[ESP/ENG] Pollo sudado /// Sweat chicken
Happy and blessed day cooking friends, in this opportunity I want to share with you the preparation of a tasty Chicken Sudado.
If you are looking for an easy and delicious alternative for your meals, you can prepare this chicken sudado recipe. The preparation is very easy to make and, in less than an hour, it will guarantee you a tasty lunch.
Chicken sudado is a recipe characterized by its balanced combination of flavors. This preparation consists of a chicken stew seasoned with various spices and condiments that give it a unique flavor. For the chicken to be tender and juicy, it is recommended to cook it over low heat.
2 muslos de pollo
1 cucharada de mostaza
1 cucharadita de comino
1 cucharadita de ajo molido
1 taza de caldo de pollo
1 cucharada de salsa de soya
2 cucharadas de vinagre
1 cucharada de orégano
1 cucharadita de pimienta
½ cebolla
½ tomate
¼ pimentón
1 ramita de cilantro
1 ramita de ajo porro
Aceite onotado
2 chicken thighs
1 tablespoon of mustard
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon ground garlic
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon oregano
1 teaspoon pepper
½ onion
½ tomato
¼ paprika
1 sprig cilantro
1 sprig of garlic
Onotado oil
Wash and clean the chicken, then place them in a pot and add the mustard, cumin, a spoonful of oregano, ground garlic, soy sauce, salt, two spoonfuls of vinegar, pepper and mix and let it macerate for at least one hour.
Wash and cut the tomato, onion, paprika, coriander and garlic.
In a frying pan place the oil and add the vegetables and sauté over medium heat, then place the chicken pieces together with the marinade juice and leave for 5 minutes-
Por ultimo añadimos la taza de caldo de pollo hasta tapar las presas y dejamos cocinar a fuego lento por un período de 25 minutos aproximadamente o hasta que el pollo esté listo.
Finally, add the cup of chicken broth to cover the chicken and simmer for approximately 25 minutes or until the chicken is ready.
Se puede acompañar con arroz blanco.
It can be served with white rice.
Buen provecho e inténtelo, estoy segura que será de su agrado!
Enjoy and try it, I am sure you will like it!
Gracias por visitar mi post // Thank you for visiting my post
Divino y muy saludable
Así es. 🙏🙏
Esta es una de mis recetas favoritas a la hora de comer pollo. En casa solemos hacerla muy a menudo y nos encanta. Tu preparación luce deliciosa y me ha dejado la boca hecha agua.
Gracias por sus comentarios. A me gusta mucho y ese plato me quedo delicioso. Un abrazo