the respect or satisfaction we crave. Mortality makes fools of tyrants wielding wrath as much as beggars clinging to coins. Pride and desperation alike melt away facing impermanence.

Why exhaust our energy on bitterness over fleeting opinions and possessions? Such burdens only weight the spirit and veil the vision to savor this gift called life while it lasts. There is profound freedom in acknowledging no one escapes unchanged in the end - equal are paupers and kings when returned to dust. This awareness frees us to live fully without handicap of ego or fear.

I try remembering always that kindness is the sole immortal legacy we leave. It multiplies beyond us. Courage to forgive and show mercy never fades even if names are forgotten in time. And the bonds of love we nurtured continue shaping strangers long after we depart the stage. To live illuminated by affection despite darkness is the most we can hope to accomplish before the curtain falls.

When harshness threatens to overwhelm, reflecting on impermanence restores perspective. All we control is how we color fleeting moments and touch kindred hearts. There is eternity enough ahead for peaceful rest. For now, living with love lights the way.

I vividly recall an incident from childhood when my friend James fell off his bike trying to impress other kids with a daring trick. As he lay crying on the sidewalk with scraped and bloody knees, the other boys began teasing him for messing up the jump. But my friend Lucy immediately ran over with tissues and bandaids, helping comfort James without worrying about looking uncool. Her simple act of kindness in that moment meant the world to him. She showed compassion triumphs over callousness.

Another time as an adult I was stressed and snapping at my partner Mary over minor things like dishes left undone. Instead of yelling back, she gently asked what was really bothering me that day. Her patience and understanding in hearing my deeper worries without judgement defused my irritable mood instantly. I realized her caring support shines brighter than any darkness.

I'll also never forget the staggering forgiveness publicly displayed by grieving families after horrific violence and loss. In the depths of injustice and pain, their uncommon grace and calls for healing over vengeance points the way towards redemption. They demonstrate that light ultimately overcomes.

Big and small, these moments of love eclipsing the shadows of hardship or malice continue inspiring my path. Bearing witness to compassion's quiet strength maintains my faith that tenderness, not hatred, reflects our true nature. Though cruelty grabs headlines, kindness weaves the social fabric each day in profound ways.

Thank you for reading my post.

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