Daily Blog: 14/10/24: Preparandonos para la operación de mi mama. Esp-Eng


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Si asi mismo como lo leen en el titulo, mi mama desde el año pasado hemos estado con constantes visitas al oftalmologo, porque tenia problemas de vision, es operada de cataratas hace años, pero el problema visual se ha agudizado, ya que por su diabetes, se sumo el glaucoma, lo que provoco perdida casi total en el ojo derecho.

Y para retrasar el problema en el ojo izquierdo, se le pondra una inyeccion de Avasti, que es para eso retrasar la perdida de la vision en personas ya con glaucoma. Asi que le mandaron unos examenes previos que debe realizarse. Por lo que se vino desde el dia antes a mi casa, para entonces llevarla.

Como debiamos estar temprano, me levante primero, hice de mi aseo e higiene, prepare desayuno para llevarle, ya que debia ir en ayunas, les deje desayuno a mis hijos, mi hija tenia clases y se iria despues.


Ya mucho antes mi hermano habia buscado presupuesto en las clinicas y algunos laboratorios en la ciudad, quien ofrecia un paquete preoperatorio fue la Clinica San Pedro: examenes, rayos x y evaluacion Cardiovascular por 45 $.

Llegamos a la clinica temprano, casi que las primeras para el laboratorio, dentro de la misma, pero no habia nadie, asi que esperamos, no mucho tiempo, llego el personal, fuimos al laboratorio, donde entregue la orden, dije que ibamos por el paquete, pero habian dos examenes que no estaban en el paquete y se pagaron aparte, lo que llego a 58$.


En la mañana se le hicieron los examenes de: hemoglobina, glicemia, colesterol, otros, luego de estos las rayos x.




La evaluacion cardiovascular era en la tarde, no con muchas ganas, ya que en la tarde el sol no provoca salir, pero no quedaba de otra. Le di el desayuno a mi mama.

Nos fuimos a la parada, mi hija me escribio, me dijo que cuando iba llegando al hospital donde ve clases, les avisan por el grupo de la suspension, asi que ya iba de regreso a casa.


En lo que llegamos a casa mi mama se fue a acostar, mi hija llego casi despues de nosotros, ella cocinaria el almuerzo, yo me dedique a mis cosas en la computadora, buscando que publicar, que no me concentraba mucho.

Despues de almorzar de nuevo salimos mi mama y yo, por lo menos la parada queda cerca y yo llevaba mi gran sombrilla, porque pegaba mucho sol.

Llego el bus nos fuimos, nos quedamos de nuevo en la misma parada de la mañana, llegamos pasito a pasito a la clinica, deje a mi mama en la sala de espera que reposara, mientras yo buscaba donde era la consulta, que encontre donde y ya el doctor habia llegado.


Fui a buscar a mi mama, fuimos los segundos en pasar, ya el tenia los resultados de los examenes en la mañana, que lo vio un poco alto fue la glicemia. Paso a examinarla, con el electrocardiograma.



Le mostre las rayos x desde mi celular, ya que no dan aquellas laminas de antes, no hay material, que tal asi estamos en este pais. Ya listos, entregados todos los resultados salimos de la clinica, de nuevo a la parada. Como ya no habia tanto apuro nos fuimos poco a poco, que al llegar a la parada, no tardo mucho en venir el bus de nuestra ruta y uno grande mas comodo.


Ya de nuevo en casa, me acoste en verdad estaba agotada, no por llevar a mi mama, sino el sol, que uffff, tambien cansa.

Asi que ya estamos casi listos para la operación de mi mama que seria el miercoles o el jueves, los examenes aprovechando la tecnologia, se les paso a la doctora via WhatsApp.

Las fotos tomadas con celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

Contenido propio, traducido con la app DeepL.


Cover designed in Canva.


Yes, as you read in the title, my mom since last year we have been with constant visits to the ophthalmologist, because she had vision problems, she has had cataract surgery for years, but the visual problem has worsened, because of her diabetes, glaucoma was added, which caused almost total loss in the right eye.

And to delay the problem in the left eye, he will be given an injection of Avasti, which is to delay the loss of vision in people with glaucoma. So they sent him some previous tests to be done. So she came to my house the day before, so I could take her there.

As we had to be early, I got up first, I did my cleaning and hygiene, prepared breakfast to take her, since I had to go fasting, I left breakfast for my children, my daughter had classes and would leave later.


Long before my brother had already looked for a quote in the clinics and some labs in town, who offered a pre-op package was Clinica San Pedro: exams, x-rays and Cardiovascular evaluation for $45.

We arrived at the clinic early, almost the first ones for the lab, inside the clinic, but there was nobody there, so we waited, not long, the staff arrived, we went to the lab, where I handed in the order, I said we were going for the package, but there were two tests that were not in the package and were paid separately, which came to 58$.


In the morning he was tested for: hemoglobin, glycemia, cholesterol, others, then x-rays.




The cardiovascular evaluation was in the afternoon, not with much desire, since in the afternoon the sun does not provoke to come out, but there was no other way. I gave breakfast to my mom.

We went to the bus stop, my daughter wrote me, she told me that when she was arriving at the hospital where she sees classes, they were notified by the group of the suspension, so she was on her way back home.


As soon as we got home my mom went to bed, my daughter arrived almost after us, she would cook lunch, I was busy with my stuff on the computer, looking for what to post, I wasn't concentrating much.

After lunch my mom and I went out again, at least the bus stop was close by and I had my big umbrella with me, because it was very sunny.

The bus arrived and we left, we stayed again at the same stop of the morning, we arrived step by step to the clinic, I left my mom in the waiting room to rest, while I was looking for where the consultation was, I found where and the doctor had already arrived.


I went to pick up my mom, we were the second to pass, he already had the results of the tests in the morning, he saw a little high was the glycemia. He went to examine her, with the electrocardiogram.



I showed him the x-rays from my cell phone, since they don't give those slides of before, there is no material, how so we are in this country. Once the results were ready, we left the clinic and went back to the bus stop. As there was no longer so much hurry we went little by little, and when we arrived at the bus stop, it did not take long to come the bus of our route and a big one more comfortable.


Back home, I went to bed, I was really exhausted, not for taking my mom, but the sun, that uffff, also tires.

So we are almost ready for my mom's operation which will be on Wednesday or Thursday, the exams taking advantage of the technology, I passed them to the doctor via WhatsApp.

Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Own content, translated with the app DeepL.



Hola señora espero que todo le salga bien con su mamá eso es lo más grande que uno tiene en la vida hice mi comentario
