¿Cómo podemos combatir y erradicar el racismo?....Esp-Eng


Otro tema de gran relevancia e importancia de los que nos traen en el mes de octubre aquí https://hive.blog/hive-186119/@eudemo/iniciativa-un-tema-para-cada-da-octubre-2024-espeng-a4j, como es este sobre ¿Cómo podemos combatir y erradicar el racismo?

Aunque hubiese preferido que fue sobre la discriminacion, porque es eso, y no solo del racismo, sino que hay mucha discriminacion de muchas cosas por las cuales hay demasiadas personas, que se sienten discriminadas, excluidas, por su raza, credo, condicion, discapacidad, entre otras.

Estos del racismo no es nuevo, pero me atrevo a pensar que es solo en como dicen ellos la gente de color o con los negros. Porque no se ha visto eso con personas de otras nacionalidades, siempre es con los negros.


Y que aun despues de tantos años aun existe ese odio, porque es un odio, que lo han pasado de generacion en generacion en familias, trayendo algo que es de mucho tiempo atrás, que la cual quedo abolida al liberar a los esclavos, que en su mayoria eran negros, eran traidos y maltratados por los “blancos”, para servirles a estos, siendo aquellos victimas de muchos abusos, que eran de su propiedad como si fueran un pedazo de tierra, que aun cuando estos lograban comprar su libertad, no eran aceptados por la sociedad de los blancos.

Mi familia o mejor dicho yo desciendo de negros a mucha honra y orgullo, mi abuelita era una mujer blanca y mi abuelo negrito, donde mi mama es mulata y mis demas tios son trigueños, morenos, de los cuales una de ellas me conto mi abuela hoy difunta que a mi tia se burlaban porque era de color.

Yo no soy negrita soy mas bien clara, porque mi padre biologico es bien blanco le falto poco para ser albino, entonces es lo que me convierte en ser la mas blanca de la familia, pero yo amo mis negritos.


Pero parece mentira que aun en este siglo aun se ven esos ataques de racismo pero contra los negros. Es algo tan increible que existan aun personas, con estas ideas y pensamientos.

Esto me hizo recordar que cuando yo trabajaba en la escuela, con primer grado si los niños pequeños, tenia dos alumnas que eran primas, una bien morenita que tambien tenia labio leporino pero no se le notaba mucho ya que ya habia sido operada, la otra niña era lo contrario, mas clara de piel, pero no blanca, pero si notaba que esta ultima no le agradaba mucho su prima, hasta que un dia me dijo que era porque era negrita, donde yo deduje que de donde una niña de 6 años va saber sobre racismo, de seguro fue que escucho a alguien hablar sobre esto o dijeron, ella lo escucho. Yo le dije que estaba mal hecho, que ellas primero eran primitas, la madre de ambas eran primas y tambien eran de diferentes tonos de piel, pero eso no tenia porque ser tan importante.

Pero hay otro caso, que este si me sorprende mas, porque en los niños es digamos como aceptable pero hay que poner un alto, pero en adultos que aun tengan esos conceptos de racismo, es inaceptable. La madrina de mi hermana es una señora bien blanca, su esposo es bien moreno y de rasgos indigenas, un matrimonio de años tuvieron 3 hijos, digamos que salieron buscando mas a la mama por el color de piel que al papa. Su unica hija se casa con un hombre bien moreno o negro mejor dicho, pero no en forma despectiva, donde su hija tuvo dos hijos y estos salieron buscando a la piel del padre. Pero la señora la suegra, no queria al yerno por ser negro, entonces como fue que su esposo es bien moreno, ahi no aplico el racismo, pero con el esposo de la hija si, tanto fue el odio que termino por romper el matrimonio de la hija, ademas de ser egosita es racista.


Creo que por mas que se busque de cambiar esta forma de pensar sobre el racismo, es algo que no sabemos cuando sera erradicado pro completo, porque ya esto viene desde hace muchos años, y aun se sigue con esas ideas, ese odio contra el racismo, cuando somos una mezcla de muchas razas, que deberiamos de conocer bien en nuestros antepasados si hubo este racismo.

Asi que seguir hablando de este tema seria para muchas publicaciones, pero con esto esta bien por ahora.

Como el tema es bien extenso invito para que nos den sus opiniones al respecto a @amimary @helengutier2 @nakaryr



Another topic of great relevance and importance of those brought to us in the month of October here https://hive.blog/hive-186119/@eudemo/initiative-a-topic-for-every-day-October-2024-speng-a4j, such as this one on How can we fight and eradicate racism?.

Although I would have preferred that it was about discrimination, because that is what it is, and not only about racism, but there is a lot of discrimination of many things for which there are too many people, who feel discriminated, excluded, because of their race, creed, condition, disability, among others.

This racism is not new, but I dare to think that it is only as they say with people of color or with blacks. Because we have not seen that with people of other nationalities, it is always with blacks.


And that even after so many years there is still that hatred, because it is a hatred that has been passed from generation to generation in families, bringing something that is a long time ago, which was abolished to free the slaves, who were mostly black, were brought and mistreated by the “whites”, to serve them, being those victims of many abuses, which were their property as if they were a piece of land, that even when they managed to buy their freedom, they were not accepted by the society of the whites.

My family or rather I descend from blacks with great honor and pride, my grandmother was a white woman and my grandfather black, where my mother is mulatto and my other uncles are brown, brown, of which one of them told me my now deceased grandmother that my aunt was mocked because she was colored.

I am not black, I am rather light, because my biological father is very white, he was just short of being an albino, so that is what makes me the whitest of the family, but I love my little black people.


But it seems unbelievable that even in this century we still see these attacks of racism but against blacks. It is so unbelievable that there are still people with these ideas and thoughts.

This made me remember that when I worked in the school, with first grade if the little children, I had two students who were cousins, a very dark girl who also had a cleft lip but it was not very noticeable because she had already had surgery, the other girl was the opposite, lighter skin, but not white, but I noticed that the latter did not like her cousin very much, until one day she told me that it was because she was black, where I deduced that where a 6 year old girl is going to know about racism, surely she heard someone talking about it or they said, she heard it. I told her that it was wrong, that they were cousins first, the mother of both of them were cousins and they were also of different skin tones, but that didn't have to be such a big deal.

But there is another case, which surprises me more, because in children it is acceptable but we have to put a stop, but in adults who still have these concepts of racism, it is unacceptable. My sister's godmother is a very white lady, her husband is very dark and has indigenous features, a marriage of years they had 3 children, let's say that they went out looking more for the mother because of the color of her skin than the father. Her only daughter married a very dark or black man, but not in a derogatory way, where her daughter had two children and they went out looking for the father's skin. But the mother-in-law did not want the son-in-law because he was black, so as her husband is very dark, she did not apply racism, but with the husband of the daughter if, so much was the hatred that ended up breaking the marriage of the daughter, besides being egosita is racist.


I think that no matter how much we try to change this way of thinking about racism, it is something that we do not know when it will be completely eradicated, because this has been going on for many years, and we still continue with these ideas, this hatred against racism, when we are a mixture of many races, that we should know well in our ancestors if there was this racism.

So to continue talking about this subject would be for many publications, but this is enough for now.

As the topic is very extensive I invite @amimary @helengutier2 @nakaryr to give us their opinions about it.

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