Daily Blog: Jueves 11/07/24: Ir al banco es una odisea. Esp-Eng



Si tuve que salir por segunda vez esta semana, que solo lo hago por necesidad y no por gusto, solo si es para distraerme con mis hijos, pero cuando toca, hay que hacerlo.

A veces salgo sola, con Dios, pero esta vez me quiso acompañar mi hijo @vicent21, para que no quede tanto tiempo solo, aun no hemos encontrado ese taller para que vaya aprendiendo el oficio de mecanico, pasa mucho rato en casa, ademas de salir yo se lo propongo, espero que el decida, el por su condicion es asi, yo debo detallarle todo lo que voy hacer, el lo procesa y decide si va o no va, esta vez asi lo decidio.

Llegamos sumamente temprano a la agencia bancaria BICENTENARIO, que para serles honesta, no recuerdo cuando fue la penultima vez que fui. Lo bueno es que al ser la primera, saldria rapido, lo malo era que hay que esperar hasta las 8:30 de la mañana que habran, no se porque tan tarde esos horarios bancarios.


Luego fueron llegando otras personas, porque de verdad me daba miedo estar tan sola con mi hijo, asi fue pasando el tiempo, hasta que llego la hora de entrar, salio el vigilante y no se si era la gerente, preguntando algunas cosas y nos hizo pasar, como yo iba era a atencion al cliente era otra fila, nos fuimos sentando, cuando pase le explique a la chica mi situacion que era: que desde que el banco cambio la plataforma en linea, no podia entrar, porque habia un dato que no se veia en mi tarjeta de debito se desaparecio de tanto uso, que era la fecha de vencimiento lo demas si lo tenia como por precaucion hace tiempo en mi agenda, pero eso de la fecha de vencimiento nunca se me ocurrio, de lo demas el chip tambien estaba bueno, la chica me dijo la fecha y nos fuimos.

Ya que estaba cerca de otras partes aproveche de pasar, ya que como dije no soy de salir todos los dias y cuando lo hago trato de hacer varias diligencias.

Que primero fue entrar a Galery Computer, donde venden todo lo relacionado con computadora, accesorios, tienen servicio tecnico, pase, vi unas impresoras multiuso o sea fotocopiadora tambien, las mias no funcionaron mas por los cartuchos, asi que me quede pensando en la posibilidad de adquirir una, tambien como una inversion.


De ahi pasamos a Farmatodo, a comprar unas cosas y mi hijo unas meriendas. Creo que esa fue la razon mas que todo de la compañía, el veia por un lado y yo por otro, cuando decidio que, yo tenia lo mio, pague, salimos, pero me faltaba una diligencia que hacer, aquí si teniamos que agarrar un transporte, tomamos un carro por puesto.


Nos quedamos en Foto Record, que es donde imprimo las fotos carnet que tomo en mi casa. Otra manera de ingreso en mi casa. Entregue el pendrive, me sacaron la cuenta, hice el pago movil, me entregaron las fotos y salimos a la parada, con la suerte de que estaba lloviendo, asi que nos fuimos a la librería que tiene un espacio que no nos mojamos.


Mientras esperaba que la lluvia pasara, pero pendiente de que tambien pasara el transporte, se llegaron unos jovenes que son estudiantes de periodismo, haciendo una encuesta, les colabore porque tambien fui estudiante, no era nada del otro mundo, a cambio de la entrevista les pedi una foto a cambio, les dije es para Hive, aceptaron.


Mi hijo mas pendiente del transporte hasta que por fin vino y nos fuimos.

Si una mañana bien movida, hice varias cosas, pero lo que mas me interesaba era lo del banco que lo pude solucionar ya que al llegar a casa, hice lo que me dijeron y listo ya puedo entrar al banco por la internet.

Todas las fotos las tome con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

La portada editada en Canva.

Contenido propio, original.

Traducido con la app DeepL.

Hasta otra publicacion de mi Daily Blog.



Yes I had to go out for the second time this week, I only do it out of necessity and not for pleasure, only if it is to distract me with my children, but when it's time, you have to do it.

Sometimes I go out alone, with God, but this time my son @vicent21 wanted to go with me, so I don't stay so much time alone, we still haven't found that workshop for him to learn the mechanic trade, he spends a lot of time at home, besides going out I propose it to him, I hope he decides, because of his condition he is like that, I must detail him everything I am going to do, he processes it and decides if he goes or not, this time he decided it that way.

We arrived very early to the BICENTENARIO bank agency, and to be honest, I don't remember when was the last time I went there. The good thing was that since it was the first one, I would leave quickly, the bad thing was that we had to wait until 8:30 in the morning for them to open, I don't know why those banking hours are so late.


Then other people were arriving, because I was really afraid to be alone with my son, so time went by, until it was time to enter, the guard came out and I do not know if it was the manager, asking some things and made us pass, as I was going to customer service was another row, we sat down, when I passed I explained to the girl my situation that was: that since the bank changed the online platform, I could not enter, because there was a piece of information that was not visible on my debit card that disappeared from so much use, which was the expiration date, the rest if I had it as a precaution some time ago in my agenda, but that of the expiration date never occurred to me, the rest of the chip was also good, the girl told me the date and we left.

Since I was close to other places I took the opportunity to stop by, since as I said I don't go out every day and when I do I try to do several errands.

First I went to Galery Computer, where they sell everything related to computers, accessories, they have technical service, I went in, I saw some multipurpose printers or photocopier too, mine didn't work anymore because of the cartridges, so I was thinking about the possibility of buying one, also as an investment.


From there we went to Farmatodo, to buy some things and my son some snacks. I think that was the reason for the company, he was looking for one side and me for the other, when he decided that I had mine, I paid, we left, but I had an errand to do, here if we had to take a transport, we took a car per post.

We stayed at Foto Record, which is where I print the passport photos I take at home. Another way to get into my house. I handed over the pendrive, they took my account, I made the mobile payment, they gave me the photos and we went out to the bus stop, with the luck that it was raining, so we went to the bookstore that has a space where we didn't get wet.


While I was waiting for the rain to pass, but waiting for the transport to pass, some young people arrived, they are journalism students, doing a survey, I collaborated with them because I was also a student, it was not a big deal, in exchange for the interview I asked them for a photo in return, I told them it was for Hive, they agreed.


My son was waiting for the transport until he finally came and we left.

Yes, it was a busy morning, I did several things, but what interested me the most was the bank, I was able to solve it, when I got home, I did what they told me and now I can enter the bank through the internet.

All the pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

The cover was edited in Canva.

Own content, original.

Translated with the app DeepL.

See you soon for another post of my Daily Blog.



Hiciste muchísimas cosas , me alegro, del banco ni hablar para que contarte de todos los trabajos que paso jjj
Ojalá que todo mejore utilizando el internet, que ese por acá también es un gran lio jjj

You did a lot of things, I'm glad, the bank and not to mention all the work that happened jjj
I hope everything gets better using the internet, that is a big mess here too jjj


Ja ja ja ademas de que a veces salgo lo bueno es poder resolver todo, para no tener que salir de nuevo varias a veces a los mismo.


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