CINETV CONTEST: To win! Or The Miracle Season!


Well I did not arrive on time to the last contest, but this one if I do not miss it right there that I found it I said no I already do it and that is why I am already here.

In my country the present Olympics Paris 2024, have been overshadowed by the recent events after the presidential elections, because these were held before in December, but they decided now, but I have seen one more than other competitions more than everything where one of my country VENEZUELA competes.

But back to the main theme of the contest which should be about a sport competition, based on the Olympics, in a specific sport, even based on real events, I really like movies based on the reality of life, that's why I chose this one: To win! Or also The Miracle Season!


For two reasons: it is based on real facts and it is about one of my favorite sports like Volleyball.

And Volleyball is present in all kinds of competitions: Olympics, Panamerican, South American, World Cup, it is a sport that many people like to watch and practice, it is practiced and played by both females and males, from children to seniors that I have seen.


Now about the movie, it's about a volleyball team in West High School, in a small town, where for that town all the teams, be it volleyball, soccer or basketball, are valuable to them.

I had already seen it before, I had to watch it again and I cried again, because almost starting the same, the accident happens where the team captain Caroline dies, which was a hard blow for the whole team, as well as for the high school.


At the beginning they didn't want to continue playing, but they did it in honor of their captain, because besides that she was like the soul, the joy of the team.

Not all movies are for the cinema or are so box office, but they are good, that was this movie, as well as the actors is not that they should be so famous, but of all the cast there is one that if you could say is a recognized actress like Helen Hunt who was the coach something hard, but it did more than everything for the team to give everything for the game and win.

Juego final.

This movie is from the year 2018, it is not so old, in all movies there are their positive and negative reviews, I join the positive ones, otherwise I do not look for it to make my participation.

Volleyball as I said before is my favorite sport, I like watching it more than playing it, my daughter played it for a while and I accompanied her both to practice and games, even on trips.

I hope that when you have a little time you can look for it on You Tube with its two names: A Win! or The Miracle Season!

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Friend @zhanavic69, actually in this Olympics there was everything and well I almost couldn't see many competitions, but from what I found out.

I have always liked volleyball and I haven't seen the movie, it seems very good.


Amiga I recommend you to see it, it is very beautiful.


Saludos mi bella amiga, el volleiball es un deporte fabuloso, a mi me encantaba pero mis saques nunca alcanzaron pasar la malla jaja, imagino que a ti te fue mucho mejor. Abrazos linda.


Saludos mi bella amiga, el volleiball es un deporte fabuloso, a mi me encantaba pero mis saques nunca alcanzaron pasar la malla jaja, imagino que a ti te fue mucho mejor. Abrazos linda.


Bueno que te puedo decir en el deporte hay dos tipos de hacerlo los que lo juegan y los que lo ven a ti mejor era verlo, ya que no pasabas de la malla, no te creas eso frustra a mi me daba era el pavor de un mate del otro equipo diera en la cara por eso habia que estar pila y dejar el miedo pero si no todos somos para un deporte.

A mi me gustaba la gimnasia pero mi exceso de belleza no me permitia
