Daily Blog: 17/10/24: Dia de la cirugia de mi mama. Esp-Eng



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Como ya habia contado hace dias que se le hicieron unos examenes a mi mama preoperatorios, ya hoy, este dia fue la operación de mi mama, asi que ya les cuento como fue todo.

Desperte bien temprano a las 4 de la mañana, me bañe y vesti de una vez, para luego ir a la cocina a preparar el desayuno que llevaria para mi mama, mi hermano y el mio, que claro desayunariamos luego de que mi mama fuese operada, ya que debia ir en ayunas totalmente.

Mi hija no tenia clases asi que ella haria el de ellos. Llame a mi mama a las 4:30 a.m., esta vez como nos venia a buscar un taxi, igual debiamos estar listas a las 5 de la mañana, el carro vendria a las 5:20 a.m., en efecto llego a esa hora, nos fuimos.


Las calles no estaban tan solas, es mas creo que siempre hay carros circulando las 24 horas del dia, llegamos al terminal de pasajeros, preguntamos en los buses rojos, que son del gobierno, cobran mas economicos, pero no salieron, asi que ya estaba otro cargando, pregunte precios, compre 3, el de mi mama, el mio y el de mi hermano que nos esperaria mas adelante, asi le dije al chofer, que me dijo estaba bien, solo que le dijera cuando estuviera cerca.


Nos fuimos salimos a las 6:30 a.m., ya estaba mas claro, llegando a la alcabala antes del distribuidor, subio mi hermano, seguimos el viaje, Puerto Ordaz no es muy lejos, es como una hora de camino, a una velocidad media. Dormi un rato, cuando desperte ya estabamos en el peaje, luego la Redoma La Piña, nos quedamos en Unare, mas cerca de la clinica donde ibamos, de quedarnos en el terminal nos quedaria mas lejos.



Llegamos a la clinica o centro oftalmologico Alianza, entramos y esperamos, se confirmo la asistencia ya que se habia fijado previamente la fecha, pasamos a pagar, luego fuimos a otra sala de espera mas cerca del pabellon de cirugia, esperar ahora que llegara la doctora, que nos dijeron ya venia en camino.

Mi mama la llevaron para prepararla, tomarle la tension y la anestesia, cosa que cuando llegara la doctora ya habia algo adelantado, no toda cirugia es a la que estamos acostumbrados, esta era la de inyectar en el ojo afectado en este caso el izquierdo una vitamina Avastin, que es para retrasar el avance de la perdida de la vision, en pacientes con diabetes y glaucoma.


Llego la doctora, paso a prepararse ella, todo en nombre de Dios, la doctora y la medicina que de resultado. La misma duro como una hora, cuando le paso el efecto de la anestesia, mi hermano paso a buscar a mi mama y la sento en la sala de espera.

Cuando veniamos a las consultas y regresar a casa, nos veniamos en bus desde el terminal, pero esta vez por la comodidad para ella, se contrato un carro expreso, que nos buscara en la clinica y nos trajera directo a casa en Ciudad Bolivar. Cuando ya llego el carro, ya ahi fue cuando desayunamos. Mi mama con mi hermano se sentaron atrás y yo adelante al lado del chofer que se llama Jorge.

Durante el viaje de regreso, despues del desayuno, mi mama y hermano durmieron un rato, yo no me mantuve alerta, viendo el paisaje, escuchando la buena musica que traia el carro y a veces conversaba con el chofer.



Cuando uno va llegando a su ciudad de origen uno siente una alegria, asi fue cuando ya vi el distribuidor, esta vez seguimos derecho por la autopista, mi hermano se quedo en la otra entrada hacia 24 de Julio donde vive, nosotras seguimos, hasta llegar a la casa, que bajamos por la Avenida España, que tenia muchos años que no pasaba por la misma por la parte alta.



Ya mas cerca le avise a mi hija que ya estabamos llegando, para que estuviera atenta, me dijo que estaba haciendo el almuerzo, que ella me ayuda mucho con eso, es quien mas hace los almuerzos todos los dias.


Llegamos Gracias a Dios, ya en casa, que aunque no fue tan lejos, viajamos comodos de ida y regreso, cansa, ahora mi mama pasaria los siguientes dias en mi casa, hasta que se sienta bien o asi lo diga la doctora, ya que el lunes debiamos ir de nuevo a lo del chequeo post-operatorio.

Todas las fotos tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

El contenido IZ, inteligencia Zhanavic69 je je, traducido con la app DeepL.

Portada editada en Canva.


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As I had already told you a few days ago that my mom had some preoperative tests done, today was my mom's surgery, so I will tell you how everything went.

I woke up very early at 4 o'clock in the morning, I took a bath and got dressed at once, and then I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my mom, my brother and myself, which of course we would have for breakfast after my mom was operated, since I had to fast completely.

My daughter had no school so she would make theirs. I called my mom at 4:30 a.m., this time as a cab was coming to pick us up, we still had to be ready at 5 a.m., the car would come at 5:20 a.m., in fact it arrived at that time, we left.


The streets were not so lonely, in fact I think there are always cars circulating 24 hours a day, we arrived at the passenger terminal, we asked in the red buses, which are of the government, they charge cheaper, but they did not come out, so another one was already loading, I asked prices, I bought 3, my mom's, mine and my brother's who would wait for us later, so I told the driver, he told me it was ok, just tell him when I was close.


We left at 6:30 a.m., it was already clearer, arriving at the alkabala before the distributor, my brother got on, we continued the trip, Puerto Ordaz is not very far, it's about an hour's drive, at a medium speed. I slept for a while, when I woke up we were already at the toll, then the Redoma La Piña, we stayed in Unare, closer to the clinic where we were going, if we stayed at the terminal it would be farther away.



We arrived at the clinic or ophthalmology center Alianza, we entered and waited, the assistance was confirmed since the date had been previously set, we went to pay, then we went to another waiting room closer to the surgery pavilion, waiting now for the doctor to arrive, who we were told was already on her way.

My mom was taken to prepare her, take her blood pressure and anesthesia, something that when the doctor arrived there was already something advanced, not all surgery is what we are used to, this was to inject into the affected eye in this case the left one a vitamin Avastin, which is to delay the progression of vision loss in patients with diabetes and glaucoma.


The doctor arrived, she went to prepare herself, all in the name of God, the doctor and the medicine. It lasted about an hour, when the anesthesia wore off, my brother picked up my mother and sat her in the waiting room.

When we came for consultations and to return home, we came by bus from the terminal, but this time for her convenience, an express car was hired to pick us up at the clinic and bring us directly home to Ciudad Bolivar. When the car arrived, that's when we had breakfast. My mother and my brother sat in the back and I sat in the front next to the driver whose name was Jorge.

During the trip back, after breakfast, my mom and brother slept for a while, I did not stay alert, watching the scenery, listening to the good music that brought the car and sometimes talked with the driver.



When one arrives to the city of origin one feels a joy, so it was when I saw the distributor, this time we continued straight on the highway, my brother stayed at the other entrance to 24 de Julio where he lives, we continued, until we reached the house, we went down the Avenida España, which had many years that had not passed through the same for the upper part.



I told my daughter that we were arriving, so that she could be attentive, she told me that she was making lunch, she helps me a lot with that, she is the one who makes the lunches every day.


Thank God, we arrived home, although it was not that far, we traveled comfortably there and back, it was tiring, now my mom would spend the next few days at my house, until she feels well or the doctor says so, because on Monday we had to go again to the post-op check-up.

All pictures taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

IZ content, intelligence Zhanavic69 heh heh, translated with the app DeepL.

Cover edited in Canva.

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